Trudeau & Freeland: Hands Off Venezuela!

The 39th Central Convention of the Communist Party Of Canada condemns the ongoing aggression against the people and government of Venezuela organized by the ruling classes of the USA, Canada and the EU with the complicity of Venezuela’s reactionary capitalist class. The Communist Party Of Canada extends its unreserved solidarity to the people of Venezuela and their democratically elected government led by President Nicolas Maduro Moros.

Venezuela and it’s anti-imperialist government have been under attack for many years. The Bush Administration played a direct role in the 2002 attempted coup against democratically elected President Hugo Chavez. On March 9, 2015, imperialist President Barack Obama issued an executive order declaring that Venezuela posed an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States” and began to impose sanctions.

The ruling class in Canada and its Liberal and Conservative governments have their own designs for Venezuela, without any clear opposition from the other parties in parliament. Canadian resource companies have long opposed Venezuelan sovereignty and independence and called on their political representatives in Ottawa to intervene.

In August 8, 2017, after the Organization Of American States hesitated to interfere with the internal affairs of a sovereign member state, twelve countries including Canada formed a splinter organization, the Lima Group, to coordinate efforts to overthrow the Government Of Nicolas Maduro. On November 23, 2017 Canada, under Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, began to play a leading role in destabilizing Venezuela. Sanctions were applied against key members of the Maduro Government.

Prior to the democratic election of May 20, 2018, Canada declared the election was not valid and refused to allow Venezuelans living in Canada to vote. Following the re-election of Nicolas Maduro Canada worked behind the scenes to bring the Venezuelan opposition to support a figure who was virtually unknown in Venezuela: Juan Guaido. Educated in the USA, he became President of the opposition controlled and illegitimate National Assembly on January 5, 2019. Five days later he declared himself “interim president” of Venezuela. Canada and other imperialist governments immediately recognized Guaido. Numerous coup plots have ensued since. The situation remains critical and risks further escalation as the United States’ government continues to threaten military intervention.

The Communist Party of Canada demands that the Canadian government immediately lift the sanctions targeting Venezuela and Venezuelans which are attempting to create an economic blockade of the country by sowing fear of international investment in Venezuela’s economy. These illegal sanctions are a major cause of the worsening economic situation faced by Venezuelans, a situation that imperialism is using as a pretext to raise “responsibility to protect” justifications for further aggression.

In the latest act of aggression against Venezuela, two days ago the United States invaded the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington. This flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention sets an extremely dangerous precedent where the most basic international law and diplomatic protocols are trampled whenever they are in the way of U.S. imperialism.

The Central Convention of the Communist Party Of Canada demands that the Canadian Government respect international law, the OAS and UN Charters. The Convention demands that Canada immediately withdraw from the criminal Lima Group and end all sanctions against the people and government of Venezuela.

Venezuela wants peace, sovereignty and democracy. The Communist Party Of Canada stands with the people of Venezuela.

No Coups! No Sanctions! No Military Invasion! Hands Off Venezuela!


Special Resolution of the 39th Central Convention of the Communist Party of Canada, May 17-20, 2019.