“Imagine the Future”

Imagine we all have homes to live in, decent paying jobs, free education, free universal quality childcare.

Imagine a country where the rights of Indigenous Peoples were truly recognized and upheld and where we have already taken major steps toward decolonization.

Imagine a world with well-resourced, meaningful, effective educational work and legal steps taken to combat racism, sexism, and discrimination on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

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IWD 2018 Greetings – Women* Rise Up!

This year, women will celebrate International Women’s Day with a renewed sense of strength. In many places around the world women are taking stands against sexual harassment, and sexual violence. While in North America this is often connected with what is called the #metoo movement, it is also happening in countries as diverse as India, Ireland and  Japan. We know that sexual violence is still common – in particular women who are Indigenous, racialized, trans, homeless, or sex workers are disproportionately at risk. In war zones, rape is a weapon.

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Les femmes en lutte contre la misogynie et le racisme

Cette année, les femmes vont célébrer la Journée internationale des femmes avec un regain de force, après qu’environ 5 millions d’entre elles aient pris la rue le 21 janvier, avec leurs alliés partout à travers le monde, pour s’opposer au programme xénophobe, raciste, misogyne, homophobe, islamophobe et pro-guerre de Donald Trump et de son gouvernement de banquiers de Wall Street, de milliardaires et de magnats du pétrole. Cette marche a été une manifestation de résistance contre la violence patriarcale, l’inégalité, l’exploitation et l’oppression perpétuée par le capitalisme à travers le monde. Plusieurs principes d’unité durables apparaissent de la marche, dont le support à l’égalité économique, au droit des femmes à vivre sans violence, à leur droit et à leur liberté pleine et entière en matière de reproduction, au plein droit à l’égalité pour la communauté LGBT, pour les personnes racisées, les travailleuses et les travailleurs, les immigrantes et les immigrants, les personnes handicapées, pour les droits civils et la justice environnementale, contre la brutalité policière et le profilage racial, pour démilitariser l’application de la loi et mettre fin à l’incarcération massive.

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Women fight back against misogyny and racism

This year, women will celebrate International Women’s Day with a renewed sense of strength, after almost 5 million women and their allies took to the streets around the world on Jan. 21 to oppose the xenophobic, racist, misogynist, homophobic, Islamophobic and pro-war agenda of Donald Trump and his government of Wall Street bankers, billionaires and oilmen. This march was a display of resistance against patriarchal violence, inequality, exploitation and oppression perpetuated by capitalism across the globe. Several lasting unity principles came out of the march, including support for economic equality, women’s right to freedom from violence, full reproductive  rights and freedom, full equality rights for the LGBTQ community, racialized peoples, workers, immigrants, those with a disability, for civil rights and environmental justice, and against police brutality and racial profiling, demilitarizing law enforcement and ending mass incarceration. 

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IWD 2016 Greetings – Harper’s gone, but the struggle for equality continues

This March 8, International Women’s Day, is time to celebrate our history of struggle for equality, and to unite in action for a better and more just world. In Canada we celebrate the defeat of the anti-women Harper Tories, who shut down virtually every federal agency or service which supported women’s equality, closed Status of Women Canada offices, eliminated funding of women’s organizations which engage in advocacy, passed Bill C-36 (which endangers the lives of sex workers) and blocked legal avenues to fight for pay equity. 

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IWD 2014: “Equality for Women is Progress for All”

For over a century, March 8 has been the international day to honour the women in all countries who strive to achieve full equality. On IWD 2014, the Communist Party of Canada sends our warmest greetings to all women in the fight against poverty, austerity, violence, misogyny and war. As the United Nations has declared for this year’s IWD, “equality for women is progress for all.”

Here, the ruling class claims that Canada is a country of equality, fairness and social justice. Yet recent years have seen huge struggles around issues such as access to education, pay equity, union rights, jobs, devastation of the environment, deportations of migrants. Women have played a leading role in the Quebec student strike, the Idle No More movement, grassroots environmental struggles, and defence of labour and social rights.

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