Cut military spending – Say no to NATO wars and aggression

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the federal government’s decision to increase military spending to $58 billion annually by 2029, in the process raising NATO funding from 1.29% to 1.76% of GDP, with a promise to continue the increases until military spending reaches 2% of GDP. According to the government these funds will be used to buy and build offensive weapons to be staged in the Arctic under NORAD,  to produce and export weapons, munitions and vehicles for use in foreign wars, including some that could be used by police and military at protests and picket lines in Canada. These funds could also include nuclear submarines if Canada joins the AUKUS group which is building a nuclear powered submarine base in Australia. 

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NATO turns 75: Canada OUT of NATO!

NATO’s Fascist Origins

When the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 it claimed to be “founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Two of its 12 original member states were openly fascist: Spain under Fransisco Franco and Portugal António de Oliveira Salazar. Italy and Germany had been freed from Mussolini and Hitler respectively, but their governments and ruling classes were made up of the same capitalists who had supported them. 

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End the illegal US blockade of Cuba now!

End US interference and provocations now!

The Communist Party strongly condemns the 64 year old US economic blockade of Cuba which is a major contributor to the current economic difficulties in Cuba including a shortage of food and electricity. This is the whole purpose of the US blockade as stated in this 1960 US State Department memo:  

“every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of  Cuba…to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation, and the  overthrow of government.” 

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8 mars 2024 : lutter pour l’égalité, lutter pour la paix!

Dans sa célébration de la Journée internationale de la femme 2024, le Parti communiste du Canada appelle tous ceux qui soutiennent les droits des femmes et qui reconnaissent le 8 mars comme une journée pour célébrer les conquêtes du passé et s’engager à poursuivre la lutte pour les droits des femmes, à faire des activités de cette année un appel retentissant pour faire avancer les principales problématiques qui se dressent entre les femmes et leur droit à l’égalité totale.

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IWD 2024: A day of solidarity with women in struggle

In celebrating International Women’s Day, 2024 the Communist Party of Canada calls on all those who endorse the rights of women and who recognize March 8 as a day to celebrate past achievements and commit to continue the struggle for women’s rights, to make this year’s events a resounding call for progress on the main issues that stand between women and their right to full equality.  

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Reaction, genocide, environmental catastrophe – and growing resistance 

Report of the Central Committee, Communist Party of Canada, February 10-11, 2024

The International Situation

Since we last met, the international situation has become more acute, with US imperialism’s dangerous drive from Cold Wars to hot wars around the world, including the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Africa, India, and Latin America.  

As the general crisis of capitalism deepens, specific problems also deepen.  Everything is magnified.   

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End the Inquiry into Foreign Interference’s McCarthyism!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada demands an immediate end to the so-called “Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference”. This inquiry is on track to become a political trial where the public will have no access to any of the evidence. The inquiry we really need is into CSIS (the Canadian Security Intelligence Service) and their collaboration with Global News and the Globe and Mail to smear political figures across the country, many of these Chinese Canadians, while creating a climate of McCarthyism that threatens democratic rights. This is the real political interference on full display in Canada today.

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UN ceasefire vote an important victory – end the Israeli war in Gaza now!

The overwhelming vote on December 13 by the United Nations General Assembly in favour of a non-binding resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza is an important victory for the growing international campaign to condemn Israel’s war against the Palestinian people. The final vote was 153 in favour, 23 abstentions, and only 10 opposed (the US, Israel, Austria, the Czech Republic, and a handful of tiny US client states). By comparison, the Arab-sponsored resolution on Oct. 27 for a “humanitarian truce” saw 121 countries voting in favour, 14 against, and 44 abstaining. This time, two months of massive street protests against the criminal Israeli war in Gaza forced PM Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to change their position; Canada, which has always backed Israel in previous General Assembly votes, joined the rest of the world in calling for a ceasefire. Overall, these votes indicate a deeper fracturing of the so-called “western consensus” and the growing diplomatic and political isolation of the US and Israel.

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No to Hassan Diab’s second extradition!

The Communist Party of Canada expresses its complete support for the call issued by the committee for Justice for Hassan Diab and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University to the Government of Canada to reject any request from the Government of France to extradite Hassan Diab.

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