Canadian troops out of Iraq! Canada out of NATO!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement at the NATO summit this past week that Canada will lead a new NATO mission in Iraq and expand its military role in Latvia. Canada must immediately withdraw from NATO, cut military spending and bring Canadian troops home.

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Refugees Welcome: Scrap the ‘Safe Third Country Agreement’ and all xenophobic and racist immigration policies

The Communist Party of Canada calls on the Trudeau government and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Ahmed Hussen to end meetings with U.S. counterparts discussing expanding and continuing the xenophobic “Safe Third Country Agreement” and instead immediately withdraw from the agreement.

Minister Hussen, over the last two months, has been trying to reach a new deal with the U.S. which would restrict “irregular entry” of refugees into Canada. In fact, it is the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) itself that forces refugees to cross the U.S.-Canadian border at non-official points of entry. If Trudeau’s claims to welcome refugees were sincere, the agreement would have been torn up in 2015 when he and his government were elected.

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Les réfugié-e-s sont bienvenu-e-s: Éliminez l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs et toutes les politiques d’immigration xénophobes et racistes !

Le Parti communiste du Canada appelle le gouvernement Trudeau et le ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté, Ahmed Hussen, à mettre fin aux discussions avec leurs homologues américains à propos de l’élargissement et de la continuation de l’accord xénophobe sur les tiers pays sûrs, et plutôt de s’en retirer immédiatement.

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DPRK-US agreement a welcome step towards peace and stability

The Communist Party of Canada welcomes the June 12 agreement between Presidents Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, as an important step towards removing the threat of a new and potentially catastrophic war in the Korean Peninsula. But while we express our optimism, we know that powerful voices within the imperialist camp still seek to prolong the legacy of US hostility, aimed at isolating the DPRK and imposing US domination. We call upon the federal government to fully support the June 12 agreement, to demand an end to sanctions, and to help build dialogue, friendship and peaceful relations with the DPRK and its people, who must be allowed to exercise their sovereignty, and to build peace and prosperity without the constant threat of US aggression.

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Trump’s tariffs mean Canada needs a new trade policy now!

The US government has held Canada hostage to its unilateral and one-sided trade policies for long enough, said Communist Party leader Liz Rowley responding to the US trade tariffs slapped on Canadian steel and aluminum May 31st.

“It’s time to get out of a one-sided trading relationship where the US coughs and Canada gets pneumonia,” said Rowley.

“US tariffs on steel and aluminum are going to cost thousands of Canadian workers their jobs and livelihoods in the mines and mills and in the Canadian industries and manufacturing sectors that they supply. 

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Trudeau’s pipeline deal bails out Big Oil, shafts Indigenous peoples & the environment

The federal Liberal government’s $4.5 billion purchase of the TransMountain pipeline expansion project is a bonanza for Kinder Morgan shareholders, but a disaster for Indigenous peoples, the environment, and communities along the pipeline route. The Communist Party of Canada calls on Parliament to reject this dangerous sellout, and instead to move away from reliance on extraction and export of raw materials, towards energy and resource policies that protect the interests of people and the environment, and respect Canada’s commitments to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the Paris Agreement.

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Communists Condemn Canadian Interference in Venezuela’s Election

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the statement issued by Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland in which she states that “the elections in Venezuela are illegitimate and anti-democratic” and that “Canada rejects the Venezuelan electoral process – and its results” and will institute further pressure and interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs.

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