Solidarity with the Peruvian People in their Struggle for Sovereignty and Democracy

The Communist Party of Canada demands the immediate release of the democratically elected President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, as well as an end to the military and police repression against the forces of progress. Since December 7, the popular masses have risen up against a palace coup that forced his removal from office and his arrest. This uprising has gained remarkable momentum among all the popular forces, combining general strikes, demonstrations and even the occupation of the airport in Arequipa, the country’s second city. 

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Solidarité avec le peuple péruvien en lutte pour défendre sa souveraineté et la démocratie

Le Parti communiste du Canada exige la libération immédiate du Président démocratiquement élu du Pérou, Pedro Castillo, ainsi que la fin de la répression militaire et policière à l’encontre des forces de progrès. Depuis le 7 décembre dernier, les masses populaires se sont levées contre un coup de palais ayant forcé sa destitution et son arrestation. Ce soulèvement a pris une ampleur remarquable auprès de l’ensemble des forces populaires alliant grèves générales, manifestations et même l’occupation de l’aéroport d’Arequipa, deuxième ville du pays.

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Non à toute intervention étrangère en Haïti!

Alors que celle-ci devient de plus en plus imminente, le Parti communiste du Canada s’oppose à toute tentative d’intervention en Haïti et appelle toutes les organisations politiques, syndicales et démocratiques à témoigner de leur solidarité envers le peuple haïtien en défendant leur souveraineté et l’intégrité de ce pays des Antilles.

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Solidarity with the working class in Brazil! Down with Bolsonaro!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada extends solidarity to the working class of Brazil and their allies in their struggle to take federal state power away from the most reactionary elements of the ruling class.

The reactionary movement in Brazil with their support from the Canadian state and big business have murdered and attacked trade unionists, environmentalists and indigenous peoples.  During the campaign they have assaulted politicians, especially Afro-Brazilians, women, and LGBT+ people.

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Protests in Iran an Opportunity – progressive advance or foreign triumph?

Women are leading the struggle in Iran after the senseless murder of Mahsa Amini by the repressive, theocratic regime led by the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and presided over in government by the President Ebrahim Raisi.  They have displayed enormous courage in their protests against the rules governing their lives and the role of the morality police in enforcing those rules – anachronistic, repressive rules governing even mundane aspects of every woman’s life.  The women have been joined by their brothers, fathers and friends who understand the legitimacy of the women’s response to repression. 

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Canada Must Condemn the Criminal Israeli Bombing of Gaza

photo of two men running from bombing in Gaza

The Communist Party of Canada unequivocally condemns the Zionist aggression against the people of Gaza. A three day Israeli bombing campaign on Gaza has left at least 49 Palestinians dead, including 17 children. Israel alleges their criminal attack was ‘pre-emptive’, a claim that has nothing to do with reality. The Israeli war machine dropped bombs on residential dwellings and critical infrastructure that was still being rebuilt and repaired from last year’s bombing campaign.

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US Marks Hiroshima-Nagasaki Anniversary with Provocations and Threats of War with China

The world marks the 77th anniversary of the US nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with new US provocations in Asia, this time aimed at China and the people of Taiwan.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s expedition to Taiwan accompanied by US fighter jets, battle ships and an aircraft carrier circling China’s borders , “to protect /defend democracy” – led to the scrambling of Chinese fighter jets in response, in a confrontation that had the whole world on edge for several days.

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