End the illegal US blockade of Cuba now!

End US interference and provocations now!

The Communist Party strongly condemns the 64 year old US economic blockade of Cuba which is a major contributor to the current economic difficulties in Cuba including a shortage of food and electricity. This is the whole purpose of the US blockade as stated in this 1960 US State Department memo:  

“every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of  Cuba…to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation, and the  overthrow of government.” 

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Solidarité avec Cuba contre les tentatives de déstabilisation soutenues par les États-Unis

Mettre fin au blocus illégal et inhumain

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce les efforts de déstabilisation contre Cuba qui ont eu lieu la semaine dernière, simultanément à Cuba et dans des villes hors du pays. Ces manifestations ont clairement bénéficié de l’appui et de la participation des États-Unis. 

Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa solidarité complète avec le peuple, le gouvernement et le Parti communiste cubains dans la défense de leur indépendance, leur souveraineté et leur révolution socialiste. Nous saluons les milliers de Cubains et de Cubaines révolutionnaires, y compris le président Miguel Díaz-Canel, qui sont descendus dans la rue pour mettre fin à cette provocation. 

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Solidarity with Cuba against US-backed destabilization attempts

End the illegal and inhuman blockade of Cuba!

The Communist Party of Canada denounces this past weekend’s US-backed destabilization efforts in Cuba. It is clear that protests in Cuba and the simultaneous demonstrations in cities outside the country had the hand of the US behind them.

The Communist Party of Canada extends its full solidarity to the Cuban people, the Cuban government and the Communist Party of Cuba as they defend their independence, their sovereignty and their socialist revolution. We salute the thousands of revolutionary Cubans, including President Miguel Diaz-Canel, who took to the street on Sunday to end this latest provocation.

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Greetings to Comrade Raul Castro and the 8th Congress, Communist Party of Cuba

Gracias Raul

Dear Comrades:

We send you warm fraternal greetings on the occasion of the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, and the 60th anniversary of the declaration of the socialist character of the revolution.  

We also send warm greetings to Comrade Raul Castro on this auspicious occasion, recognizing his central role in the revolutionary process and the building of socialism in Cuba in the most difficult conditions.

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Communists Call on PM and Parliament: Demand Biden Reverse Trump’s Sanctions and Illegal Designation of Cuba as a Terrorist State, Lift the Blockade

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Trump administration’s baseless designation of Cuba as a “state sponsor of terrorism” and calls on the Prime Minister and Parliament to reject  them and to demand the Biden administration repeal the designation along with Trump’s new sanctions against Cuba.

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End the Sanctions! End US Aggression Against Cuba Now

End US Sanctions on Cuba

Canada’s quiet complicity in the US government’s latest attempt to strangle Cuba with sanctions and invocation of Title 3, the extra-territorial section of the Helms-Burton Act, makes Canada an active participant in the US drive to overthrow the government of Cuba.

The US fixation on Cuba is well-known around the world, and in particular the aggressive stance of the current US President; but Canada’s aggressive new role is not understood, nor supported by a majority of Canadians.  

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Fidel was devoted to the cause of the people

Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, I write to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to you, and through you to the Cuban people, the government, the Communist Party, and to the family, at the sad news of the death of Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz, the leader of the Cuban revolution for more than 50 years.

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