Communists Campaign for Peace, Climate Justice, and a People’s Recovery

The Communist Party of Canada will run 26 candidates in major cities across Canada on a platform of peace, climate justice, and a People’s Recovery.

“Canada urgently needs an independent Canadian foreign policy of peace and disarmament, withdrawal from NATO and NORAD, that upholds international law and rejects illegal US regime change and the overthrow of governments it doesn’t like”, said Communist Party leader Elizabeth Rowley today.

“We need to cut military spending by 75% and use that money to create jobs, build affordable social housing, build a universal public childcare system, fund post-secondary education and eliminate tuition for students,” she said. “That’s investing in our youth, in the future – not the horrors of war that could destroy the whole planet.”

Communists will also campaign for immediate reduction of carbon emissions, not by increasing the price of emissions as proposed by the Liberals, but by shuttering the fossil fuel industry and moving decisively to a publicly owned and democratically controlled renewable energy sector.   “Communists would guarantee the jobs and wages of workers displaced in the transition from fossil fuels to renewables.  Renewables will create far more jobs for workers than fossil fuels ever did,” said Rowley, adding “and it will not suffocate the planet – or trample the rights of Indigenous nations”.

Communists will also fight for a People’s Recovery from the current economic crisis and pandemic, which has left more a million people jobless, indebted, without income or savings, many facing eviction or foreclosure, with homelessness growing at a rapid rate across the country.

“Meanwhile corporate profits grew by $15.4 billion or 18.1% during the first quarter of this year.   A massive recovery for profits, and the wealthy that own them. Catastrophe for the unemployed, for women, youth and racialized people.

“Communists will fight for a recovery that’s built on job creation and rising wages and living standards.  We need to expand value added manufacturing and secondary industry, and get out of job-killing free trade deals like the USMCA.   We need a government that will get back into the housing business and build 1 million units of affordable social housing across Canada, that includes rental housing, co-op housing, and low-cost housing for sale.   

“We need to expand Medicare to include long-term, pharmacare, vision and dental care, and mental health care.   We need to full fund Medicare, enforce the Canada Health Act, reverse privatization, recognize and compensate front line healthcare workers, and legislate 14 annual employer-paid sick days for all workers.

“We need a $23 minimum wage across the country, because that’s what it costs to live in Canada today.  

“We need to substantially increase pensions and make them fully accessible at age 60.

“We need a Guaranteed Annual Livable Income enabling those who can’t work, a life of dignity.

“We need EI reform that will make EI non-contributory and accessible to all the unemployed for the full duration of unemployment, at 90% of previous earnings.   

“Our prescription for a People’s Recovery will put a solid economic and social floor under working people from coast to coast to coast.  It can be paid for from funds cuts from military spending, and from funds generated by progressive tax reform based on ability to pay.  This should including restoration of the capital tax, applying a tax rate of 100% on capital gains, wealth and inheritance taxes on estates over $2 million, and the elimination of the HST/GST/ and sales taxes, and income taxes on incomes under $40,000.

“Addressing systemic racism and discrimination must start with the implementation of the Calls to Actions of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry.

The Communist Party’s full platform is available at as well as list of candidates.

For interviews, please contact Central Organizer Jay Watts, or party leader Elizabeth Rowley, 647-994-4976 (cell),  416-469-2446 (office)


Calgary Forest Lawn – Jonathan Trautman
Edmonton Griesbach – Alex Boykowich
Edmonton Mill Woods – Naomi Rankin

Esquimalt Saanich Sooke – Tyson Riel Strandlund
Saanich-Gulf Islands – Dock Currie
Surrey Centre – Ryan Abbott
Vancouver East – Natasha Hale
Vancouver Kingsway – Kimball Cariou
Victoria – Janis Zroback

Winnipeg South Centre – Cam Scott
Winnipeg North – Robert Crooks

Fredericton – June Patterson

Central Nova – Chris Frazer
Halifax – Katie Campbell

Beaches – East York – Jennifer Moxon
Guelph – Tristan Dineen
Hamilton Centre – Nigel Cheriyan
Ottawa Centre – Alex McDonald
Ottawa South – Larry Wasslen
Parkdale High Park – Alykhan Pabani
Toronto Centre – Ivan Byard
Toronto Danforth – Elizabeth Rowley
University Rosedale – Drew Garvie

Hochelaga – Michelle Paquette
LaSalle—Émard—Verdun – J.P. Fortin
Laurier—Sainte-Marie – Adrien Welsh

Saskatoon University – Jeremy Fisher