In full solidarity with postal workers on strike

The Communist Party of Canada extends its full and active solidarity with postal workers who have been on rotating strike since October 22. The Communist Party demands that Canada Post put forward an offer that addresses the needs of its workers and that the federal government honour the rights of workers to strike and bargain free from back-to-work legislation and intimidation.

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Stop Bannon: Hate speech is criminal activity

Defenders of Steve Bannon and his campaign of hate argue that he has the right to speak under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They say free speech means everything should be on the table and a good debate will determine which ideas are right and which are wrong.

That’s the argument in today’s Toronto Star, headlined “Don’t Fear This Debate”.

But it’s the Toronto Star that’s wrong. The ideas that Bannon promotes are racist, xenophobic and misogynist. They are intended to stoke feelings of hatred and fear against immigrants and especially Muslims and racialized peoples in Canada. This is hate speech and it’s illegal in Canada.

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Un nouvel ALENA qui resserre les griffes des entreprises sur les travailleuses et les travailleurs

L’accord commercial ALENA-AEUMC annoncé par les États-Unis et le Canada a été revendiqué comme une victoire tant par Donald Trump que Justin Trudeau. Mais du point de vue des travailleuses et des travailleurs, cet accord ne fait que renforcer le pouvoir des entreprises capitalistes. Le Parti communiste du Canada demande au Parlement de refuser de ratifier l’AEUMC et exhorte les mouvements syndicaux et démocratiques à se mobiliser contre cette trahison des intérêts des travailleuses, des travailleurs, des agricultrices et des agriculteurs du Canada.

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New NAFTA deal tightens the corporate handcuffs on working people

The NAFTA-USMCA agreement announced by the US and Canada has been claimed as a victory by both Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau; but for working people, this deal only tightens the corporate handcuffs. The Communist Party of Canada calls on Parliament to refuse to ratify the USMCA, and we urge the labour and democratic movements to mobilize against this sellout of the interests of working people and farmers in Canada.

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Communist Party welcomes legal victory over Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

The Communist Party of Canada welcomes today’s Federal Court of Appeal ruling which overturns the federal government’s approvals to build the Trans Mountain expansion project. This decision builds upon decades of legal and political struggles by Indigenous peoples in British Columbia and across Canada; it is truly a historic victory over the resource extraction corporations and other capitalist interests which have dominated this country since Confederation, and going back to the time of European colonization.

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Labour Day 2018: Time to step up the fightback!

On Labour Day 2018, the working class faces many crucial challenges: the growing chasm between rich and poor, the ongoing austerity assault against working people, a gender pay gap which never gets narrower, the twin threats of imperialist wars and deadly climate change, and the looming possibility of a new and serious global capitalist economic crisis.

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Canada’s Hypocrisy on Display in Middle East

The ongoing diplomatic dispute between Canada and Saudi Arabia is a tragic reflection of the catastrophic abuses of human rights in our world today – but not in the way presented by Canadian political leaders and the corporate media. The Communist Party of Canada says that this situation reveals the hypocrisy of both sides, neither of which has any claim to moral superiority.

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Communists condemn assassination attempt on Venezuela’s elected President Maduro

Communists condemn assassination attempt on Venezuela’s President Maduro and demand Canada end its sanctions now and cut ties with Venezuela’s far right opposition.

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the attempted assassination of Venezuela’s newly elected President Nicolas Maduro on August 4th as an act of terrorism.

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