For international working class unity against imperialism: 38th Central Convention, Main Political Report, Section one.

Our 38th Central Convention meets at a moment of escalating danger, from increasing war, environmental crisis and economic decay. As the systemic crisis of capitalism continues to deepen, and the effects of the 2008 economic meltdown continue to be felt, imperialist states and organizations are becoming increasingly aggressive. The standoff between nuclear armed states in Ukraine and the expanding war in Syria are powderkegs that threaten disaster. Millions upon millions of people in all parts of the world are being forced into poverty, hunger, homelessness and displacement.

But this is also a moment of rising working class and popular resistance. In all countries, albeit unevenly and with different characteristics, we see increased unity and mobilization. From online campaigns to mass demonstrations, general strikes, and political actions, people are using many different vehicles to advance these struggles. This is also expressed by the rising popularity of so-called democratic socialism, with all its contradictions, which is examined in detail in this report.

In Canada, the electoral defeat of the Conservatives in October 2015 represents a significant victory for the working class, Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, LGBTiQ communities, youth and students. While the victory of the Liberal party does not represent a break from the reactionary policies that are characteristic of the Canadian state, through a united, conscious political and organizational struggle we can open new space and possibilities in the fight for peace and disarmament, for immediate action to combat climate change, and for social equity and social justice. These advances can be realized – and can become concrete steps toward more fundamental change.

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Canada and the Fightback: 38th Central Convention, Main Political Report, Section two.

The 38th Central Convention of our Party follows a major political upheaval in the recent federal election, and a new escalation of the global economic crisis which emerged in 2007-08. Initially, the Canadian economy was buffered to some degree by exports of fossil fuels and other natural resources, and because Canada’s megabanks were somewhat less exposed to the collapse in value of leveraged (re-packaged) debt. Now, the dramatic collapse in energy prices and the Canadian dollar are causing new job losses and rapid increases in the cost of imported products. The working class is paying a heavy cost for the turmoil of the capitalist system.

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Labour Day 2015 statement from the Communist Party of Canada

September 7th  2015
On Labour Day 2015, the Communist Party of Canada sends its warmest greetings of solidarity to working people across the country, especially to all those engaged in struggles against attacks by employers and right-wing governments.This year, Labour Day takes place during a crucial election campaign, in the context of an economic crisis that creates deep hardships for working people in Canada and across the capitalist world.

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Déclaration Parti communiste du Canada à l’occasion de la Fête du Travail 2015

7e septembre 2015
À l’occasion de la Fête du Travail 2015, le Parti communiste du Canada envoie ses salutations les plus chaleureuses de solidarité aux travailleuses et aux travailleurs à travers le pays, en particulier à toutes celles et tous ceux qui sont engagés dans des luttes contre les attaques des employeurs et les gouvernements de droite.

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Save Canada Post

This statement is from our June Central Committee meeting. View our earlier campaign leaflet text here.

The Harper Government’s unilateral decision to eliminate home postal delivery, escalate postal rates and eliminate up to 8000 jobs is a major part of the agenda of privatization which targets all social services, publicly owned resources, energy, Medicare, education and transportation.

In order to expedite negotiation and implementation of the CETA agreement with the European Union the federal government early in the process made a commitment to the European negotiators to comply with the conditions of the Lisbon Agreement (the de facto constitution of the EU) which calls for the privatization and expropriation of all public services and resources. Privatization to comply with trade agreements is a method to bypass parliament and the Canadian public.

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Block the CETA deal!

Every government and advocates of “Free Trade Agreements” have dangled the illusion of jobs and prosperity. These have never materialized. Indeed the opposite is true. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have vanished through NAFTA, and experts predict at least another 50,000 jobs will be lost through CETA, the latest and most dangerous of these agreements.

Shrouded in secrecy, the Harper Conservative government, the European Union, and major trans‑national corporations recently concluded the final round of negotiations for the largest free‑trade agreement in Canada’s history since NAFTA. Although there have been setbacks in the German Parliament over the dispute mechanism, the Harper government are still pushing for a signing, at least in principle, in September 2014. CETA would take effect after it has been ratified by the EU member states, and also by the federal and provincial governments of Canada. This makes the fightback agenda very urgent; just as the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investments) was defeated, blocking CETA is still possible, through a strategy of mass mobilizations and by making this sellout a key issue in next year’s federal election.

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