Sudan’s Military Junta Must Release Arrested Communist Leaders and All Political Detainees

On May 22, leading Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) member Amal Alzain was arrested by security forces while she was returning from a press conference at the SCP headquarters. Amal is a member of the Party’s Political Bureau.

Amal’s arrest came shortly after that of two other SCP leaders, General Secretary Muhammad Mukhtar Alkhateeb and Political Bureau member Salih Mahmoud. They were detained on May 19 and later released in response to public pressure.

Sudan’s military junta is increasingly targeting the mass democratic movements for harassment, arrest and detention, as the people continue to press to defeat the regime and establish the complete civil and democratic rule. The Communist Party has faced the worst of this repression.

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the arrests and detentions and demands the immediate and unconditional release of Amal Alzain and all political detainees in Sudan.

The Communist Party calls on labour, peace and solidarity movements in Canada to also speak up against this political repression by Sudan’s military rulers.

Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada