Israel as the standard bearer of Western imperialism

After over three weeks of bloody conflict and the looming spectre of a genocide in Gaza, the Communist Party of Canada reaffirms its support for the Palestinian people and their right to resistance recognized under international law. We condemn Israel and its Zionist policy of violent colonization, occupation, and apartheid as the primary driver of this catastrophe that has claimed the lives of over 10,000 people, with 70% being women and children.

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Israël comme porte-étendard de l’impérialisme occidental

Après plus de trois semaines de conflit sanglant et devant un génocide qui se profile à Gaza, le Parti communiste du Canada réitère son appui au peuple palestinien et à son droit à la résistance reconnu par le droit international. Nous condamnons Israël et sa politique sioniste de colonisation, d’occupation et d’apartheid comme principal responsable de cet hécatombe qui a couté la vie à plus de 10 000 personnes (dont 70% de femmes et d’enfants).

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Stop Israel’s war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide

The bombing of the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza is a horrific war crime committed by the Zionist Netanyahu government. It is a key part of its policy to annex Gaza, killing or driving out the Palestinian population. This is ethnic cleansing. This is genocide. This is fascism. These are crimes against humanity that the Canadian government, the labour and democratic movements, and people of good conscience everywhere must condemn and oppose. Failure to speak out now is complicity.

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50 ans plus tard : honorons les disparus, soyons dignes de leur combat

Le 50e anniversaire du 11 septembre 1973 évoque des souvenirs sombres de l’un des actes les plus infâmes de terreur et de violence impérialistes. Trois ans après la victoire historique de septembre 1970, le président démocratiquement élu Salvador Allende et son gouvernement de l’Unité populaire sont renversés par une junte militaire soutenue par l’impérialisme états-unien.

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50th anniversary of the fascist coup in Chile

Honour the fallen, fight for their vision

The 50th anniversary of September 11, 1973 brings somber memories of one of the most infamous acts of imperialist terror and violence. Three years after the historic victory of September 1970, democratically elected president Salvador Allende and his Popular Unity government were overthrown by a traitorous military junta backed by US imperialism.

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End the occupation of the Sudanese Communist Party headquarters

Demand a Ceasefire, Dissolution of the Militias, and an End to War

On May 25th the Rapid Support Forces stormed and occupied the headquarters of the Sudanese Communist Party in Khartoum, Sudan. This fully armed military group broke down the doors of all offices and halls, carrying out extensive acts of vandalism, damage, and looting.

The Rapid Support Forces have continued their occupation and destruction since then, using the Communist Party’s offices as their militia headquarters.

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On the current stage of the war in Ukraine and the path to peace

The first anniversary of the February 24, 2022 military intervention by the Russian Federation into Ukraine is now upon us, and the U.S. and its NATO/EU allies, including Canada, are using the opportunity to launch a fresh round of ‘Russia bashing’ and calls for increased arms shipments to the Kiev regime to defend itself in the face of this Russian incursion.

The war itself continues to grind on, becoming a prolonged war of attrition, with each side striving to exhaust its adversary militarily, economically, and on the political-diplomatic front, regardless of the horrendous costs being inflicted. As one analyst phrased it, the war is on a one-way “escalation escalator”, as the imperialist powers led by the U.S. pour more lethal and advanced weaponry and equipment into the conflict, including main battle tanks, longer-range missiles and (potentially) modern fighter jets.

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