Hands Off Venezuela

Nicolas Maduro Waving Flag

End the sanctions, stop the aggression and recognize President Maduro now!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent military buildup by the United States in the Caribbean Sea, as part of its escalating campaign of aggression against the government of Nicolas Maduro. The Party also denounces the Canadian government’s involvement in this aggression and calls for an immediate end to the sanctions and campaign to overthrow President Maduro. 

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Joint International Statement on Immediate measures to protect the health and rights of the peoples

The Communist and Workers’ Parties are positioned with responsibility before our peoples. We are here! We are present at the forefront of the struggle to immediately take all necessary measures to protect the health and safeguard the rights of the working class and the popular strata everywhere!

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Solidarity and Action to Oppose the Anti-democratic Attacks of the Modi Government in India

Over the past six months, the right-wing, pro-U.S. imperialist BJP/RSS Government of India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has moved sharply to attack the constitutional underpinnings of India as a secular, democratic state which have been in place ever since its emancipation of British colonial rule in 1947. These dangerous moves are part of a broader agenda in practices the ideas of communalism and Hindu nationalism on both the state and society, at the expense of various minorities, especially the very large Muslim minority which constitutes almost 15% of the entire population of India.

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Anti-China racism must be rejected

The dangerous upsurge in Sinophobia since the start of the coronavirus crisis is a present day reflection of the anti-China xenophobia which has always been deliberately fanned by reactionary forces, starting from the earliest days of European colonisation on the west coast. The Communist Party of Canada calls upon the labour and people’s movements, and all progressive organizations in Canada, to speak out against the latest wave of extremely divisive hatred directed against China and people of Chinese backgrounds.

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Stop the US drive to a new war in the Middle East

The Communist Party of Canada condemns in the strongest terms, the illegal US airstrike and assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and 9 others, in Iraq on January 2nd.  The US strike and assassinations are illegal under the UN Charter, and are acts of war and US state terrorism which threaten to set off a regional war or even a global confrontation.  This is the road to Armageddon.

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Non à une nouvelle guerre Américaine au Moyen-Orient!

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne avec la plus grande fermeté la frappe aérienne illégale et les assassinats du général iranien Qassem Soleimani et de 9 autres personnes, crimes perpétrés par les États-Unis en Irak le 2 janvier dernier.  Ces frappes et ces assassinats sont illégaux en vertu de la Charte des Nations Unies. Ce sont des actes de guerre et de terrorisme d’État menés par les États-Unis qui menacent de déclencher une guerre régionale et même une confrontation mondiale. C’est la voie de l’Armageddon.

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Non à la répression! Solidarité avec les luttes populaires au Chili!

Réuni en session plénière le 15 décembre dernier, le Comité central du Parti communiste du Canada a condamné la brutale violation des droits de la personne se produisant au Chili depuis le 18 octobre lorsqu’ont débuté les manifestations massives contre le gouvernement du président Sebastian Piñera.

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