Stop the US-led war and aggression on Syria

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the illegal and murderous airstrikes on Syria conducted by the US, UK and France April 13th, and the support given to these attacks by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  We call on Parliament to condemn the airstrikes which are illegal under international law, under US law and under UK law, and under the UN Charter that rules these are war crimes.

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Mettons fin à l’agression et à la guerre dirigée par les États-Unis contre la Syrie

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce les attaques aériennes meurtrières et illégales dirigées contre la Syrie par les États-Unis, la France et la Grande-Bretagne le 13 avril ainsi que l’appui dont elles ont bénéficié de la part du Premier Ministre Justin Trudeau. Nous demandons au Parlement de dénoncer ces attaques aériennes illégales selon le droit international, selon le droit des États-Unis, de la Grande-Bretagne et de la France. Selon la Charte des Nations unies, à laquelle ces pays sont censés adhérer, ces attaques représentent des crimes de guerre.

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Expulsion of Russian diplomats is part of a dangerous new Cold War

The Communist Party of Canada has sharply condemned the Trudeau government’s decision to expel four Russian diplomats from Canada, in lock step with the Conservative government of Theresa May in UK, who demanded ‘solidarity’ actions from European and NATO countries, including the US, declaring she had led “the largest collective expulsion of Russian intelligence officers in history”.

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Le gouvernement canadien doit condamner le massacre d’Israël à Gaza et agir pour faire appliquer les résolutions de l’ONU

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne le massacre de 18 Palestiniennes et Palestiniens non armés et les 1 500 personnes blessées le vendredi 30 mars à Gaza et demande au gouvernement canadien de condamner les meurtres et les tentatives de meurtre de manifestants pacifiques.

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L’expulsion de diplomates russes fait partie d’une nouvelle et dangereuse guerre froide

Le Parti communiste du Canada a sévèrement condamné la décision du gouvernement Trudeau d’expulser quatre diplomates russes du Canada, à l’instar du gouvernement conservateur Britannique de Theresa May, qui a exigé des actions en solidarité de la part des pays européens et de l’OTAN, incluant les États-Unis, et qui se déclare en tête de «la plus grande expulsion collective des officiers de renseignement russes dans l’histoire».

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Canada’s entry into Mali strife: Another Afghanistan fiasco

The March 19 announcement that Canada will send “peacekeepers” to the west African country of Mali is an ominous signal that under Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Canada is increasing its role in dirty wars intended to make the world safe for imperialist exploitation.

The deepening crisis in Mali has its origins in a variety of factors, from the history of intervention by French imperialism, to the overthrow of Libya’s Col. Gaddafi, and the scramble for hydrocarbons and uranium wealth by western-based corporate interests.

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Honour the victory at Stalingrad – defeat 21st Century fascism!

This month marks the 75th anniversary of the turning point of the Second World War – the Battle of Stalingrad. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada salutes this historic victory over Hitler fascism by the Soviet Red Army, a victory which was won at such great cost to the people of the Soviet Union. Their heroic sacrifices blocked the threat of fascism in Europe and on a global scale.

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Update on City of Montreal’s removal of 2015 election signs


Citizens head to court against city of Montreal

Montreal, January 18, 2018

Members of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) and the Communist Party of Canada (CPC) are suing the City of Montreal for compensatory and punitive damages for the city’s actions which occurred during the 2015 federal election campaign. The 5-day trial will begin January 22, 2018.

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