Canada, ne touche pas au Venezuela! Non au coup d’État, non aux sanctions, non au «groupe de Lima»!

Le Comité central du Parti communiste du Canada condamne la tentative de coup d’État organisée par les gouvernements des États-Unis et du Canada au Venezuela. Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa totale solidarité avec le peuple du Venezuela et son gouvernement élu démocratiquement et dirigé par le président Nicolas Maduro.

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Release all political detainees in Sudan now!

Free Opposition Leaders and Sudanese Communist Party Leader Mohamed al-Khateeb

The Communist Party of Canada today renewed its call on the Canadian government and Parliament to demand the immediate release of 3,000 political detainees arbitrarily arrested by the Sudanese government, including approximately 200 women and the leaders of opposition parties and civil society organizations for the crime of protesting government policies of austerity, arbitrary arrests, torture and detention.

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For international working class solidarity – unions out of the NED

US imperialism has moved aggressively to disrupt and reverse the progressive movements and governments that have emerged and developed throughout Latin America over the past two decades. It has at its disposal a wide range of weapons, from direct intervention to blockades to economic sabotage and beyond.

One of US imperialism’s more insidious tools is a wide range of funding organizations that pour money and other resources into political and social movements all over the world. The overarching objective is to maintain a pro-US discourse and orientation among foreign countries. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is among the most powerful of these instruments.

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Against the U.S.’ suspension of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

The news on January 31 that the United States is suspending the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (I.N.F.), followed by Russia the next day, is an ominous signal that the world is edging closer to new militarist confrontations. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada calls for global pressure to reverse this slide towards catastrophe.

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Canada’s Hands Off Venezuela: No Coup, No Sanctions, No ‘Lima Group’

No war on venezuelaThe Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada condemns the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela organized by the governments of the United States and Canada. The Communist Party of Canada extends its full solidarity to the people of Venezuela and their democratically elected government led by President Nicolas Maduro.

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Ne touchez pas au Venezuela! Aucun appui au coup d’état monté par les États-Unis

Retrait de la reconnaissance accordée au comploteur et président auto-procalmé, Juan Guaido.

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la reconnaissance par le gouvernement canadien comme président «légitime» du Venezuela, Juan Guaido, chef de l’opposition et président autoproclamé du pays; nous condamnons aussi le soutien du gouvernement canadien apporté aux États-Unis qui appelle ouvertement l’armée vénézuélienne à renverser le gouvernement légitimement élu par le peuple de Nicolas Maduro.

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Hands off Venezuela! No support for made in the USA coup d’etat

Revoke recognition of Juan Guaido, Venezuelan coup plotter and self-proclaimed President!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Canadian government’s recognition of Juan Guaido, leader of Venezuela’s opposition and self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, as the ‘legitimate’ President of Venezuela; and we condemn the Canadian government’s endorsement of the US call for the Venezuelan military to overthrow the popularly elected and legitimate government of Nicolas Maduro.

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Demand the Sudanese Government release Masoud Ali

End Repression, Arbitrary Detentions and Arrests

The Communist Party of Canada today called on Prime Minister Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland to demand the Sudanese government immediately release Masoud Ali, a member of the Sudanese Communist Party leadership kidnapped by Sudanese security forces yesterday (Dec 23rd), now “disappeared” and in grave danger of torture and death.

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Release Meng Wanzhou

The Communist party of Canada demands the immediate release of Meng Wanzhou, an executive of the Huawei Corporation, who has been detained by the Canadian government because of Canadian toadying to the US government and its current trade war with China.

The US government demand that Canada hold her so that she can be extradited to the US on trumped up charges of illegal trade with Iran should be rejected and exposed by the Canadian media on the basis of fact, not fabrication.

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La cour du Québec ordonne à la Ville de Montréal de verser des dommages punitifs de 12 000$ dans la cause BDS-Québec / Parti communiste du Canada contre la Ville de Montréal

Pour diffusion immédiate

Montréal, le 14 décembre 2018

Au cours de la campagne électorale fédérale de 2015, les travailleurs de la Ville de Montréal ont enlevé les affiches électorales de BDS-Québec (comité de la Coalition pour la justice et la paix en Palestine) (BDS-Québec / CJPP) et du Parti communiste du Canada (PcC)  enfreignant ainsi la loi électorale du Canada. BDS-Québec et PcC ont par la suite poursuivi la Ville de Montréal réclamant un dédommagement. La cause a été entendue par l’Honorable Sylvie Lachapelle, juge à la Cour du Québec, en janvier 2018. Le jugement a été rendu le 26 novembre 2018.

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