Avant qu’il soit trop tard : Canada hors de l’OTAN! Réduction des dépenses militaires!

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la récente annonce du Premier ministre Trudeau selon laquelle le Canada consacrera 2 % de son PIB aux dépenses militaires d’ici 2032. Cette annonce, prononcée le 11 juillet dernier lors du sommet de l’OTAN, signifie un engagement à réduire les soins de santé et les services publics et promet d’aggraver le danger croissant de guerre mondiale et d’anéantissement nucléaire.

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Now is the time to cut military spending and leave NATO, before it’s too late

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent announcement of Prime Minister Trudeau that Canada would spend 2% of its GDP on military spending by 2032. This announcement, made at the NATO summit on July 11, is a commitment to cut healthcare and public services and promises to escalate the growing danger of global war and nuclear annihilation.

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Cut military spending – Say no to NATO wars and aggression

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the federal government’s decision to increase military spending to $58 billion annually by 2029, in the process raising NATO funding from 1.29% to 1.76% of GDP, with a promise to continue the increases until military spending reaches 2% of GDP. According to the government these funds will be used to buy and build offensive weapons to be staged in the Arctic under NORAD,  to produce and export weapons, munitions and vehicles for use in foreign wars, including some that could be used by police and military at protests and picket lines in Canada. These funds could also include nuclear submarines if Canada joins the AUKUS group which is building a nuclear powered submarine base in Australia. 

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NATO turns 75: Canada OUT of NATO!

NATO’s Fascist Origins

When the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 it claimed to be “founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Two of its 12 original member states were openly fascist: Spain under Fransisco Franco and Portugal António de Oliveira Salazar. Italy and Germany had been freed from Mussolini and Hitler respectively, but their governments and ruling classes were made up of the same capitalists who had supported them. 

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Demand peace! Oppose Ottawa’s preparations for nuclear war

Mushroom cloud with text: demand peace!

Public revelations of plans by Internal Public Safety Canada to prepare for a ‘tactical’ nuclear war in Europe – or North America – hark back to the worst, most dangerous days of the Cold War and McCarthyism in Canada and the US.

In the 1950s the public was told to prepare for a nuclear war with the USSR and to protect themselves by building bomb shelters in their back yards. Many of those people who built these “shelters” also planned to mount machine guns on the top to keep out their neighbours who didn’t build bomb shelters.

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Austerity for the Working Class and Unlimited Spending for NATO Wars

The Communist Party of Canada denounces the government of Canada’s drive to war

The Canadian state continues their march to war with the purchase of eighty-eight F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin for the Canadian Armed Forces with a price tag of at least $70 billion (some analyst are predicting the cost will be over $90 billion), as well as 200 armoured vehicles at a cost of $90 million from Roshel and an over $400 million surface to air missile system from Raytheon for their war in Ukraine.

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Communist Party fully supports the October Week of Action for Peace across Canada

In response to a call-out from the Canada-wide Peace & Justice Network and the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC) in the United States, more than a dozen rallies, pickets, and seminars are taking place this week (October 15-23) in nine cities across the country.

The unifying theme of these actions is to denounce the rising tide of militarization and war around the world, to bring public action to the increasing risk of direct confrontation between the major powers and the unthinkable possibility of a thermonuclear war, with all the consequences that will entail for the future of humanity.

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US Marks Hiroshima-Nagasaki Anniversary with Provocations and Threats of War with China

The world marks the 77th anniversary of the US nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with new US provocations in Asia, this time aimed at China and the people of Taiwan.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s expedition to Taiwan accompanied by US fighter jets, battle ships and an aircraft carrier circling China’s borders , “to protect /defend democracy” – led to the scrambling of Chinese fighter jets in response, in a confrontation that had the whole world on edge for several days.

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Communists Condemn Parliament’s Declaration of Uyghur Genocide as Baseless

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Tory motion passed by Parliament on Febuary 22nd, declaring the Uyghur people of China as the victims of genocide. This charge has no basis in fact, and is a creation of the Trump administration – and now the Biden administration – in the US Cold War campaign to undermine China’s growing economic and political influence globally.

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