Ne touchez pas au Venezuela! Aucun appui au coup d’état monté par les États-Unis

Retrait de la reconnaissance accordée au comploteur et président auto-procalmé, Juan Guaido.

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la reconnaissance par le gouvernement canadien comme président «légitime» du Venezuela, Juan Guaido, chef de l’opposition et président autoproclamé du pays; nous condamnons aussi le soutien du gouvernement canadien apporté aux États-Unis qui appelle ouvertement l’armée vénézuélienne à renverser le gouvernement légitimement élu par le peuple de Nicolas Maduro.

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Hands off Venezuela! No support for made in the USA coup d’etat

Revoke recognition of Juan Guaido, Venezuelan coup plotter and self-proclaimed President!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Canadian government’s recognition of Juan Guaido, leader of Venezuela’s opposition and self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, as the ‘legitimate’ President of Venezuela; and we condemn the Canadian government’s endorsement of the US call for the Venezuelan military to overthrow the popularly elected and legitimate government of Nicolas Maduro.

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Release Meng Wanzhou

The Communist party of Canada demands the immediate release of Meng Wanzhou, an executive of the Huawei Corporation, who has been detained by the Canadian government because of Canadian toadying to the US government and its current trade war with China.

The US government demand that Canada hold her so that she can be extradited to the US on trumped up charges of illegal trade with Iran should be rejected and exposed by the Canadian media on the basis of fact, not fabrication.

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Canadian troops out of Iraq! Canada out of NATO!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement at the NATO summit this past week that Canada will lead a new NATO mission in Iraq and expand its military role in Latvia. Canada must immediately withdraw from NATO, cut military spending and bring Canadian troops home.

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DPRK-US agreement a welcome step towards peace and stability

The Communist Party of Canada welcomes the June 12 agreement between Presidents Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, as an important step towards removing the threat of a new and potentially catastrophic war in the Korean Peninsula. But while we express our optimism, we know that powerful voices within the imperialist camp still seek to prolong the legacy of US hostility, aimed at isolating the DPRK and imposing US domination. We call upon the federal government to fully support the June 12 agreement, to demand an end to sanctions, and to help build dialogue, friendship and peaceful relations with the DPRK and its people, who must be allowed to exercise their sovereignty, and to build peace and prosperity without the constant threat of US aggression.

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Communists condemn Israeli slaughter of Palestinians

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the calculated slaughter of 60 Palestinian protestors, and the deliberate wounding of 2,700 others including women, children, and the elderly by Israeli snipers on the border with Gaza May 14th.  These are war crimes and crimes against humanity under the UN Charter, which the government of Canada and all people of good conscience must condemn, and demand that Israel be held accountable under international law. 

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Stop the US-led war and aggression on Syria

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the illegal and murderous airstrikes on Syria conducted by the US, UK and France April 13th, and the support given to these attacks by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  We call on Parliament to condemn the airstrikes which are illegal under international law, under US law and under UK law, and under the UN Charter that rules these are war crimes.

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Mettons fin à l’agression et à la guerre dirigée par les États-Unis contre la Syrie

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce les attaques aériennes meurtrières et illégales dirigées contre la Syrie par les États-Unis, la France et la Grande-Bretagne le 13 avril ainsi que l’appui dont elles ont bénéficié de la part du Premier Ministre Justin Trudeau. Nous demandons au Parlement de dénoncer ces attaques aériennes illégales selon le droit international, selon le droit des États-Unis, de la Grande-Bretagne et de la France. Selon la Charte des Nations unies, à laquelle ces pays sont censés adhérer, ces attaques représentent des crimes de guerre.

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Expulsion of Russian diplomats is part of a dangerous new Cold War

The Communist Party of Canada has sharply condemned the Trudeau government’s decision to expel four Russian diplomats from Canada, in lock step with the Conservative government of Theresa May in UK, who demanded ‘solidarity’ actions from European and NATO countries, including the US, declaring she had led “the largest collective expulsion of Russian intelligence officers in history”.

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