No Time to Waste: Organize, Mobilize, Resist!

This Labour Day, we rally and march in the shadow of the upcoming federal election. Without question, the stakes are enormous for the working class – issues of economic insecurity, environmental devastation, and the danger of widespread war are all on the line. This is a key moment for the labour movement to campaign for its own political, social and economic policies, and to make these a benchmark for all those seeking labour’s support.

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May Day 2019: Build a united resistance against the corporate attack!

Around the world, May Day 2019 will be celebrated as a day of struggle for labour rights, peace, democracy, solidarity and environmental sustainability. May First will also honour the 100th anniversary of the historic Winnipeg General Strike of 1919. But at the same time, the enemies of the working class are dragging the world towards war, fascism and climate catastrophe, and a critical federal election is just months away in Canada.

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Cuba: U.S. military adventure against Venezuela must be stopped

The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns the escalation of pressures and actions by the U.S. government in preparation for a military adventure under the guise of a “humanitarian intervention” in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and calls on the international community to mobilize in order to prevent its consummation.

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La cour du Québec ordonne à la Ville de Montréal de verser des dommages punitifs de 12 000$ dans la cause BDS-Québec / Parti communiste du Canada contre la Ville de Montréal

Pour diffusion immédiate

Montréal, le 14 décembre 2018

Au cours de la campagne électorale fédérale de 2015, les travailleurs de la Ville de Montréal ont enlevé les affiches électorales de BDS-Québec (comité de la Coalition pour la justice et la paix en Palestine) (BDS-Québec / CJPP) et du Parti communiste du Canada (PcC)  enfreignant ainsi la loi électorale du Canada. BDS-Québec et PcC ont par la suite poursuivi la Ville de Montréal réclamant un dédommagement. La cause a été entendue par l’Honorable Sylvie Lachapelle, juge à la Cour du Québec, en janvier 2018. Le jugement a été rendu le 26 novembre 2018.

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Labour Day 2018: Time to step up the fightback!

On Labour Day 2018, the working class faces many crucial challenges: the growing chasm between rich and poor, the ongoing austerity assault against working people, a gender pay gap which never gets narrower, the twin threats of imperialist wars and deadly climate change, and the looming possibility of a new and serious global capitalist economic crisis.

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Canada’s Hypocrisy on Display in Middle East

The ongoing diplomatic dispute between Canada and Saudi Arabia is a tragic reflection of the catastrophic abuses of human rights in our world today – but not in the way presented by Canadian political leaders and the corporate media. The Communist Party of Canada says that this situation reveals the hypocrisy of both sides, neither of which has any claim to moral superiority.

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Communists condemn assassination attempt on Venezuela’s elected President Maduro

Communists condemn assassination attempt on Venezuela’s President Maduro and demand Canada end its sanctions now and cut ties with Venezuela’s far right opposition.

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the attempted assassination of Venezuela’s newly elected President Nicolas Maduro on August 4th as an act of terrorism.

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Canadian troops out of Iraq! Canada out of NATO!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement at the NATO summit this past week that Canada will lead a new NATO mission in Iraq and expand its military role in Latvia. Canada must immediately withdraw from NATO, cut military spending and bring Canadian troops home.

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Refugees Welcome: Scrap the ‘Safe Third Country Agreement’ and all xenophobic and racist immigration policies

The Communist Party of Canada calls on the Trudeau government and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Ahmed Hussen to end meetings with U.S. counterparts discussing expanding and continuing the xenophobic “Safe Third Country Agreement” and instead immediately withdraw from the agreement.

Minister Hussen, over the last two months, has been trying to reach a new deal with the U.S. which would restrict “irregular entry” of refugees into Canada. In fact, it is the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) itself that forces refugees to cross the U.S.-Canadian border at non-official points of entry. If Trudeau’s claims to welcome refugees were sincere, the agreement would have been torn up in 2015 when he and his government were elected.

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Les réfugié-e-s sont bienvenu-e-s: Éliminez l’Entente sur les tiers pays sûrs et toutes les politiques d’immigration xénophobes et racistes !

Le Parti communiste du Canada appelle le gouvernement Trudeau et le ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté, Ahmed Hussen, à mettre fin aux discussions avec leurs homologues américains à propos de l’élargissement et de la continuation de l’accord xénophobe sur les tiers pays sûrs, et plutôt de s’en retirer immédiatement.

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