JIF 2020: les femmes se lèvent

"Les Femmes se lèvent"

Partout dans le monde, les femmes se lèvent pour l’égalité des droits, contre la guerre et pour la justice environnementale et climatique. En Inde, les femmes sont à l’avant-garde de manifestations massives contre le gouvernement réactionnaire et nationaliste hindou du Parti Bharatiya Janata de Narendra Modi. Au Chili, des femmes sont descendues dans les rues lors des manifestations contre les politiques d’austérité, et leur chant et leur danse de protestation contre la violence sexuelle ont fait le tour du monde. Cuba modernise son Code de la famille, principal cadre juridique de la vie et des relations familiales, et montre encore la voie vers l’égalité des sexes.

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IWD 2020: Women Rising Up

Women around the world are rising up for equal rights, against war, and for environmental and climate justice.  In India, women are at the forefront of massive protests against the reactionary, Hindu nationalist BJP government of Narendra Modi. Women in Chile have taken to the streets in the anti-austerity marches, and their anti-sexual violence protest song and dance has spread across the globe. Cuba is modernizing its Family Code, the main legal framework for family life and relations, and again leading the way for gender equality.

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Solidarity and Action to Oppose the Anti-democratic Attacks of the Modi Government in India

Over the past six months, the right-wing, pro-U.S. imperialist BJP/RSS Government of India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has moved sharply to attack the constitutional underpinnings of India as a secular, democratic state which have been in place ever since its emancipation of British colonial rule in 1947. These dangerous moves are part of a broader agenda in practices the ideas of communalism and Hindu nationalism on both the state and society, at the expense of various minorities, especially the very large Muslim minority which constitutes almost 15% of the entire population of India.

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Anti-China racism must be rejected

The dangerous upsurge in Sinophobia since the start of the coronavirus crisis is a present day reflection of the anti-China xenophobia which has always been deliberately fanned by reactionary forces, starting from the earliest days of European colonisation on the west coast. The Communist Party of Canada calls upon the labour and people’s movements, and all progressive organizations in Canada, to speak out against the latest wave of extremely divisive hatred directed against China and people of Chinese backgrounds.

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Pipelines violate Indigenous rights and threaten the planet

As resistance grows against the Coastal GasLink pipeline and the massive RCMP invasion of Wet’suwet’en territories, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, meeting over the Feb. 8-9 weekend in Toronto, sends greetings of solidarity to all who are in struggle today for Indigenous rights and environmental justice.

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Defend workers’ pensions! Block union busting!

Support locked out Co-op refinery workers!

The escalating struggle by 800 locked out workers, members of Unifor Local 594, at the Federated Co-op Limited (FCL) refinery in Regina has the full solidarity of the Communist Party of Canada. All working people in the country have an interest in defeating this effort by a profitable corporation to bust the union and gut the pension plan that workers have relied on for 4 decades.

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Flics et compagnies, hors du territoire traditionnel Wet’suwet’en!

Malgré les discours des politicien-ne-s et des chefs d’entreprise à propos de la «réconciliation» et du «respect des droits autochtones», l’invasion du territoire traditionnel  Wet’suwet’en dans le centre-nord de la Colombie-Britannique par la Coastal GasLink (CGL) et la GRC se poursuit. À la suite de la récente ordonnance de la Cour suprême de Colombie Britannique privilégiant les intérêts des pipelines et l’extraction des ressources, le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa pleine solidarité avec les chefs héréditaires Wet’suwet’en et les autres défenseur-dresse-s des terres, et se prononce pour l’expulsion de CGL de ce territoire traditionnel.

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Cops and corporations out of Wet’suwet’en traditional territory

Despite the rhetoric by politicians and corporate bosses about “reconciliation” and “respect for Indigenous rights,” the invasion of Wet’suwet’en traditional territory in north-central British Columbia by Coastal GasLink (CGL) and the RCMP continues. In the wake of the latest B.C. Supreme Court injunction prioritizing the interests of resource extraction pipelines, the Communist Party of Canada expresses our full solidarity to the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs and other land defenders, and for the eviction of CGL from this traditional territory.

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