Réduisez les taux d’intérêt destructeurs d’emplois !

La Banque du Canada a augmenté les taux d’intérêt à 4,5 % en janvier – la 8e hausse en 11 mois. Les hausses précédentes ont montré que si l’impact sur l’inflation est minime, celui sur la classe ouvrière, les jeunes et les pauvres est dévastateur. Les salaires réels et le niveau de vie baissent de façon spectaculaire, car le coût des hypothèques et des prêts a grimpé en flèche, tout comme la dette sur le crédit à la consommation ce qui fait que le Canada continuera d’avoir le niveau d’endettement des ménages le plus élevé de tous les pays de l’OCDE. Il s’agit là d’un moyen infaillible d’entraîner le pays dans une profonde récession, de créer un chômage de masse et d’accentuer la pression à la baisse sur les salaires et les pensions, les services publics et les programmes sociaux.

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Budget 2021: Funding for corporate profit and militarism, paid by the working class

Corporate Rule and War

Federal Budget Delivers A Profitable Recovery for Corporations and the Wealthy
Funds for NATO, NORAD, Armaments and War
Paid for by the Working Class, the Unemployed, Women and Youth

Far from transformative, Monday’s federal budget was yet another long list of big gifts to Big Business in Canada, along with vast sums for NATO, NORAD, fighter jets and warships, ensuring that the working class will pay for a profitable recovery for corporations and the wealthy, and Parliament’s new foreign policy of war and regime change.  

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Trudeau’s Patchwork Income Deal is Insufficient

Trudeau Laughing

Demand EI increases and full coverage now!

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in Canada, the Trudeau government has unveiled a series of temporary programs designed to stabilize working people’s incomes. Details of these measures have only been announced gradually, with many revisions and contradictions, and it has been left to individuals to navigate a confusing and incomplete web of information.

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Release Non-violent Offenders From Canadian Prisons


The Covid-19 pandemic and the deepening economic crisis are imposing far more serious consequences on working people and those in poverty than on the wealthy and the big corporations. Prisoners, the majority of whom are from racialized communities, are among those most vulnerable, and the Communist Party of Canada joins with many others to demand urgent measures by governments to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 in the federal and provincial incarceration systems. This should include the immediate release of non-violent offenders and all those nearing the end of their prison terms.

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travailleurs triant dans une installation

Le Parti communiste du Canada nous prévient aujourd’hui que la subvention de 75% du salaire pour les entreprises, grandes et petites, est davantage susceptible d’ajouter aux bénéfices des plus grandes sociétés que d’améliorer les salaires et le niveau de vie des travailleuses et des travailleurs.

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The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is a Subsidy to Business, not Workers

The Communist Party of Canada today warned that the 75% subsidy to Business, big and small, is more likely to add to the profits of the biggest corporations than to the wages and living standards of workers.

There are no guarantees that the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) funds will be transferred in full to workers, as the PM has stated that the government is working with corporations on the basis of “trust”. That’s an open door for massive giveaways to Big Business.

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Non au renflouement des compagnies!

Alors qu’un million de personnes ont présenté une demande d’assurance-emploi la semaine dernière et que des millions d’autres craignent de ne pouvoir payer le loyer la semaine prochaine, le Parlement a adopté le projet de loi C-13 pour fournir 2000 $ par mois, pendant un maximum de 4 mois, à celles et ceux qui ne sont pas admissibles à l’assurance-emploi. Avec l’augmentation de la Prestation pour enfants et le report du paiement de l’impôt sur le revenu et du remboursement des prêts étudiants, c’est tout ce que les travailleuses et les travailleurs recevront de la Prestation d’urgence canadienne du gouvernement Trudeau, mais cela, pas avant la mi-avril, lorsque les factures et les mensualités à payer vont commencer à affluer.

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Bill C-13: Too Little, Too Late for Working People

No To Corporate Bailouts!

While 1 million people applied for EI last week, and millions more worried they couldn’t pay the rent next week, Parliament passed Bill C-13 to provide $2,000 a month for a maximum 4 months to those ineligible for Employment Insurance.  Along with increases in the Child Benefit and payment deferrals for income tax and student loans, this is what workers will get from the Trudeau government’s Canada Emergency Response Benefit, but not until mid-April when payments will begin to flow.

In Canada’s big cities, that won’t even cover the rent on a one-bedroom apartment, let alone groceries or utilities. 

For those lucky enough to still qualify for EI, the wait-time has been cut, but the benefits remain at just 55% of previous earnings.  Not enough to live on for long, either.

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Joint International Statement on Immediate measures to protect the health and rights of the peoples

The Communist and Workers’ Parties are positioned with responsibility before our peoples. We are here! We are present at the forefront of the struggle to immediately take all necessary measures to protect the health and safeguard the rights of the working class and the popular strata everywhere!

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