Un gouvernement minoritaire signifie que que les travailleur-euses mobilisés massivement peuvent bloquer l’austérité à venir

Personne ne voulait de cette campagne électorale déclenchée par les libéraux qui espéraient s’offrir un gouvernement majoritaire. En conséquence, nous nous retrouvons avec un autre gouvernement libéral minoritaire sans grand changement dans le rapport de forces au Parlement.

Les travailleur-euses ont répondu avec une colère légitime, refusant aux libéraux comme aux conservateurs la majorité qu’ils espéraient. La compétition entre ces deux partis à la solde des grandes entreprises a ignoré les conséquences réelles de la crise économique capitaliste : chômage de masse, crise du logement, augmentation des prix des aliments et de l’essence, croissance de la dette des ménages et la baisse des salaires nets ainsi que des conditions de vie, ce qui est le lot quotidien de millions de travailleur-euses. Ces partis ont également ignoré la nécessité urgente d’agir décisivement contre les changements climatiques, le danger de guerre nucléaire globale, le racisme, le génocide et le refus continuel de reconnaître le droit des nations à l’autodétermination.

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Minority Government Means Working People Could Block Looming Austerity with Mass Mobilization

The unwanted election campaign called by the Liberals to secure a majority government has resulted in another Liberal minority, and almost no change in the balance of forces in Parliament.

Working people responded with justified anger, denying both the Liberals and the Conservatives the majority each was so anxious to secure. The competition between these two Big Business parties ignored the very real consequences of the capitalist economic crisis:  mass unemployment, the housing crisis, rising prices on food and fuel, growing household debt, and falling real wages and living standards that millions of working people face every day. These parties also ignored the urgent need for decisive action on climate change, on the threat of global nuclear war, and on racism, genocide, and their continued refusal to recognize the right of nations to self-determination.

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Block the Drive to the Far Right!

DEFEND Democracy – Reject the People’s Party of Canada

The far-right People’s Party of Canada has worked hard to portray itself as a friend of working people and an opponent of the wealthy and privileged.  The Conservative Party has attempted the same sleight of hand, with less success, because working people still remember the Harper government and the hardship it delivered during and after the 2008-09 economic crisis.

In fact both parties represent the interests of the wealthy and privileged, and are committed opponents of working class and democratic rights and interests.  Not a big surprise since the People’s Party is a far-right splinter formed when its leader, Maxime Bernier lost the Conservative Party leadership race in 2018.

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Communists Campaign for Peace, Climate Justice, and a People’s Recovery

The Communist Party of Canada will run 26 candidates in major cities across Canada on a platform of peace, climate justice, and a People’s Recovery.

“Canada urgently needs an independent Canadian foreign policy of peace and disarmament, withdrawal from NATO and NORAD, that upholds international law and rejects illegal US regime change and the overthrow of governments it doesn’t like”, said Communist Party leader Elizabeth Rowley today.

“We need to cut military spending by 75% and use that money to create jobs, build affordable social housing, build a universal public childcare system, fund post-secondary education and eliminate tuition for students,” she said. “That’s investing in our youth, in the future – not the horrors of war that could destroy the whole planet.”

Communists will also campaign for immediate reduction of carbon emissions, not by increasing the price of emissions as proposed by the Liberals, but by shuttering the fossil fuel industry and moving decisively to a publicly owned and democratically controlled renewable energy sector.   “Communists would guarantee the jobs and wages of workers displaced in the transition from fossil fuels to renewables.  Renewables will create far more jobs for workers than fossil fuels ever did,” said Rowley, adding “and it will not suffocate the planet – or trample the rights of Indigenous nations”.

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Throne Speech Leaves Millions in the Lurch


Patchwork too thin, too temporary for 4 million victims of capitalist crisis

Recent changes to Employment Insurance, combined with the new Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) proposed by the government in the Throne Speech, will slash benefits to 2.7 million unemployed who just barely got by on Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). Another 482,000 will be left with no benefits at all after CERB wraps up this week.

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Communist Party Condemns Conservatives’ Racist Attacks on Dr. Theresa Tam

Derek Sloan racist

The scurrilous and racist attack by Conservative MP Derek Sloan, who suggested in a video on Tuesday that Dr. Theresa Tam “work(s) for China” and should be fired from her job as Canada’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, is hate speech that should be followed up with charges under Canada’s hate speech laws.

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Au sujet des élections fédérales du 21 octobre 19

À l’issue de 40 jours de campagne électorale intense, aucun des partis du grand capital n’a obtenu la majorité au parlement. Sous réserve des derniers comptages, les votant-es ont élu 157 Libéraux, 120 Conservateurs, 32 bloquistes, 24 néo-démocrates et 3 verts, mais aussi une candidate indépendante, Jody Wilson-Raybould dans Vancouver – Granville. Le Parti communiste du Canada a présenté 30 candidat-es qui ont défendu une plateforme plaçant « le peuple et l’environnement avant les profits ». Malgré une chape de silence de la presse vénale, les communistes ont reçu un accueil des plus positifs depuis plusieurs années.

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On the Outcome of the October 21 Federal Election

After an intense 40-day election campaign, neither Big Business political party has won a majority in the new Parliament. Pending final counts, voters have elected 157 Liberals, 120 Conservatives, 32 Bloc Quebecois, 24 New Democrats, 3 Greens, and one independent – Jody Wilson-Raybould in Vancouver Granville. The Communist Party of Canada, which ran 30 candidates on a platform to “Put People and Nature Before Profits,” saw the most positive response to its campaign in many years, despite a near-total blackout by the corporate media.

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Curb corporate power! Prosecute SNC Lavalin & repeal DPAs

Repeal the Deferred Prosecution Agreements Hidden in the 2018 Budget Bill.
Prosecute SNC Lavalin for Bribery and Corruption.
Save Jobs, Curb Corporate Power!

The terrible truth in the SNC Lavalin scandal is that both Liberal and Tory governments have bent to the will of the biggest corporations since Canadian capitalists first created these parties to look after their corporate class interests more than a century ago.  They’ve tried hard to hide that fact from the public – but every now and then the truth is exposed.

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Federal Budget 2018: A kiss and a promise

If the Liberal government’s goal with its Feb. 27 budget was to expose the Tories as advocates of austerity, unable to see or respond to the crisis of falling wages and living standards, they  probably succeeded. And if they also hoped to expose the NDP’s weaknesses, they may have succeeded in revealing that the NDP has stepped away from the progressive policy ideas it was once known for, in its campaign to gain Big Business support.

With this budget, full of promises but short on delivery, the Liberals aim to create the impression that they are the only progressive alternative, and that working people can count on them to protect their interests.

In fact, the Liberals represent the interests of the banks and the multi-national corporations. They are the preferred party of Big Business, after a decade of the discredited Harper Tories.

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