For international working class solidarity – unions out of the NED

US imperialism has moved aggressively to disrupt and reverse the progressive movements and governments that have emerged and developed throughout Latin America over the past two decades. It has at its disposal a wide range of weapons, from direct intervention to blockades to economic sabotage and beyond.

One of US imperialism’s more insidious tools is a wide range of funding organizations that pour money and other resources into political and social movements all over the world. The overarching objective is to maintain a pro-US discourse and orientation among foreign countries. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is among the most powerful of these instruments.

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Une loi de retour au travail qui menace le droit de grève

La décision des Libéraux de présenter une loi forçant le retour au travail et mettant fin à la grève du STTP, met en péril le droit à la libre négociation collective et le droit de grève de tous les syndicats et de toutes les travailleuses et les travailleurs du Canada.

L’argument du gouvernement à l’effet que la grève menaçait les petites entreprises et les consommatrices et les consommateurs au plus fort de la période des dépenses du temps des Fêtes, ne tient pas la route. Le STTP n’a jamais fermé le bureau de poste, les grèves étaient rotatives et le courrier était toujours livré.

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Back to work legislation threatens the right to strike

The Liberals’ decision to introduce back to work legislation and end the CUPW strike threatens free collective  bargaining and the right to strike for all unions and workers in Canada.

The government’s argument that the strike threatened small businesses and consumers at the height of the holiday spending season doesn’t hold water.  CUPW never closed down the post office, the strikes were rotating and the mail was always moving.

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Stop the GM Closure! Stop NAFTA 2.0!

General Motors announcement that it will close the Oshawa car plant is a declaration of war on Canadian autoworkers and on automobile manufacturing in Canada.  The Big Three automakers will use the new NAFTA 2.0 agreement to shift their plants south to Mexico where wages are $4 an hour or less – a fraction of what workers in Canada are paid.  This is what GM is doing with its Oshawa plant, despite the fact that this plant has won international awards for its quality and productivity repeatedly.

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Withdraw back to work legislation

The Communist Party of Canada today demanded the federal government withdraw back to work legislation and an enabling bill to speed its passage, which the government will use against the Canadian Union of Postal Workers.

The union has been forced to strike as a result of the employer’s refusal to negotiate a fair contract that takes into account pay equity for women workers, health and safety, staffing, over-burdening, job security, a reduction in precarious employment, pay for all hours worked, and a better work-life balance for postal workers.

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In full solidarity with postal workers on strike

The Communist Party of Canada extends its full and active solidarity with postal workers who have been on rotating strike since October 22. The Communist Party demands that Canada Post put forward an offer that addresses the needs of its workers and that the federal government honour the rights of workers to strike and bargain free from back-to-work legislation and intimidation.

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Labour Day 2018: Time to step up the fightback!

On Labour Day 2018, the working class faces many crucial challenges: the growing chasm between rich and poor, the ongoing austerity assault against working people, a gender pay gap which never gets narrower, the twin threats of imperialist wars and deadly climate change, and the looming possibility of a new and serious global capitalist economic crisis.

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May Day 2018: Unite against war and reaction!

As we celebrate and build the struggles of the working class around the world this May Day, the enemies of peace are busy organizing for war.

The list of countries under attack or facing increasingly bellicose threats by the United States and its NATO allies is growing. The last year has seen sweeping sanctions and destabilization attempts against the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, US and Canadian backing for an ongoing soft-coup in Brazil, and an election stolen by the elite in Honduras.

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