May Day 2020: Mass struggle for a People’s Recovery

May Day 2020

This May Day workers around the world are struggling against a double threat. The deepest economic crisis since the “Dirty ’30s” is causing huge lay-offs, lost incomes and savings, and waves of evictions, foreclosures, and bankruptcies for small businesses and farms, triggered by a global pandemic Covid-19 virus for which there is as yet no vaccine, and a vast under-supply of medical equipment, supplies, staff, and hospitals to stave off sickness and death. The pandemic has compounded the growing menace of unchecked climate change, global inequality, and imperialist wars.

Corporations are using the crisis to jack up prices and profits on scarce medical equipment and supplies, while also re-organizing production to make permanent reductions in the labour force when the pandemic has passed.  

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Au sujet des élections fédérales du 21 octobre 19

À l’issue de 40 jours de campagne électorale intense, aucun des partis du grand capital n’a obtenu la majorité au parlement. Sous réserve des derniers comptages, les votant-es ont élu 157 Libéraux, 120 Conservateurs, 32 bloquistes, 24 néo-démocrates et 3 verts, mais aussi une candidate indépendante, Jody Wilson-Raybould dans Vancouver – Granville. Le Parti communiste du Canada a présenté 30 candidat-es qui ont défendu une plateforme plaçant « le peuple et l’environnement avant les profits ». Malgré une chape de silence de la presse vénale, les communistes ont reçu un accueil des plus positifs depuis plusieurs années.

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On the Outcome of the October 21 Federal Election

After an intense 40-day election campaign, neither Big Business political party has won a majority in the new Parliament. Pending final counts, voters have elected 157 Liberals, 120 Conservatives, 32 Bloc Quebecois, 24 New Democrats, 3 Greens, and one independent – Jody Wilson-Raybould in Vancouver Granville. The Communist Party of Canada, which ran 30 candidates on a platform to “Put People and Nature Before Profits,” saw the most positive response to its campaign in many years, despite a near-total blackout by the corporate media.

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1er mai 2019: Construisons une résistance unitaire face à l’attaque du Capital!

Dans le monde entier, le 1er mai 2019 sera célébré comme une journée de lutte pour les droits des travailleur-euse-s, la paix, la démocratie, la solidarité et la durabilité environnementale. Le 1er mai commémorera également le 100ième anniversaire de l’historique grève générale de Winnipeg, en 1919. Mais en même temps, les ennemis de la classe ouvrière sont en train d’entraîner le monde dans la guerre, le fascisme et vers la catastrophe climatique, tandis que des élections fédérales cruciales auront lieu dans quelques mois au Canada.

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Canadian troops out of Iraq! Canada out of NATO!

The Communist Party of Canada condemns Prime Minister Trudeau’s announcement at the NATO summit this past week that Canada will lead a new NATO mission in Iraq and expand its military role in Latvia. Canada must immediately withdraw from NATO, cut military spending and bring Canadian troops home.

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Unite Against War and Reaction

Unite Against War and Reaction – People Not Profits!

Political Report of the February 10th and 11th Central Committee meeting of the Communist Party of Canada

The International Situation

We are meeting just past the one-year mark since the Trump administration’s arrival in office, and what a year it has been.  According to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists we are now closer to “the end of humanity” than at any time since 1953 and the US test of its first thermonuclear device.  The Doomsday Clock, the countdown to “The End of It All” moved 30 seconds closer to midnight January 25th.  “As of today it is 2 minutes to midnight”, the scientists state. 

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“Imagine the Future”

Imagine we all have homes to live in, decent paying jobs, free education, free universal quality childcare.

Imagine a country where the rights of Indigenous Peoples were truly recognized and upheld and where we have already taken major steps toward decolonization.

Imagine a world with well-resourced, meaningful, effective educational work and legal steps taken to combat racism, sexism, and discrimination on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.

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Reverse the cuts to Canada Post – Restore and expand Door-to-Door

The Communist Party of Canada demands that the Liberal government live up to their promises made during the Federal election surrounding Canada Post and immediately restore door-to-door delivery service for the nearly one million households who have had this service cut.

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Honour the victory at Stalingrad – defeat 21st Century fascism!

This month marks the 75th anniversary of the turning point of the Second World War – the Battle of Stalingrad. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada salutes this historic victory over Hitler fascism by the Soviet Red Army, a victory which was won at such great cost to the people of the Soviet Union. Their heroic sacrifices blocked the threat of fascism in Europe and on a global scale.

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