Israel’s gunboat diplomacy: A year of genocidal violence

On the commemoration of one year since the beginning of this brutal genocide perpetrated in Gaza, the Communist Party of Canada reiterates its anti-imperialist and internationalist solidarity with the people and resistance of Palestine in their struggle for national liberation. This is not an ethnic or a religious battle. It is an anti-imperialist struggle that concerns all workers, supporters of peace, progressives and democrats throughout the world.

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Depuis un an, Israël fait tonner la loi de la canonnière

À quelques jours de la commémoration de la première année depuis le début de ce génocide vain perpétré à Gaza, le Parti communiste du Canada réitère sa solidarité anti-impérialiste et internationaliste avec le peuple et la résistance de Palestine dans leur lutte de libération nationale. En effet, il ne s’agit ni d’une bataille ethnique et encore moins religieuse. Il s’agit d’une lutte anti-impérialiste qui concerne l’ensemble des travailleurs, des partisans de la paix, des progressistes et des démocrates à travers le monde.

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The forces exist to block the road to war in the Middle East! It’s up to us to mobilize them!

The Communist Party of Canada strongly condemns the recent Israeli attacks against Lebanon, the largest and deadliest since the 2006 war. In the span of barely a week, we have witnessed the detonation of Israeli-rigged pagers, bombings, and airstrikes—some reaching the suburbs of Beirut—that have killed more than a thousand people, primarily civilians. These attacks have destroyed public infrastructure, including roads, hospitals, and schools, and forcibly displaced half a million people.

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Les forces vives existent pour barrer la route à la guerre au Moyen-Orient! À nous de les mobiliser!

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne énergiquement les récentes frappes israéliennes contre le Liban, les plus importantes et meurtrières depuis la guerre de 2006. En l’espace d’une semaine à peine, les explosions de téléavertisseurs truqués par Israël, les bombardements et attaques aériennes dont certaines ont atteint la banlieue de Beyrouth, ont fait plus de mille morts, principalement des civils, détruit des infrastructures publiques dont des routes, des hôpitaux, des écoles et déplacé de force un demi-million de personnes. 

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UN ceasefire vote an important victory – end the Israeli war in Gaza now!

The overwhelming vote on December 13 by the United Nations General Assembly in favour of a non-binding resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza is an important victory for the growing international campaign to condemn Israel’s war against the Palestinian people. The final vote was 153 in favour, 23 abstentions, and only 10 opposed (the US, Israel, Austria, the Czech Republic, and a handful of tiny US client states). By comparison, the Arab-sponsored resolution on Oct. 27 for a “humanitarian truce” saw 121 countries voting in favour, 14 against, and 44 abstaining. This time, two months of massive street protests against the criminal Israeli war in Gaza forced PM Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to change their position; Canada, which has always backed Israel in previous General Assembly votes, joined the rest of the world in calling for a ceasefire. Overall, these votes indicate a deeper fracturing of the so-called “western consensus” and the growing diplomatic and political isolation of the US and Israel.

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Israel as the standard bearer of Western imperialism

After over three weeks of bloody conflict and the looming spectre of a genocide in Gaza, the Communist Party of Canada reaffirms its support for the Palestinian people and their right to resistance recognized under international law. We condemn Israel and its Zionist policy of violent colonization, occupation, and apartheid as the primary driver of this catastrophe that has claimed the lives of over 10,000 people, with 70% being women and children.

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Israël comme porte-étendard de l’impérialisme occidental

Après plus de trois semaines de conflit sanglant et devant un génocide qui se profile à Gaza, le Parti communiste du Canada réitère son appui au peuple palestinien et à son droit à la résistance reconnu par le droit international. Nous condamnons Israël et sa politique sioniste de colonisation, d’occupation et d’apartheid comme principal responsable de cet hécatombe qui a couté la vie à plus de 10 000 personnes (dont 70% de femmes et d’enfants).

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Stop Israel’s war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide

The bombing of the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza is a horrific war crime committed by the Zionist Netanyahu government. It is a key part of its policy to annex Gaza, killing or driving out the Palestinian population. This is ethnic cleansing. This is genocide. This is fascism. These are crimes against humanity that the Canadian government, the labour and democratic movements, and people of good conscience everywhere must condemn and oppose. Failure to speak out now is complicity.

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