Hands off Belarus – no foreign interference, no imperialist coup


The Communist Party of Canada denounces the interference in the internal affairs of Belarus, by the United States, European Union and NATO countries. The Party calls on the Canadian government to immediately stop its involvement in the campaign to destabilize the country, and to normalize relations with the elected government of Alexander Lukashenko.

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On 75th anniversary of atomic bombing Communists call for renewed campaigns for disarmament and abolition

No To Annexation

As people around the world commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 6 and 9, 1945, the Communist Party of Canada calls for renewed campaigns for disarmament and abolition of nuclear arms.

The use of nuclear weapons by the United States – the first and, so far, only time these weapons of mass destruction have been used in combat – was a criminal act of imperialist aggression. It marked the beginning of humanity’s existential threat by its own actions.

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Exigeons le retrait immédiat des troupes Turques et Américaines de Syrie!

Arrêtez les nouveaux plans de guerre des États-Unis en Syrie et dissolvez l’OTAN maintenant!

Le Parti communiste du Canada a condamné l’invasion turque de la Syrie après l’annonce de Trump du retrait des forces américaines, la qualifiant d’escalade dans la sale guerre menée par les États-Unis et l’OTAN contre la Syrie.

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Arrêtons la rhétorique guerrière contre l’Iran

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne rhétorique guerrière et l’escalade des tensions contre l’Iran et demande au gouvernement canadien de prendre des mesures immédiates pour désamorcer cette crise qui risque de déclencher une guerre régionale pouvant impliquer des armes nucléaires. Le gouvernement canadien doit faire pression pour le retrait immédiat de la région de toutes les forces militaires étatsuniennes et de l’OTAN et normaliser ses relations diplomatiques avec l’Iran.

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Stop the drive to war on Iran

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the ongoing foreign belligerence and escalating drive to war against Iran and demands that the Canadian government take immediate action to de-escalate the crisis, which risks an all-out, regional war that could involve nuclear weapons. This includes the immediate withdrawal of all US and NATO forces from the region, and normalization of diplomatic relations with Iran.

The current crisis is the direct result of United States’ provocation, which is increasing on a daily basis.

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Trudeau & Freeland: Hands Off Venezuela!

The 39th Central Convention of the Communist Party Of Canada condemns the ongoing aggression against the people and government of Venezuela organized by the ruling classes of the USA, Canada and the EU with the complicity of Venezuela’s reactionary capitalist class. The Communist Party Of Canada extends its unreserved solidarity to the people of Venezuela and their democratically elected government led by President Nicolas Maduro Moros.

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Canada, ne touche pas au Venezuela! Non au coup d’État, non aux sanctions, non au «groupe de Lima»!

Le Comité central du Parti communiste du Canada condamne la tentative de coup d’État organisée par les gouvernements des États-Unis et du Canada au Venezuela. Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa totale solidarité avec le peuple du Venezuela et son gouvernement élu démocratiquement et dirigé par le président Nicolas Maduro.

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For international working class solidarity – unions out of the NED

US imperialism has moved aggressively to disrupt and reverse the progressive movements and governments that have emerged and developed throughout Latin America over the past two decades. It has at its disposal a wide range of weapons, from direct intervention to blockades to economic sabotage and beyond.

One of US imperialism’s more insidious tools is a wide range of funding organizations that pour money and other resources into political and social movements all over the world. The overarching objective is to maintain a pro-US discourse and orientation among foreign countries. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is among the most powerful of these instruments.

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Against the U.S.’ suspension of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

The news on January 31 that the United States is suspending the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (I.N.F.), followed by Russia the next day, is an ominous signal that the world is edging closer to new militarist confrontations. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada calls for global pressure to reverse this slide towards catastrophe.

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Canada’s Hands Off Venezuela: No Coup, No Sanctions, No ‘Lima Group’

No war on venezuelaThe Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada condemns the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela organized by the governments of the United States and Canada. The Communist Party of Canada extends its full solidarity to the people of Venezuela and their democratically elected government led by President Nicolas Maduro.

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