The way forward is for the Venezuelan people themselves

The Communist Party of Canada has followed the July 28 presidential election in Venezuela with keen interest – not as detached observers, but as a Party with a history of solidarity with the struggles of the Venezuelan people for sovereignty, democracy, social justice, liberation from imperialist domination and ultimately for a socialist future. We extend our congratulations to the Venezuelan working class and progressive movements for continuing these struggles under the extreme pressure of US imperialism and domestic reaction, which desperately seek one way or another to reverse the revolutionary process initiated by the late President Hugo Chavez.

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Hands Off Venezuela

Nicolas Maduro Waving Flag

End the sanctions, stop the aggression and recognize President Maduro now!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent military buildup by the United States in the Caribbean Sea, as part of its escalating campaign of aggression against the government of Nicolas Maduro. The Party also denounces the Canadian government’s involvement in this aggression and calls for an immediate end to the sanctions and campaign to overthrow President Maduro. 

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La fermeture de l’Ambassade du Canada à Caracas marque un pas de plus dans les attaques impérialistes contre le Venezuela

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste et le Parti communiste du Canada dénoncent conjointement la fermeture de l’Ambassade du Canada au Venezuela ainsi que le chantage diplomatique ayant forcé, en corolaire, la Chancellerie du Venezuela, à fermer ses consulats de Montréal, Toronto et Vancouver par mesure de réciprocité.

La ministre des Affaires étrangères, Chrystia Freeland, a justifié cette décision par le fait que le Venezuela empêcherait l’accréditation de certains diplomates. Or, cette décision n’est en rien justifiable d’un point de vue diplomatique. Il s’agit d’une décision purement politique qui vise à s’investir de plus belle dans l’agression multifacétique dont est victime le Venezuela, notamment en diabolisant le gouvernement vénézuélien afin d’éventuellement mieux justifier la nécessité d’intervenir dans ce pays.

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The closure of Canada’s Embassy in Caracas: a new stage of imperialist attacks on Venezuela

The Young Communist League and the Communist Party of Canada jointly denounce the closure of the Canadian Embassy in Venezuela and the diplomatic blackmail that forced, in corollary, the Chancellery of Venezuela, to close its consulates in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver as a measure of reciprocity.

Foreign Affairs’ Minister Chrystia Freeland justified this decision by saying that Venezuela would refuse the accreditation of certain diplomats. This decision is in no way justifiable from a diplomatic point of view. This is a purely political decision that increases Canadian participation in the multifaceted aggression of which Venezuela is victim. It includes demonizing the Venezuelan government to justify the need to intervene in this country.

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Canada, ne touche pas au Venezuela! Non au coup d’État, non aux sanctions, non au «groupe de Lima»!

Le Comité central du Parti communiste du Canada condamne la tentative de coup d’État organisée par les gouvernements des États-Unis et du Canada au Venezuela. Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa totale solidarité avec le peuple du Venezuela et son gouvernement élu démocratiquement et dirigé par le président Nicolas Maduro.

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Canada’s Hands Off Venezuela: No Coup, No Sanctions, No ‘Lima Group’

No war on venezuelaThe Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada condemns the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela organized by the governments of the United States and Canada. The Communist Party of Canada extends its full solidarity to the people of Venezuela and their democratically elected government led by President Nicolas Maduro.

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Ne touchez pas au Venezuela! Aucun appui au coup d’état monté par les États-Unis

Retrait de la reconnaissance accordée au comploteur et président auto-procalmé, Juan Guaido.

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la reconnaissance par le gouvernement canadien comme président «légitime» du Venezuela, Juan Guaido, chef de l’opposition et président autoproclamé du pays; nous condamnons aussi le soutien du gouvernement canadien apporté aux États-Unis qui appelle ouvertement l’armée vénézuélienne à renverser le gouvernement légitimement élu par le peuple de Nicolas Maduro.

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Hands off Venezuela! No support for made in the USA coup d’etat

Revoke recognition of Juan Guaido, Venezuelan coup plotter and self-proclaimed President!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Canadian government’s recognition of Juan Guaido, leader of Venezuela’s opposition and self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, as the ‘legitimate’ President of Venezuela; and we condemn the Canadian government’s endorsement of the US call for the Venezuelan military to overthrow the popularly elected and legitimate government of Nicolas Maduro.

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Solidarity with Communist Party of Venezuela

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent assassination of two campesino leaders and members of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV). On Oct. 31 in Nueva Bolivia, Merida State, PCV Central Committee member Luis Fajardo and his brother-in-law, Javier Aldana, were killed by a burst of gunfire from a moving car. Both men had been active in defence of campesino rights, but the authorities ignored the serious threats against Luis Fajardo and his family.

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Communists condemn assassination attempt on Venezuela’s elected President Maduro

Communists condemn assassination attempt on Venezuela’s President Maduro and demand Canada end its sanctions now and cut ties with Venezuela’s far right opposition.

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the attempted assassination of Venezuela’s newly elected President Nicolas Maduro on August 4th as an act of terrorism.

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