Solidarity with the People of Lebanon

No To Annexation

The Communist Party extends it deepest sympathy and solidarity to the Communist Party and the bereaved people of Lebanon following the explosion in Beirut, the tragic deaths and horrific injuries of thousands of people in the city, and the destruction of hospitals, schools, homes, workplaces, and government offices which have collectively devastated the country.

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On 75th anniversary of atomic bombing Communists call for renewed campaigns for disarmament and abolition

No To Annexation

As people around the world commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 6 and 9, 1945, the Communist Party of Canada calls for renewed campaigns for disarmament and abolition of nuclear arms.

The use of nuclear weapons by the United States – the first and, so far, only time these weapons of mass destruction have been used in combat – was a criminal act of imperialist aggression. It marked the beginning of humanity’s existential threat by its own actions.

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No To Annexation

This year, Pride events and mobilizations across the country take place in profoundly difficult conditions, marked by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and deep economic crisis. The twin threats of the economic crisis and the pandemic are seriously weakening and destroying the social relationships and institutions of communities: the social spaces that bring the community together are closing, sometimes permanently. A recent country-wide survey indicated that the pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on 2S/LGBTiQ+ people. We have also seen the evaporation of services and supports, painstakingly built up over decades by dedicated community activists.

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Tell Trudeau: Say NO to Israeli Annexation of Palestinian Territories

Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada, July 3. 2020

No To Annexation

On July 1st Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the Israeli-imposed deadline had been reached for its illegal annexation of the Palestinian  territories of the West Bank and Jordan Valley.  He added, Israel could delay a little bit if there was “good reason”.

Indeed, there is good reason, as the whole world knows.  The Israeli annexation is completely illegal under international law, and is an act of war against the Palestinian People whose land has been illegally occupied by Israeli troops and settlements over more than five decades.  The annexation is the main point in the Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century”, which has been rejected out of hand by the Palestinian people, and by governments around the world which recognize it a provocation, an act of war and genocide.

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75e anniversaire de la Victoire sur le nazi-fascisme

Au nom de la liberté, de la paix et de la vérité — contre le fascisme et la guerre

Victory Over Fascism

La victoire sur le nazi-fascisme dans la Seconde Guerre Mondiale est un événement majeur de l’Histoire, dont la mémoire doit être préservée et défendue contre les tentatives répétées de falsification historique visant à faire oublier le rôle décisif qu’y ont joué l’Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques, les communistes et les antifascistes du monde entier. 

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75th Anniversary of the Victory over Nazi-fascism

In the name of freedom, peace and truth — Against fascism and war

Victory Over Fascism

The victory over Nazi-fascism in the Second World War is a major event in History, the memory of which must be preserved and defended in the face of repeated attempts at historical falsification aimed at making us forget the decisive role played by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, by the communists and by anti-fascists from around the world. 

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1er mai: Lutte de masse pour une reprise populaire!

May Day 2020

En ce 1er mai, les travailleuses et les travailleurs du monde entier luttent contre une double menace. La plus grande crise économique depuis les années 30 qui va occasionner des licenciements massifs, des pertes de revenus et d’épargne, avec des vagues d’évictions, de saisies, et de faillites de petites entreprises et d’exploitations agricoles, le tout provoqué par une pandémie mondiale du virus COVID-19, pour lequel il n’existe pas encore de vaccin, et une très grande insuffisance de matériel, de fournitures médicales, de personnel et d’hôpitaux pour éviter la maladie et la mort. La pandémie a aggravé la menace de changement climatique incontrôlé, la croissance des inégalités à travers le monde et la menace de guerres impérialistes.

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May Day 2020: Mass struggle for a People’s Recovery

May Day 2020

This May Day workers around the world are struggling against a double threat. The deepest economic crisis since the “Dirty ’30s” is causing huge lay-offs, lost incomes and savings, and waves of evictions, foreclosures, and bankruptcies for small businesses and farms, triggered by a global pandemic Covid-19 virus for which there is as yet no vaccine, and a vast under-supply of medical equipment, supplies, staff, and hospitals to stave off sickness and death. The pandemic has compounded the growing menace of unchecked climate change, global inequality, and imperialist wars.

Corporations are using the crisis to jack up prices and profits on scarce medical equipment and supplies, while also re-organizing production to make permanent reductions in the labour force when the pandemic has passed.  

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Communist Party Condemns Conservatives’ Racist Attacks on Dr. Theresa Tam

Derek Sloan racist

The scurrilous and racist attack by Conservative MP Derek Sloan, who suggested in a video on Tuesday that Dr. Theresa Tam “work(s) for China” and should be fired from her job as Canada’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, is hate speech that should be followed up with charges under Canada’s hate speech laws.

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