Condemn the Repression of Communists in Sudan

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the continued repression of communists in Sudan. In particular, we denounce the siege of the offices of the Sudanese Communist Party where demonstrators opposed to the military regime have taken refuge, as well as the intimidation and arrest of leaders of this sister party in the vanguard of the struggle against the military junta in power since 2019 and sponsored by imperialism.

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Solidarity with the Ukrainian Komsomol – Free the Kononovich brothers!

Ukrainian Komsomol leaders Alexander and Mikhail Kononovich have been detained by the Ukrainian state since March 3. Mikhail Kononovich is the leader of the Komsomol affiliated with the Communist Party of Ukraine, which was made illegal in 2015 following the Canadian-backed coup. Both brothers are leaders in the World Federation of Democratic Youth. The brothers were arrested on trumped up charges of espionage as part of a broad crackdown on the peace movement, the left, and Communists.

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Solidarity with the People and the Sudanese Communist Party!

Defeat the military coup d’etat!

Construct a democratic civilian government in Sudan!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the traitorous actions of the Sudanese military which overthrew the civilian government it was a partner in, in a coup d’etat on October 25th.

The hopes of the Sudanese people for a peaceful path to national sovereignty and independence, to peace, progress and social and economic advance via this alliance of civilian and military forces, have been blown apart. 

Arrests, killings, and worse of Sudan’s Communists and democrats are the military’s legacy.   They are a force for the continuation of Sudan’s domination and exploitation by the EU and US imperialism.  The Sudanese people must be free to determine their own economic and social path forward. 

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Meng release a defeat for Washington bullying tactics

The sudden withdrawal of extradition proceedings against Meng Wanzhou, her release from house arrest in Vancouver, and her subsequent return to her home, family and work in China marks a final end to this embarrassing, unjustified and totally unnecessary episode in Canada-China relations and Canadian foreign policy in general. After more than 1,000 days in detention, her release is an important victory for Ms. Meng herself, for the Chinese government and people, and for all those across Canada and around the world who denounced, organized and stood by her side throughout this sorry ordeal.

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Libre : une défaite pour Washington et ses tactiques d’intimidation

La levée soudaine des procédures d’extradition contre Meng Wanzhou, la fin de son assignation à domicile à Vancouver et son retour à la maison auprès de sa famille et de son travail en Chine concluent un épisode injustifié, embarrassant et complètement inutile dans les relations sino-canadiennes et dans la politique étrangère canadienne en général. Après plus de 1000 jours en détention, sa libération est une victoire importante pour Mme Meng, mais aussi pour le gouvernement et le peuple chinois ainsi que pour tous ceux et celles qui, à travers le monde, se sont organisés, ont été à ses côtés et ont dénoncé cette ordalie.

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Afghanistan – Imperialist Brutality, People’s Misery

Two decades ago, the United States invaded Afghanistan, with the support and involvement of Canada and other NATO allies. It was the start of the “War on Terror,” waged in part under the pretext of humanitarian intervention to “liberate” the people of Afghanistan from the Taliban and bring peace, democracy and stability to the region.

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Solidarité avec Cuba contre les tentatives de déstabilisation soutenues par les États-Unis

Mettre fin au blocus illégal et inhumain

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce les efforts de déstabilisation contre Cuba qui ont eu lieu la semaine dernière, simultanément à Cuba et dans des villes hors du pays. Ces manifestations ont clairement bénéficié de l’appui et de la participation des États-Unis. 

Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa solidarité complète avec le peuple, le gouvernement et le Parti communiste cubains dans la défense de leur indépendance, leur souveraineté et leur révolution socialiste. Nous saluons les milliers de Cubains et de Cubaines révolutionnaires, y compris le président Miguel Díaz-Canel, qui sont descendus dans la rue pour mettre fin à cette provocation. 

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Assassination of Jovenel Moïse: a maneuver that disserves the interests of Haitians

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the assassination of Jovenel Moïse, the de facto president of Haiti, which occurred the night of July 6 to 7. The assassination was carried out by a commando group of 28 mercenaries, 26 from Colombia and 2 from the United States. Beyond the political intrigue surrounding who organized this attack, we are concerned that this operation only reinforces the local reactionary oligarchy in addition to providing new pretext for another military occupation by the imperialist powers (notably the Core Group member countries of which Canada is a member).

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Assassinat de Jovenel Moïse : une manœuvre qui dessert les intérêts des Haïtien-nes

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne l’assassinat de Jovenel Moïse, président de facto d’Haïti, survenu dans la nuit du 6 au 7 juillet dernier par un commando de 28 mercenaires (26 de nationalité colombienne et 2 États-Uniens). Au-delà de l’intrigue politique à savoir qui a subventionné cet attentat, nous nous inquiétons du fait que cette opération ne fait que renforcer l’oligarchie réactionnaire locale en plus de justifier une nouvelle occupation militaire de la part des puissances impérialistes (notamment des pays membres du Core Group dont le Canada fait partie).

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