Cesser de museler la solidarité avec la Palestine!

17 septembre 2015
Jusqu’à présent, dans l’actuelle campagne électorale fédérale, il a eu un silence virtuel de la part des principaux partis politiques à propos d’un des problèmes internationaux les plus cruciaux: l’occupation illégale de la Palestine du style « apartheid » par Israël, et l’évolution de la position du Canada vers un soutien inconditionnel des politiques expansionnistes d’Israël.

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Stop Silencing Palestine Solidarity!

September 17, 2015
So far in the current federal election campaign, there has been a virtual silence from the major political parties about one of the most crucial international issues: Israel’s illegal, apartheid-style occupation of Palestine, and the shift in Canada’s position to unconditional support for Israel’s expansionist policies. 

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Communist Party tweets election

The Communist Party of Canada party leader Miguel Figueroa tweeted in response to the federal election debate tonight hosted by the Globe and Mail newspaper on the theme of the economy. “None of the loud voices [in the debate] tonight challenged corporate power once,” the CPC concluded. You can view our most recent tweets here.

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Le Canada a contribué à créer cette crise – maintenant nous devons accueillir les réfugié(e)s

Samedi, 12 septembre 2015
La question des réfugié(e)s est devenue un enjeu majeur de l’élection fédérale, après la mort tragique du jeune Alan Kurdi, et celles de son frère et de sa mère. Mais la soi-disant «crise des réfugié(e)s » est le résultat prévisible des politiques impérialistes occidentales d’intervention dans les affaires intérieures d’autres pays et de guerres au Moyen-Orient, en Asie centrale et en Afrique du Nord.

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Canada helped create the crisis – now we must welcome refugees

Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015
The refugee issue has become a major factor in the federal election, after the tragic deaths of young Alan Kurdi and his brother and mother. But the so-called “refugee crisis” is the predictable result of western imperialist policies of internal intervention and wars in the Middle East, central Asia and North Africa.

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Labour Day 2015 statement from the Communist Party of Canada

September 7th  2015
On Labour Day 2015, the Communist Party of Canada sends its warmest greetings of solidarity to working people across the country, especially to all those engaged in struggles against attacks by employers and right-wing governments.This year, Labour Day takes place during a crucial election campaign, in the context of an economic crisis that creates deep hardships for working people in Canada and across the capitalist world.

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