NO to a new Cold War against China

The imperialist campaign to foment a new ‘Cold War’ against the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which began in earnest with U.S. President Obama’s “Pivot to Asia” in 2011 and which accelerated sharply under the Trump Administration in recent years, continues to unfold. The Trudeau government, with the support and encouragement of all other parties in parliament, is playing an increasingly active role in this dangerous and highly de-stabilizing offensive against China. Those who stand for peace, disarmament, mutual respect and cooperation in international relations must speak out now in opposition to these ominous developments.

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Communists Call on PM and Parliament: Demand Biden Reverse Trump’s Sanctions and Illegal Designation of Cuba as a Terrorist State, Lift the Blockade

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Trump administration’s baseless designation of Cuba as a “state sponsor of terrorism” and calls on the Prime Minister and Parliament to reject  them and to demand the Biden administration repeal the designation along with Trump’s new sanctions against Cuba.

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Canadian Communists Support India’s Biggest Protests Since 1947 and Condemn BJP State Terror

Indian Farmers Attacked by Police

The Communist Party of Canada extends its full support to India’s farmers who are struggling against mass, brutal police and government repression to protect their farms and their livelihoods from the catastrophic consequences of new laws imposed by the fascist Modi government in September.

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Communists condemn Morocco’s breach of ceasefire in Western Sahara

Polisario Front

The Communist Party of Canada and the Young Communist League of Canada denounce Morocco’s recent violations of the 1988 ceasefire between the Moroccan army and the Polisario Front, the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people. On November 13, the Moroccan army breached a roadblock in Guerguerat, in southwestern Western Sahara, that Sahrawi civilians had erected on October 20. The roadblock was to prevent Morocco from transporting fishery and agricultural products from the occupied Western Saharan territories to the Mauritanian port of Nouadhibou.

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Hands off Belarus – no foreign interference, no imperialist coup


The Communist Party of Canada denounces the interference in the internal affairs of Belarus, by the United States, European Union and NATO countries. The Party calls on the Canadian government to immediately stop its involvement in the campaign to destabilize the country, and to normalize relations with the elected government of Alexander Lukashenko.

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Solidarity with the People of Lebanon

No To Annexation

The Communist Party extends it deepest sympathy and solidarity to the Communist Party and the bereaved people of Lebanon following the explosion in Beirut, the tragic deaths and horrific injuries of thousands of people in the city, and the destruction of hospitals, schools, homes, workplaces, and government offices which have collectively devastated the country.

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Tell Trudeau: Say NO to Israeli Annexation of Palestinian Territories

Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada, July 3. 2020

No To Annexation

On July 1st Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the Israeli-imposed deadline had been reached for its illegal annexation of the Palestinian  territories of the West Bank and Jordan Valley.  He added, Israel could delay a little bit if there was “good reason”.

Indeed, there is good reason, as the whole world knows.  The Israeli annexation is completely illegal under international law, and is an act of war against the Palestinian People whose land has been illegally occupied by Israeli troops and settlements over more than five decades.  The annexation is the main point in the Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century”, which has been rejected out of hand by the Palestinian people, and by governments around the world which recognize it a provocation, an act of war and genocide.

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End the Sanctions! End US Aggression Against Cuba Now

End US Sanctions on Cuba

Canada’s quiet complicity in the US government’s latest attempt to strangle Cuba with sanctions and invocation of Title 3, the extra-territorial section of the Helms-Burton Act, makes Canada an active participant in the US drive to overthrow the government of Cuba.

The US fixation on Cuba is well-known around the world, and in particular the aggressive stance of the current US President; but Canada’s aggressive new role is not understood, nor supported by a majority of Canadians.  

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