Avant qu’il soit trop tard : Canada hors de l’OTAN! Réduction des dépenses militaires!

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la récente annonce du Premier ministre Trudeau selon laquelle le Canada consacrera 2 % de son PIB aux dépenses militaires d’ici 2032. Cette annonce, prononcée le 11 juillet dernier lors du sommet de l’OTAN, signifie un engagement à réduire les soins de santé et les services publics et promet d’aggraver le danger croissant de guerre mondiale et d’anéantissement nucléaire.

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Now is the time to cut military spending and leave NATO, before it’s too late

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent announcement of Prime Minister Trudeau that Canada would spend 2% of its GDP on military spending by 2032. This announcement, made at the NATO summit on July 11, is a commitment to cut healthcare and public services and promises to escalate the growing danger of global war and nuclear annihilation.

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Exigeons le retrait immédiat des troupes Turques et Américaines de Syrie!

Arrêtez les nouveaux plans de guerre des États-Unis en Syrie et dissolvez l’OTAN maintenant!

Le Parti communiste du Canada a condamné l’invasion turque de la Syrie après l’annonce de Trump du retrait des forces américaines, la qualifiant d’escalade dans la sale guerre menée par les États-Unis et l’OTAN contre la Syrie.

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Arrêtons la rhétorique guerrière contre l’Iran

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne rhétorique guerrière et l’escalade des tensions contre l’Iran et demande au gouvernement canadien de prendre des mesures immédiates pour désamorcer cette crise qui risque de déclencher une guerre régionale pouvant impliquer des armes nucléaires. Le gouvernement canadien doit faire pression pour le retrait immédiat de la région de toutes les forces militaires étatsuniennes et de l’OTAN et normaliser ses relations diplomatiques avec l’Iran.

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Canadian troops out of Iraq! Canada out of NATO!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement at the NATO summit this past week that Canada will lead a new NATO mission in Iraq and expand its military role in Latvia. Canada must immediately withdraw from NATO, cut military spending and bring Canadian troops home.

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No to war and occupation: Stop Trudeau’s massive military spending increase!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the federal Liberal government’s June announcement of its plan to increase military spending by 70% over the next ten years. This massive militarization means the government is committing to increase its already significant role in military interventions and full-scale wars around the world, further escalating imperialism’s drive towards world war.

The Trudeau government’s plan is to add 5,000 regular and reserve personnel to the Canadian Armed Forces, buy a bigger than expected fleet of 88 new fighter jets (with an estimated cost of $15-19 billion), pay for 15 war ships (with an estimated cost of $60 billion), increase the size of Canada’s secretive special forces by 600, and purchase armed drones, all the while increasing annual expenditures by $14 billion to over $32 billion a year within ten years. This is far beyond what the previous Harper Conservative government attempted or had planned.

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Tell Trump No to War! Hands Off Syria!

(List of rallies taking place across Canada below)
US President Donald Trump’s illegal bombing of Syria yesterday is a war crime.

Prime Minister Trudeau’s statement this morning, supporting the US airstrikes, makes Canada complicit in these war crimes.

We call on the Liberal government to oppose the US airstrikes, to take a firm position supporting a return to the peace process and a negotiated settlement, and to demand a full investigation into the release of sarin gas which led to the deaths of 80 civilians.

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Act now to silence the drums of war over Syria

Central Committee, Communist Party of Canada, October 14-15, 2016

The devastating conflict in Syria which began in 2011 has now reached a new, extremely dangerous stage with the real possibility of direct military confrontation between the two leading nuclear powers, the U.S. (and NATO allies, including Canada) and the Russian Federation. In such a critical situation, it is vital for all progressive and peace-loving forces across Canada and around the world to speak out immediately to counter the deafening drums of war, and to demand that all states and governments act to bring about a negotiated political settlement to this conflict.

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For international working class unity against imperialism: 38th Central Convention, Main Political Report, Section one.

Our 38th Central Convention meets at a moment of escalating danger, from increasing war, environmental crisis and economic decay. As the systemic crisis of capitalism continues to deepen, and the effects of the 2008 economic meltdown continue to be felt, imperialist states and organizations are becoming increasingly aggressive. The standoff between nuclear armed states in Ukraine and the expanding war in Syria are powderkegs that threaten disaster. Millions upon millions of people in all parts of the world are being forced into poverty, hunger, homelessness and displacement.

But this is also a moment of rising working class and popular resistance. In all countries, albeit unevenly and with different characteristics, we see increased unity and mobilization. From online campaigns to mass demonstrations, general strikes, and political actions, people are using many different vehicles to advance these struggles. This is also expressed by the rising popularity of so-called democratic socialism, with all its contradictions, which is examined in detail in this report.

In Canada, the electoral defeat of the Conservatives in October 2015 represents a significant victory for the working class, Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, LGBTiQ communities, youth and students. While the victory of the Liberal party does not represent a break from the reactionary policies that are characteristic of the Canadian state, through a united, conscious political and organizational struggle we can open new space and possibilities in the fight for peace and disarmament, for immediate action to combat climate change, and for social equity and social justice. These advances can be realized – and can become concrete steps toward more fundamental change.

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On the Brexit and the Fight for Real and Fundamental Change

In the lead up to the June 23 Brexit vote, Canadian media reported almost daily on the line-up of right-wing, anti-immigrant, racist and fascist organizations that were campaigning in support of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union: the Brexit referendum.

The message to Canadians was clear: Brexit is dangerous; the European Union is safe. To nail down that assessment with working people, the leader of Britain’s TUC, Frances O’Grady, confirmed that maintaining Britain’s labour rights and standards hinged on enforcement by the European Union – not the British government which she said, would first erode and then eliminate workers’ rights and standards.

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