Protests in Iran an Opportunity – progressive advance or foreign triumph?

Women are leading the struggle in Iran after the senseless murder of Mahsa Amini by the repressive, theocratic regime led by the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and presided over in government by the President Ebrahim Raisi.  They have displayed enormous courage in their protests against the rules governing their lives and the role of the morality police in enforcing those rules – anachronistic, repressive rules governing even mundane aspects of every woman’s life.  The women have been joined by their brothers, fathers and friends who understand the legitimacy of the women’s response to repression. 

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Stop the US drive to a new war in the Middle East

The Communist Party of Canada condemns in the strongest terms, the illegal US airstrike and assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and 9 others, in Iraq on January 2nd.  The US strike and assassinations are illegal under the UN Charter, and are acts of war and US state terrorism which threaten to set off a regional war or even a global confrontation.  This is the road to Armageddon.

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Non à une nouvelle guerre Américaine au Moyen-Orient!

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne avec la plus grande fermeté la frappe aérienne illégale et les assassinats du général iranien Qassem Soleimani et de 9 autres personnes, crimes perpétrés par les États-Unis en Irak le 2 janvier dernier.  Ces frappes et ces assassinats sont illégaux en vertu de la Charte des Nations Unies. Ce sont des actes de guerre et de terrorisme d’État menés par les États-Unis qui menacent de déclencher une guerre régionale et même une confrontation mondiale. C’est la voie de l’Armageddon.

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Arrêtons la rhétorique guerrière contre l’Iran

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne rhétorique guerrière et l’escalade des tensions contre l’Iran et demande au gouvernement canadien de prendre des mesures immédiates pour désamorcer cette crise qui risque de déclencher une guerre régionale pouvant impliquer des armes nucléaires. Le gouvernement canadien doit faire pression pour le retrait immédiat de la région de toutes les forces militaires étatsuniennes et de l’OTAN et normaliser ses relations diplomatiques avec l’Iran.

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Stop the drive to war on Iran

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the ongoing foreign belligerence and escalating drive to war against Iran and demands that the Canadian government take immediate action to de-escalate the crisis, which risks an all-out, regional war that could involve nuclear weapons. This includes the immediate withdrawal of all US and NATO forces from the region, and normalization of diplomatic relations with Iran.

The current crisis is the direct result of United States’ provocation, which is increasing on a daily basis.

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For international working class unity against imperialism: 38th Central Convention, Main Political Report, Section one.

Our 38th Central Convention meets at a moment of escalating danger, from increasing war, environmental crisis and economic decay. As the systemic crisis of capitalism continues to deepen, and the effects of the 2008 economic meltdown continue to be felt, imperialist states and organizations are becoming increasingly aggressive. The standoff between nuclear armed states in Ukraine and the expanding war in Syria are powderkegs that threaten disaster. Millions upon millions of people in all parts of the world are being forced into poverty, hunger, homelessness and displacement.

But this is also a moment of rising working class and popular resistance. In all countries, albeit unevenly and with different characteristics, we see increased unity and mobilization. From online campaigns to mass demonstrations, general strikes, and political actions, people are using many different vehicles to advance these struggles. This is also expressed by the rising popularity of so-called democratic socialism, with all its contradictions, which is examined in detail in this report.

In Canada, the electoral defeat of the Conservatives in October 2015 represents a significant victory for the working class, Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, LGBTiQ communities, youth and students. While the victory of the Liberal party does not represent a break from the reactionary policies that are characteristic of the Canadian state, through a united, conscious political and organizational struggle we can open new space and possibilities in the fight for peace and disarmament, for immediate action to combat climate change, and for social equity and social justice. These advances can be realized – and can become concrete steps toward more fundamental change.

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June Central Committee Report

Main Political Report
to the Central Committee, CPC
June 13, 2015
Download the full CC report as PDF 

[The following was presented by cde. Miguel Figueroa on behalf of the Central Executive. The Central Committee adopted the Report unanimously, and directed the CEC to finalize the Report in line with the discussion.]

There are a great number of matters before us this weekend, given the long interval since our last full plenum in September. We did convene a special CC teleconference meeting back in February to deal with federal election preparations in the event of an early writ.

This report will focus on two main questions: first, the socio-economic and political situation in Canada, the fightback against austerity and reaction, and the immediate priority of working to help defeat the Harper Conservatives in the coming election; and (2) the ideological, political and organizational work of our own Party, especially with respect to party building and extending our reach and influence in the broader labour and democratic movements.

This report aims to assess the most important developments in our country, and in our party itself, to deepen our ideological and political analysis in leading the work of our party. These valuable discussions should continue and deepen when we gather again in August for the Central School of the CC, and following the Federal election, when we discuss and adopt the draft documents for the 38th Central Convention.

Before proceeding to the heart of our deliberations however, we must first situate Canadian political reality in the broader global context.

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On the Iran Nuclear “Deal”

Cautious optimism, but a mass movement for disarmament is needed

The Communist Party of Canada welcomes the interim nuclear deal, the Joint Plan of Action (JPA,) between Iran and the P5+1 countries (US, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany), noting that it is a small step in a positive direction on the issue of peace in the Middle East. However, the CPC also warns that the deal avoids many of the underlying issues that have contributed to insecurity, conflict and war in the region.

The negotiations and deal have sparked an increase in international attention on the issue of nuclear disarmament. The Communist Party calls on all peace-supporting groups in Canada to reinvigorate the global disarmament movement, as the most important factor that will force governments to pursue genuine and lasting peace in the Middle East and throughout the world. It is critical, however, that peace activists maintain a focus on the provocations, interference and interventions by the imperialist countries – in particular the United States and its NATO allies – as the primary factors leading to aggression, nuclear weapons proliferation and war.

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