MMIWG findings and recommendations deserve full support

The report issued on June 3 by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Reclaiming Power and Place, is a stunning indictment of the genocidal record and policies of the Canadian state, and a powerful call for immediate action towards justice and equality. The Communist Party of Canada extends our solidarity to all those who courageously testified to the Inquiry over the last three years, and supports their demands for a genuine transformation of this society.

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Women: Unite and build the resistance!

Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day in 2019, by honouring women around the world who have stood up to the resurgence of a patriarchal, alt-right, fascist movement with courage, integrity, wisdom and expertise. Let’s celebrate the courage of these women who have confronted the right-wing resurgence in Latin America, the rampant misogyny and oppression of Dutarte, Modi and Trump. Let’s celebrate the women who have exposed the failings of the Trudeau government, and women who have played a leading role in exposing provincial governments’ oppressive policies in conservative-led provinces across Canada.

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Femmes, unissez-vous et construisez la résistance!

Célébrons la Journée internationale des droits des femmes en 2019 en rendant hommage aux femmes autour du monde qui ont résisté à la résurgence d’un mouvement patriarcal de droite et fasciste avec courage, intégrité, sagesse et savoir-faire. Célébrons le courage de ces femmes qui ont affronté la résurgence de la droite en Amérique latine, la misogynie et l’oppression des Dutarte, Modi et Trump. Célébrons les femmes qui ont mis en lumière les échecs du gouvernement Trudeau et celles qui ont joué un rôle de premier plan en exposant les politiques opprimantes des gouvernements des provinces canadiennes dirigées par les Conservateurs.

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Women’s March 2019: Rebuild a powerful, united pan-Canadian women’s movement

The third annual Women’s Marches across North America take place on January 19, and once again, millions will be in the streets. These marches are a powerful stand against gender inequality and misogyny, in direct response to the sharpening attacks against trade unions, women, Indigenous and racialized peoples, the LGBTQ2+ community and others targeted by Donald Trump’s regime and reaction in Canada. The Women’s marches are also an important day to unite against the divisive attempts by fundamentalists and transphobic bigots to derail the struggle for a truly inclusive women’s movement.

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In solidarity with the internship strike

La greve des stagesThe Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada extends its solidarity to the nearly 60,000 students who are on strike this week of November 19-23 to win compensation for all internships. The strike affects several universities and CEGEP across Quebec. Some institutions, including the CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, has suspended classes while thousands of demonstrators picketed.

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Solidarité avec la grève des stages

La greve des stagesLe Comité central du Parti Communiste du Canada présente sa solidarité envers les près de 60 000 étudiant.e.s en grève pour la rémunération de tous les stages au cours de la semaine du 19 au 23 novembre. La grève touche plusieurs universités et CEGEP à travers le Québec. Certaines institutions, dont le CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, ont dû suspendre les cours alors que des milliers de dressaient des piquets de grève.

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“Imagine the Future”

Imagine we all have homes to live in, decent paying jobs, free education, free universal quality childcare.

Imagine a country where the rights of Indigenous Peoples were truly recognized and upheld and where we have already taken major steps toward decolonization.

Imagine a world with well-resourced, meaningful, effective educational work and legal steps taken to combat racism, sexism, and discrimination on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

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Salutations à l’occasion de la JIF 2018 – Le soulèvement des femmes

Cette année, les femmes célébreront la Journée internationale des femmes avec un sentiment de force renouvelé. Dans plusieurs endroits autour du monde, les femmes prennent position contre le harcèlement et la violence sexuelle. Alors qu’en Amérique du Nord cela s’est trouvé souvent lié à ce qu’on appelle le mouvement « #metoo », cela se produit aussi dans des pays aussi variés que l’Inde, l’Irlande et le Japon. Nous savons que la violence sexuelle est encore courante. En particulier les femmes autochtones, racisées, transgenres, les sans-abri ou les prostituées risquent d’en être victimes de façon disproportionnée. Nous savons que dans les zones de guerre, le viol est utilisé comme arme.

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IWD 2018 Greetings – Women* Rise Up!

This year, women will celebrate International Women’s Day with a renewed sense of strength. In many places around the world women are taking stands against sexual harassment, and sexual violence. While in North America this is often connected with what is called the #metoo movement, it is also happening in countries as diverse as India, Ireland and  Japan. We know that sexual violence is still common – in particular women who are Indigenous, racialized, trans, homeless, or sex workers are disproportionately at risk. In war zones, rape is a weapon.

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