Labour Day: For peace and prosperity, not war and austerity!

This Labour Day marks an increase in militancy and solidarity amongst unionized workers from coast to coast. The soaring cost of living has pushed workers to take up the fight for higher wages and better. The horror of the genocide waged by Israel against the people in Gaza, and the federal government’s continued support for Israel’s war on the Palestinian people has stirred the organized labour movement into opposition.

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BC Port Workers: no back to work legislation

dock worker with text: no back to work legislation!

Negotiate – Don’t Legislate!

Pressured by employers, the federal Liberal government is gearing up to force BC port workers back to work. This is an attack on the right to strike in Canada and must be opposed.

If the BC Maritime Employers Association want to see an end to the strike, they should negotiate an agreement that’s acceptable to striking workers and their union. This has to include real wage increases, job security against outsourcing and automation, and health and safety protections that workers and their families have a right to expect and employers have a responsibility to deliver.

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Premier mai 2023 : unité et lutte pour la paix et l’emploi!

Cette année, les travailleur-euses du monde entier ont subi un triple choc : une attaque massive contre leurs emplois, leurs salaires et leur niveau de vie ; une incitation incessante à la guerre et à la réaction ; puis l’annonce par les Nations unies que le monde a atteint le point de bascule vers une catastrophe climatique irrévocable si les gouvernements et les entreprises ne prennent pas de mesures immédiates.

Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, il est temps pour les travailleur-euses et les salarié-es d’agir!

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L’AFPC en lutte pour de meilleurs salaires et conditions de vie

Les besoins du peuple, pas la cupidité des entreprises

Après deux ans de négociations, le gouvernement fédéral continue d’offrir des salaires bien en dessous de l’augmentation du cout de la vie. Alors que les prix explosent, les salaires réels et les conditions de vie des travailleur-euses ont considérablement diminué, entraînant un transfert massif de richesse de la classe ouvrière vers les monopoles. L’issue de cette grève le ton pour l’ensemble du secteur public.

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Roll-back job-killing interest rates

Laid off office worker with text "Roll-back job-killing intresest rates!"

The Bank of Canada hiked interest rates  to 4.5% in January – the 8th hike in 11 months – even though previous hikes have shown that while the impact on inflation is minimal, the impact on the working class, the young and the poor is devastating.  Real wages and living standards are falling dramatically, as the cost of mortgages and loans have sky-rocketed, along with the credit card debt which ensures Canada will continue to have the highest levels of household debt of any OECD country. This is a sure-fire way to drive the country into deep recession, creating mass unemployment, and even more downward pressure on wages and pensions, public services and social programs.

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Mixed Member Proportional Representation: a necessary democratic reform

The recent October 3 election in Quebec is a reminder of the importance of reforming the current voting system. In recent years, rarely has the distortion between the popular vote and the seats obtained, induced by the first-past-the-post system, been so obvious.

With 41% of the vote, the CAQ won 72% of the seats, while the Liberal Party, the fourth party in the popular vote (behind Québec solidaire and the Parti québécois), was the official opposition. Similarly, Éric Duhaime’s Conservative Party failed to win any seats despite the support of 13% of voters. 

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Canada Must Condemn the Criminal Israeli Bombing of Gaza

photo of two men running from bombing in Gaza

The Communist Party of Canada unequivocally condemns the Zionist aggression against the people of Gaza. A three day Israeli bombing campaign on Gaza has left at least 49 Palestinians dead, including 17 children. Israel alleges their criminal attack was ‘pre-emptive’, a claim that has nothing to do with reality. The Israeli war machine dropped bombs on residential dwellings and critical infrastructure that was still being rebuilt and repaired from last year’s bombing campaign.

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1er mai 2022 – L’unité, la combattivité et la lutte des travailleur-euses pour renverser la vapeur

Photo of fist with text: 1er Mai 2022

Le premier mai 2022 marque une année de “reprise corporative“ de la crise économique concomitante à la COVID. Une crise qui a fait souffrir beaucoup de travailleur-euses, au Canada comme ailleurs. Une année également marquée par une escalade militaire qui mène directement à la guerre en Ukraine et menace de d’embraser toute l’Europe. 2022 est aussi une année où il y a eu un renouement au niveau de l’organisation et du militantisme au sein de la classe ouvrière et des personnes opprimées. Cette reprise de vigueur de la lutte des classes donne espoir pour renverser la vague d’austérité, de guerre, de néolibéralisme et, en définitive, le capitalisme.

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