Solidarity with Striking CUPE Workers in New Brunswick

Twenty-two thousand workers in ten CUPE Locals are fighting the Tory government of hard-right Premier Blaine Higgs in New Brunswick.  Workers in education, transportation, municipal services, universities, social services, nursing homes, corrections, and healthcare workers deemed non-essential, have been on the picket lines since October 29th.  One of the issues in the strike is pensions, the government’s unilateral decision to stop funding the “Public Service Pension Plan” 5 years ago, and its current efforts to force the two union locals that haven’t agreed to opt-in to the shared-risk pension plan that replaced it, to do so.

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Soudan: non au coup d’État militaire! Oui à un gouvernement démocratique civique!

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne les actions perfides de l’armée soudanaise qui a déposé le gouvernement civique dont il était partenaire lors d’un coup d’État le 25 octobre dernier.

Les espoirs du peuple soudanais pour une voie pacifique vers la souveraineté et l’indépendance nationales, pour la paix, le progrès et les avancées sociales et économiques à travers l’alliance de forces civiques et militaires sont partis en fumée.

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Solidarity with the People and the Sudanese Communist Party!

Defeat the military coup d’etat!

Construct a democratic civilian government in Sudan!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the traitorous actions of the Sudanese military which overthrew the civilian government it was a partner in, in a coup d’etat on October 25th.

The hopes of the Sudanese people for a peaceful path to national sovereignty and independence, to peace, progress and social and economic advance via this alliance of civilian and military forces, have been blown apart. 

Arrests, killings, and worse of Sudan’s Communists and democrats are the military’s legacy.   They are a force for the continuation of Sudan’s domination and exploitation by the EU and US imperialism.  The Sudanese people must be free to determine their own economic and social path forward. 

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Meng release a defeat for Washington bullying tactics

The sudden withdrawal of extradition proceedings against Meng Wanzhou, her release from house arrest in Vancouver, and her subsequent return to her home, family and work in China marks a final end to this embarrassing, unjustified and totally unnecessary episode in Canada-China relations and Canadian foreign policy in general. After more than 1,000 days in detention, her release is an important victory for Ms. Meng herself, for the Chinese government and people, and for all those across Canada and around the world who denounced, organized and stood by her side throughout this sorry ordeal.

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Libre : une défaite pour Washington et ses tactiques d’intimidation

La levée soudaine des procédures d’extradition contre Meng Wanzhou, la fin de son assignation à domicile à Vancouver et son retour à la maison auprès de sa famille et de son travail en Chine concluent un épisode injustifié, embarrassant et complètement inutile dans les relations sino-canadiennes et dans la politique étrangère canadienne en général. Après plus de 1000 jours en détention, sa libération est une victoire importante pour Mme Meng, mais aussi pour le gouvernement et le peuple chinois ainsi que pour tous ceux et celles qui, à travers le monde, se sont organisés, ont été à ses côtés et ont dénoncé cette ordalie.

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On Sept. 30: honour the victims and survivors, demand real justice and equality of nations

Orange rectangle

The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (“Orange Shirt Day”) on September 30 is an important occasion for all who live in Canada to pay a solemn tribute to the victims and survivors of the so-called “residential school system,” which was an instrument to further the assimilationist and genocidal agenda imposed against Indigenous peoples.

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Un gouvernement minoritaire signifie que que les travailleur-euses mobilisés massivement peuvent bloquer l’austérité à venir

Personne ne voulait de cette campagne électorale déclenchée par les libéraux qui espéraient s’offrir un gouvernement majoritaire. En conséquence, nous nous retrouvons avec un autre gouvernement libéral minoritaire sans grand changement dans le rapport de forces au Parlement.

Les travailleur-euses ont répondu avec une colère légitime, refusant aux libéraux comme aux conservateurs la majorité qu’ils espéraient. La compétition entre ces deux partis à la solde des grandes entreprises a ignoré les conséquences réelles de la crise économique capitaliste : chômage de masse, crise du logement, augmentation des prix des aliments et de l’essence, croissance de la dette des ménages et la baisse des salaires nets ainsi que des conditions de vie, ce qui est le lot quotidien de millions de travailleur-euses. Ces partis ont également ignoré la nécessité urgente d’agir décisivement contre les changements climatiques, le danger de guerre nucléaire globale, le racisme, le génocide et le refus continuel de reconnaître le droit des nations à l’autodétermination.

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Minority Government Means Working People Could Block Looming Austerity with Mass Mobilization

The unwanted election campaign called by the Liberals to secure a majority government has resulted in another Liberal minority, and almost no change in the balance of forces in Parliament.

Working people responded with justified anger, denying both the Liberals and the Conservatives the majority each was so anxious to secure. The competition between these two Big Business parties ignored the very real consequences of the capitalist economic crisis:  mass unemployment, the housing crisis, rising prices on food and fuel, growing household debt, and falling real wages and living standards that millions of working people face every day. These parties also ignored the urgent need for decisive action on climate change, on the threat of global nuclear war, and on racism, genocide, and their continued refusal to recognize the right of nations to self-determination.

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Block the Drive to the Far Right!

DEFEND Democracy – Reject the People’s Party of Canada

The far-right People’s Party of Canada has worked hard to portray itself as a friend of working people and an opponent of the wealthy and privileged.  The Conservative Party has attempted the same sleight of hand, with less success, because working people still remember the Harper government and the hardship it delivered during and after the 2008-09 economic crisis.

In fact both parties represent the interests of the wealthy and privileged, and are committed opponents of working class and democratic rights and interests.  Not a big surprise since the People’s Party is a far-right splinter formed when its leader, Maxime Bernier lost the Conservative Party leadership race in 2018.

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End the Farcical Extradition Process & Release Meng Wanzhou Now!

Communist Party leader Elizabeth Rowley called today for the Canadian government to immediately end the extradition process against Meng Wanzhou and allow her to return to her home and family in China. Ms. Meng, the chief financial officer of the Chinese high tech giant Huawei, was detained on December 1, 2018 by Canada Border Services Agency officers when she arrived at Vancouver International Airport. She has remained under house arrest ever since, while the B.C. Supreme Court conducts hearings to determine whether she will be extradited to the U.S. to face fraud charges in New York.

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