US Marks Hiroshima-Nagasaki Anniversary with Provocations and Threats of War with China

The world marks the 77th anniversary of the US nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with new US provocations in Asia, this time aimed at China and the people of Taiwan.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s expedition to Taiwan accompanied by US fighter jets, battle ships and an aircraft carrier circling China’s borders , “to protect /defend democracy” – led to the scrambling of Chinese fighter jets in response, in a confrontation that had the whole world on edge for several days.

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Meng release a defeat for Washington bullying tactics

The sudden withdrawal of extradition proceedings against Meng Wanzhou, her release from house arrest in Vancouver, and her subsequent return to her home, family and work in China marks a final end to this embarrassing, unjustified and totally unnecessary episode in Canada-China relations and Canadian foreign policy in general. After more than 1,000 days in detention, her release is an important victory for Ms. Meng herself, for the Chinese government and people, and for all those across Canada and around the world who denounced, organized and stood by her side throughout this sorry ordeal.

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Libre : une défaite pour Washington et ses tactiques d’intimidation

La levée soudaine des procédures d’extradition contre Meng Wanzhou, la fin de son assignation à domicile à Vancouver et son retour à la maison auprès de sa famille et de son travail en Chine concluent un épisode injustifié, embarrassant et complètement inutile dans les relations sino-canadiennes et dans la politique étrangère canadienne en général. Après plus de 1000 jours en détention, sa libération est une victoire importante pour Mme Meng, mais aussi pour le gouvernement et le peuple chinois ainsi que pour tous ceux et celles qui, à travers le monde, se sont organisés, ont été à ses côtés et ont dénoncé cette ordalie.

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Les communistes condamnent la déclaration du Parlement sur le génocide Ouïghour comme étant sans fondement

Le Parti communiste du Canada condamne la motion conservatrice adoptée par le Parlement le 22 fevrier dernier, déclarant le peuple Ouïghour de Chine comme victime de génocide. Cette accusation n’a aucune base réelle et répond d’une pure fabulation de l’administration Trump – maintenant de l’administration Biden également. Elle est destinée à justifier une Guerre froide menée par les États-Unis afin de miner l’influence économique et politique de la Chine à travers le monde.

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Communists Condemn Parliament’s Declaration of Uyghur Genocide as Baseless

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Tory motion passed by Parliament on Febuary 22nd, declaring the Uyghur people of China as the victims of genocide. This charge has no basis in fact, and is a creation of the Trump administration – and now the Biden administration – in the US Cold War campaign to undermine China’s growing economic and political influence globally.

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NON à une nouvelle guerre froide contre la Chine

La campagne impérialiste pour fomenter une nouvelle “guerre froide” contre la République populaire de Chine (RPC), qui a véritablement commencé avec le “pivot vers l’Asie” du président américain Obama en 2011 et qui s’est fortement accélérée sous l’administration Trump ces dernières années, continue de se déployer. Le gouvernement Trudeau, avec le soutien et l’encouragement de tous les autres partis au Parlement, joue un rôle de plus en plus actif dans cette offensive dangereuse et hautement déstabilisatrice contre la Chine. Celles et ceux qui défendent la paix, le désarmement, le respect mutuel et la coopération dans les relations internationales doivent maintenant s’opposer à ces événements inquiétants.

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NO to a new Cold War against China

The imperialist campaign to foment a new ‘Cold War’ against the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which began in earnest with U.S. President Obama’s “Pivot to Asia” in 2011 and which accelerated sharply under the Trump Administration in recent years, continues to unfold. The Trudeau government, with the support and encouragement of all other parties in parliament, is playing an increasingly active role in this dangerous and highly de-stabilizing offensive against China. Those who stand for peace, disarmament, mutual respect and cooperation in international relations must speak out now in opposition to these ominous developments.

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Anti-China racism must be rejected

The dangerous upsurge in Sinophobia since the start of the coronavirus crisis is a present day reflection of the anti-China xenophobia which has always been deliberately fanned by reactionary forces, starting from the earliest days of European colonisation on the west coast. The Communist Party of Canada calls upon the labour and people’s movements, and all progressive organizations in Canada, to speak out against the latest wave of extremely divisive hatred directed against China and people of Chinese backgrounds.

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Condemn imperialist interference in China’s internal affairs

Recent U.S. legislation targetting the People’s Republic of China blatantly violates the principle of national sovereignty by intruding into the internal affairs of that country. The Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Canada condemns the escalating imperialist interference against the PRC, and calls on the federal government of PM Justin Trudeau to speak out against US intervention into China’s domestic affairs.

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