On the expanding “War on terror”: unite to defend democracy, peace and equality

Since the terrible events of January 7 and beyond in Paris, politicians and the corporate media in the NATO countries, including Canada, are thundering that “we must all unite” in response to a so-called “declaration of war” by religious extremist groups. But under the cover of “safeguarding our freedom from terrorism”, the Harper and other Western governments are moving to escalate militarism and aggression abroad, and further erode democratic liberties – especially the right to dissent – at home.

To be clear, the Communist Party of Canada categorically condemns all terrorist acts, whether committed by individuals, movements or imperialist states. As we stated immediately after the 9/11 events, “acts of terrorism undermine the struggle for progressive change; they sideline and neutralize the mass movement, create fear and disorientation in the broad people’s fightback, and provide imperialism and reaction with a powerful pretext to intensify repression.”

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À propos de l’expansion de la « guerre au terrorisme » : Unissons-nous pour défendre la démocratie, la paix et l’égalité

Depuis les terribles événements survenus à Paris le 7 Janvier et les jours suivants, politiciens et grands médias des pays membres de l’OTAN, dont le Canada, tonnent que «nous devons tous nous unir» en réponse à une soi-disant «déclaration de guerre» de groupes religieux extrémistes. Mais sous le couvert de «sauvegarder nos libertés contre le terrorisme», le gouvernement d’Harper et les autres gouvernements occidentaux se lancent dans une escalade de militarisme et d’agressions à l’étranger, et rognent davantage les libertés démocratiques – en particulier le droit à la dissidence – au pays.

Pour être clair, le Parti communiste du Canada condamne catégoriquement toutes les actions terroristes, qu’elles soient commises par des individus, des mouvements ou des États impérialistes. Comme nous l’avons dit immédiatement après les événements du 11 septembre 2001, «les actions terroristes sapent la lutte pour un changement progressiste; elles mettent sur la touche et neutralisent le mouvement des masses, créent la peur et désorientent la riposte populaire, et fournissent à l’impérialisme et à la réaction un puissant prétexte pour intensifier la répression».

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A win-win agreement for the peoples of Cuba, the United States and all the peoples of this hemisphere!

The simultaneous statements by U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro Ruiz are of great historic significance. The comprehensive package of measures aimed at improving the economic, political and diplomatic relations between these two countries signals the beginning of the end to one of the darkest periods in the history of this hemisphere – the 50-plus years of U.S. aggression and blockade against socialist Cuba and her people.

The negotiated agreement calls for the immediate mutual release of Alan Gross (convicted and imprisoned on the charge of espionage by a Cuban court in 2011) and the three remaining imprisoned members of the Cuban Five – Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino and  Antonio Guerrero – who have been unjustly jailed in the U.S. since 1998. It also includes the release of another CIA spy held by Cuban authorities, and some other Cuban ‘political prisoners’ at the request of the U.S.

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Solidarity with Communist Party and Communist Youth of Venezuela

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the criminal attack against the offices of the Communist Party and Communist Youth of Venezuela, that occurred in Caracas on October 21. This attack is part of the ongoing campaign by reactionary forces in Venezuela – with support from foreign powers – to destabilize the country and turn back … Read more

Solidarity with Sudanese Communists

The Communist Party of Canada joins progressive and democratic voices around the world in condemning the new wave of anti-Communist repression in Sudan. We demand the immediate end of this repression and the release of all political detainees. The CPC is particularly concerned about the capture of Suliman Ali, the Political Secretary of the Sudanese … Read more

Solidarity with Chilean Communists

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the recent attack against the Secretary General of the Chilean Communist Party, Juan Andres Lagos. The political attack, which occurred on November 7, was committed by people who want to intimidate the Communist Party, its members and supporters, and is part of an escalating wave of anti-Communism in Chile … Read more

Canada out of NATO – For an independent foreign policy of peace

For all of its 65 years of existence, NATO has been an aggressive, imperialist alliance. It is the largest military organization in the world, committed to the doctrines of first strike and preemptive strike. NATO interventions regularly include the use of toxic weapons containing depleted uranium or white phosphor, and the alliance has repeatedly stated that nuclear weapons are a fundamental part of its military arsenal and strategy.

NATO is also an illegal alliance under international law. Article 52 of the United Nations Charter permits regional military organizations, but only if their activities are “consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.” The most important principle of the UN is the prohibition of the use of force. Since NATO’s membership has always been beyond any commonly identifiable region, and since its primary activity has always involved the use of military force, its foundation contravenes international law.

Firmly dominated by US-imperialism, NATO is also a pillar of the European Union’s military strategy. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has aggressively expanded both its membership and its theatre of operations. Currently, there are 28 NATO member states across North America and Europe, another 22 countries in the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), and a further 19 countries engaged with NATO through programs such as the Mediterranean Dialogue, the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative and the Partners Across the Globe Initiative. This expansion reveals NATO’s fundamental character as the key military tool of Western imperialism.

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Solidarity with the Palestinian people

The Communist Party of Canada’s Central Committee, meeting on the weekend of September 13-14th, repeats its condemnation of Israel’s murderous 51-day war on the people of Gaza. We call for the immediate lifting of the siege of Gaza and express our continued full support for the Palestinian people’s struggle for an independent sovereign state.

“Operation Protective Edge” was an act of genocide, killing over 2 200 Palestinians. More than 500 of the dead were children. To this date at least 450 000 people have been displaced. Direct deliberate bombing hit refugee centers, turned into rubble tens of thousands of homes, and destroyed schools, hospitals, clinics, factories, mosques, water and sewage infrastructure, and Gaza’s only power plant. Already, Gaza was effectively an open-air prison. Its population of 1.8 million people remain penned into an area about half the size of Toronto, now without electricity or even clean drinking water and running water.

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Canada out of Iraq: No new imperialist intervention

The Communist Party of Canada opposes the renewal of imperialism’s war in Iraq, under the pretext of fighting the Islamic State (IS), and calls for Canada’s immediate and complete withdrawal from the US‑led military intervention.

The doctrine of Responsibility to Protect is being fed to the people of Canada in order to justify a new war in Iraq. In this narrative, intervention is promoted as necessary to save the people of Iraq and Syria from IS terrorism.

But this argument obscures the fact that the main and most immediate threat to peace and to the people of the Middle East is from imperialism. It was the United States, together with its allies in NATO and Israel, who spearheaded the invasion of Iraq in 1990, and who carried out the murderous sanctions through the decade of the 1990s, and who again invaded and occupied the country from 2003 on. It is the imperialist states who have waged a terrorist war against the people of Syria, in which 100,000 people have died and millions displaced. It is imperialism that has supported Israel’s occupation of Palestine, the apartheid policies against the Palestinian people, and Israel’s repeated military strikes against Gaza.

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Stop Israel’s massacre of the Palestinian people!

Communist Party calls for immediate end to airstrikes, for Baird to resign

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the murderous bombardment of Palestine by the Israeli Air Force, and calls for this aggression to end immediately. Israel’s attacks have already killed hundreds of people and left several thousand wounded and displaced. The Communist Party reiterates its support for the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation in their territories, and for their legitimate struggle for an independent Palestinian state.

Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird, has once again taken a shameful position in this crisis, stating support for Israel’s attacks and criticizing the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights after she called for an immediate ceasefire and raised questions about the legality of Israel’s airstrikes. These comments are part of the effort by Baird and the Harper government to reduce Canada’s foreign policy to uncritical support for Israel, cloaking its aggressiveness in the language of “self-defense” and “anti-terrorism.”

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