Why more CSIS oversight is not enough

Among Canadian politicians, the debate over a sweeping new anti-terror bill has focused on parliamentary oversight. Both New Democrat and Liberal MPs say Bill C-51 should be amended to let a committee of parliamentarians, sworn to secrecy, monitor Canada’s intelligence agencies.  They note that other countries, such as Britain and the U.S., do this.  Implicit in … Read more

History lessons: The Disruption Mandate

Bill C-51 does not explain precisely what the “disruption” powers in the proposed Bill entail. It gives CSIS licences to engage in break-ins, computer hacking, draining bank accounts, ripping up passports, “smear campaigns,” kidnapping, indefinite detention or much more that violates constitutional rights – so long as in advance judges sign off, based only on a … Read more

Central Executive Committee
Communist Party of Canada
March 28, 1993

Forty years after the cease-fire that ended the Korean War, tensions are again running high on that divided peninsula. Since the middle of March, military forces in both North and South Korea have been placed on alert, and the danger of a new outbreak in hostilities looms large. Ironically, this comes just when relations between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and South Korea were showing significant signs of improvement.

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The existing anti-terrorist legislation already goes too far!

In October, 2001, the first so-called anti-Terrorism legislation was passed by the Liberal Party following the beginning of George Bush’s “War on Terror.”  The expanded powers were highly controversial due to widely perceived incompatibility with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, in particular for the Act’s provisions allowing for ‘secret’ trials, preemptive detention and expansive … Read more

Facebook event page graphics

 Facebook event graphics with text  Facebook event graphics without text Right click on the images to download. Problems? contact hello dot johan at gmail.    

Helpful information for a facebook event

More and more clubs are using facebook events to publicize. Keep in mind that Facebook is still generally a secondary way to do publicity. As much as possible, the best way to do publicity is still phone calls, followed up with emails, and/or other forms of reminders if possible like text messages.  When time and resources allow, Canada Post … Read more

Leaders of political parties in Parliament

Stephen Harper Prime Minister of Canada House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Steven Blaney Minister of Public Safety House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Thomas Mulcair New Democratic Party of Canada House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Justin Trudeau Liberal Party of Canada House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Jean-Francois Fortin … Read more

CSIS and popular struggle for civil liberties

How was the Canadian Security Intelligence Service created, and why? There are two ways to tell this story. The one we are most familiar with is from the side of the Canadian ruling class, and its state which created CSIS. In this version, CSIS exists to protect all Canadians. From exactly what we’re being protected is … Read more