Stop the destruction of Laurentian University

Reverse privatization for free, quality, democratic public post-secondary education across Canada

Protect French and Indigenous language and education rights

The Communist Party of Canada stands in solidarity with the over 150 laid-off faculty and staff and the 800 students who have had their academic program cut at Laurentian University. We demand immediate action by the Ontario and federal governments to stop the insolvency proceedings and provide the stable funding needed for the university’s future operations with a full staff and continuing programs.

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In solidarity with the internship strike

La greve des stagesThe Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada extends its solidarity to the nearly 60,000 students who are on strike this week of November 19-23 to win compensation for all internships. The strike affects several universities and CEGEP across Quebec. Some institutions, including the CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, has suspended classes while thousands of demonstrators picketed.

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Solidarité avec la grève des stages

La greve des stagesLe Comité central du Parti Communiste du Canada présente sa solidarité envers les près de 60 000 étudiant.e.s en grève pour la rémunération de tous les stages au cours de la semaine du 19 au 23 novembre. La grève touche plusieurs universités et CEGEP à travers le Québec. Certaines institutions, dont le CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, ont dû suspendre les cours alors que des milliers de dressaient des piquets de grève.

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All out November 2nd: build the student struggle for free post-secondary education

Central Committee CPC, October 15-16, 2016

This November 2nd, students across Canada are taking part in a Day of Action demanding free, accessible, public post secondary education from coast-to-coast. The Communist Party of Canada stands in full solidarity in this important student struggle.

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Canada and the Fightback: 38th Central Convention, Main Political Report, Section two.

The 38th Central Convention of our Party follows a major political upheaval in the recent federal election, and a new escalation of the global economic crisis which emerged in 2007-08. Initially, the Canadian economy was buffered to some degree by exports of fossil fuels and other natural resources, and because Canada’s megabanks were somewhat less exposed to the collapse in value of leveraged (re-packaged) debt. Now, the dramatic collapse in energy prices and the Canadian dollar are causing new job losses and rapid increases in the cost of imported products. The working class is paying a heavy cost for the turmoil of the capitalist system.

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Video: Naomi Rankin, CP-Alberta leader, answers student questions

In these four video clips, Naomi Rankin, leader of the Communist Party – Alberta, answers questions from high school students for the programme Student Vote.

The questions addressed funding for health and education, floor crossing, student access to jobs and training, as well as a better future for youth.

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Salute to B.C. teachers – the fight continues

The teachers of British Columbia deserve a huge vote of appreciation for standing on the picket lines to defend public education and collective bargaining rights. The Communist Party of BC salutes their determination to resist the attacks and provocations of the Liberal government, and to win the support of parents, students, and all who value public education. This courageous struggle goes all the way back to the first Liberal term in office, and the budget slashing and union‑bashing launched by Gordon Campbell and Christy Clark. We pledge to continue our solidarity with teachers and all education workers in this fight, which has now entered a new stage following the ratification of a new six‑year collective agreement. The teachers will go back to classrooms with justifiable pride that unlike the government, they made the interests of students their priority in this dispute.

After months of government threats and bullying, the final negotiated settlement was reached thanks to the solidarity of community groups, parents and students, and by the financial and moral support and of trade unions across the country and even internationally. Having made huge sacrifices, many teachers were understandably reluctant to accept a deal which leaves them with just 7.25% pay increases over a period of eight years, and with only minor gains on the crucial issues of class size and composition.

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Labour must lead escalating fightback in solidarity with BC Teachers

British Columbians are dismayed and increasingly angry that public schools across the province are closed as the 2014-15 academic year begins, with no end in sight to the labour dispute imposed on students and teachers by Christy Clark’s Liberal government. The Communist Party of BC stands in solidarity with the BC Teachers’ Federation in their courageous struggle for a fair collective agreement, the right to negotiate class size and composition, and a funding formula which reverses many years of cutbacks, layoffs and school closures across the province.

Over the summer, many remained hopeful that the government would eventually back down from its refusal to engage in real collective bargaining, and find a way to reach an agreement with the BC Teachers Federation by Labour Day. Now, it is clear to both critics and supporters that the Premier’s long-range goal is to use this dispute in order to gut the public education system across the province
and to smash the BCTF.

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Full solidarity with BC Teachers

Yet again, the BC Liberal government has moved to attack the collective bargaining process and generate confusion and chaos across the provincial public education system.  The Communist Party of BC condemns Premier Clark’s “partial lockout” of BCTF members, which marks a serious escalation of her relentless attack against teachers and other education workers, and in fact against students, parents and the entire public school system in British Columbia. We call for full mobilization of the labour movement and its allies in defence of the BCTF. The recent protests by students in Chilliwack and other cites against the lockout, and the wave of public anger against the BC Liberal education cuts across the province, are indications that a wider resistance can be mobilized to defeat the government’s agenda. Such a broad fightback can and should become the starting point for a powerful struggle to roll back the entire Liberal assault on public services.

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