Condemn imperialist interference in China’s internal affairs

Recent U.S. legislation targetting the People’s Republic of China blatantly violates the principle of national sovereignty by intruding into the internal affairs of that country. The Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Canada condemns the escalating imperialist interference against the PRC, and calls on the federal government of PM Justin Trudeau to speak out against US intervention into China’s domestic affairs.

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Les communistes condamnent le coup d’État contre le président bolivien Evo Morales et le gouvernement du MAS

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne le coup d’État perpétré contre le président bolivien Evo Morales et le gouvernement du MAS (Movimiento Al Socialismo – Mouvement pour le socialisme) et exige que cessent les attaques des bandes de droite contre Morales et d’autres dirigeant-e-s du MAS.  Il s’agit notamment d’une attaque contre la maison d’Evo Morales, de bombes-incendiaires lancées contre les maisons d’autres ministres du MAS, et de la prise en otage de leurs proches afin de forcer leur démission.  C’est la terreur.

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Communists Condemn Coup d’État Against Bolivian President Evo Morales

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the coup d’etat against Bolivian President Evo Morales and the MAS government, and demands that the attacks on Morales and other MAS leaders, by right-wing gangs must stop.   These include an attack on Evo Morales’ home, the fire-bombing of the homes of other MAS Ministers, and holding their relatives hostage in order to force their resignations. This is terror.

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Exigeons le retrait immédiat des troupes Turques et Américaines de Syrie!

Arrêtez les nouveaux plans de guerre des États-Unis en Syrie et dissolvez l’OTAN maintenant!

Le Parti communiste du Canada a condamné l’invasion turque de la Syrie après l’annonce de Trump du retrait des forces américaines, la qualifiant d’escalade dans la sale guerre menée par les États-Unis et l’OTAN contre la Syrie.

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CLC should reinstate Lafleur & strengthen international solidarity

The news that the Canadian Labour Congress has stripped Vice-President Donald Lafleur of his duties and put him on administrative leave raises many troubling questions. This action runs counter to the urgent need for labour to adopt a more militant fightback strategy, to strengthen the role of trade unions in the struggles for peace and international solidarity, and to promote a more democratic and inclusive leadership style, from the top levels of the CLC down to the provincial federations, labour councils, and union locals.

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Solidarity with Jammu and Kashmir

Oppose war and respect the right of national self-determination!

The Communist Party of Canada stands with progressive and democratic voices around the world in condemning the Indian government’s decision to attack the national rights of Jammu and Kashmir, by abrogating its constitutional special status and denying it of its right to Indian statehood. In the process, the reactionary government of Narendra Modi has fanned the flames of ethnic and religious division, regional conflict, and war involving nuclear armed states.

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