Enforce the Canada Health Act! Protect universal Medicare!

Ontario’s Tory government has just announced it will create a two-tier healthcare system in the province: one, a private-for profit system which is expected to thrive off the funding and staffing diverted from the public system; and the other, the chronically under-funded and under-staffed universal public system of Medicare which will be further impoverished and in critical condition, if this legislation is not stopped.

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Austerity for the Working Class and Unlimited Spending for NATO Wars

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the government of Canada’s drive to war

The Canadian state continues their march to war with the purchase of eighty-eight F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin for the Canadian Armed Forces with a price tag of at least $70 billion (some analyst are predicting the cost will be over $90 billion), as well as 200 armoured vehicles at a cost of $90 million from Roshel and an over $400 million surface to air missile system from Raytheon for their war in Ukraine.

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Solidarity with the Peruvian People in their Struggle for Sovereignty and Democracy

The Communist Party of Canada demands the immediate release of the democratically elected President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, as well as an end to the military and police repression against the forces of progress. Since December 7, the popular masses have risen up against a palace coup that forced his removal from office and his arrest. This uprising has gained remarkable momentum among all the popular forces, combining general strikes, demonstrations and even the occupation of the airport in Arequipa, the country’s second city. 

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Solidarité avec le peuple péruvien en lutte pour défendre sa souveraineté et la démocratie

Le Parti communiste du Canada exige la libération immédiate du Président démocratiquement élu du Pérou, Pedro Castillo, ainsi que la fin de la répression militaire et policière à l’encontre des forces de progrès. Depuis le 7 décembre dernier, les masses populaires se sont levées contre un coup de palais ayant forcé sa destitution et son arrestation. Ce soulèvement a pris une ampleur remarquable auprès de l’ensemble des forces populaires alliant grèves générales, manifestations et même l’occupation de l’aéroport d’Arequipa, deuxième ville du pays.

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Non à toute intervention étrangère en Haïti!

Alors que celle-ci devient de plus en plus imminente, le Parti communiste du Canada s’oppose à toute tentative d’intervention en Haïti et appelle toutes les organisations politiques, syndicales et démocratiques à témoigner de leur solidarité envers le peuple haïtien en défendant leur souveraineté et l’intégrité de ce pays des Antilles.

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Victory for CUPE Education Workers and Labour Across Canada

Yesterday Ontario education workers, members of CUPE, declared victory as the Ontario government agreed to rescind its strike-breaking Bill 28 and the invocation of the Constitution’s Notwithstanding Clause, which was the legal basis for the Bill. Bill 28 eliminated the union’s free collective bargaining rights, imposed the government’s final offer on the union, eliminated the union’s right to strike, and set a precedent for strike-breaking legislation that could be replicated across Canada. 

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Defend Free Collective Bargaining and the Right to Strike

The Constitution’s Notwithstanding Clause was a sop to provincial governments in western Canada opposed to the Constitutional recognition of a strong federal government with power and authority greater than that of the provinces and territories over such things as the implementation of a national energy policy and equalization payments, to sign on to the new Constitution in 1982. The clause gave the provinces the power to override the Constitution, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It also isolated Quebec which refused to support the new Constitution because Quebec’s status as a nation within Canada, and its right to national self-determination up to and including its right to secession, was denied. Indigenous rights and the rights of Acadians were also denied.

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Stop Privatization and Expand Public Healthcare

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada condemns recent attacks on public healthcare and calls its members and friends to join public healthcare coalitions to defend and expand healthcare so it is fully public and universal.

Canada’s collapsing public healthcare repeatedly made cross-Canada news media during the summer of 2022 as emergency rooms closed and exhausted healthcare workers told the public that the system was stretched to the limit. Across the country there are record job vacancies for healthcare workers, record wait times for hospital beds and surgeries and more and more lives are being lost as corners are cut and health services become increasingly inaccessible.

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Mixed Member Proportional Representation: a necessary democratic reform

The recent October 3 election in Quebec is a reminder of the importance of reforming the current voting system. In recent years, rarely has the distortion between the popular vote and the seats obtained, induced by the first-past-the-post system, been so obvious.

With 41% of the vote, the CAQ won 72% of the seats, while the Liberal Party, the fourth party in the popular vote (behind Québec solidaire and the Parti québécois), was the official opposition. Similarly, Éric Duhaime’s Conservative Party failed to win any seats despite the support of 13% of voters. 

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