Solidarity with the Port of Montreal Dock Workers

Dock Workers

The Communist Party of Canada strongly denounces bill C-29 adopted by the House of Commons and the Senate on Friday April 30. It forces 1151 dock workers back to work at the Port of Montreal who were on strike since April 26.

The Port of Montreal dock workers have been without a collective agreement since 2018. The main point of contention in the negotiations has to do with work-life balance and the right to disconnect from work. In fact, they are currently asked to call the employer between 6 p.m. and midnight to find out their assignment for the next day. The employer’s bad faith forced them to strike for ten days last August, which resulted in a seven-month truce at the end of which the workers rejected the employers’ offer by 99.7%.

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1er mai 2021 : unissons-nous dans la lutte pour une issue populaire à la crise capitaliste

May Day 2021

Comité exécutif central, Parti communiste du Canada

Le 1er mai 2021 est marqué par une année d’attaques sans précédent contre la santé et le bien-être des travailleur-euses à travers le monde, d’abord par la pandémie de COVID19, par la cupidité des trusts pharmaceutiques et autres grandes entreprises qui ont vu dans cette pandémie une opportunité de générer encore plus de profits. Ils l’ont ensuite été par la crise économique capitaliste globale qui a vu des milliards de personnes perdre leur emploi à travers le monde, dépossédant les travailleur-euses de leurs économies, de leurs maisons, de leur santé et de leur avenir tandis que la richesse et les profits mondiaux se sont concentrés dans les mains des plus grands monopoles et des super-riches.

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May Day 2021: Unite and fight for a People’s Recovery from capitalist crisis

May Day 2021

May Day 2021 marks a year of unprecedented attacks on the health and well-being of working people around the world, first by the coronavirus pandemic and the greedy pharmaceutical companies, and other corporations who saw the health crisis as an opportunity to make enormous profits. And then by the global capitalist economic crisis that threw billions of people out of work around the world, stripping working people of their savings, their homes, their health and their futures, while the world’s wealth and profits became ever more centralized and concentrated into the hands of the biggest corporations and the super-rich.

According to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), Canada’s billionaires have increased their wealth by $78 billion since March 2020. “Canada’s top 47 billionaires now control $270 billion in total wealth… while Canada’s richest 87 families each hold, on average, 4,448 times more wealth than the typical family. Together these 87 families own more wealth than the bottom 12 million Canadians combined.” During the same time, 5.5 million Canadian workers lost their jobs or had more than half their hours cut during the pandemic, while 7 million applied for CERB benefits in April-May 2020.

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Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada, April 23, 2021

The Communist Party of Canada speaks out strongly against the growth of anti-Asian racism, including the escalation of hate crime attacks against people from the Chinese-Canadian community. We extend our full solidarity to all those who face the worsening impact of racism during the health crisis over the last year, and we condemn attempts to take advantage of this tragic situation to inflame anti-communist and anti-China sentiments.

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Budget 2021: Funding for corporate profit and militarism, paid by the working class

Corporate Rule and War

Federal Budget Delivers A Profitable Recovery for Corporations and the Wealthy
Funds for NATO, NORAD, Armaments and War
Paid for by the Working Class, the Unemployed, Women and Youth

Far from transformative, Monday’s federal budget was yet another long list of big gifts to Big Business in Canada, along with vast sums for NATO, NORAD, fighter jets and warships, ensuring that the working class will pay for a profitable recovery for corporations and the wealthy, and Parliament’s new foreign policy of war and regime change.  

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Greetings to Comrade Raul Castro and the 8th Congress, Communist Party of Cuba

Gracias Raul

Dear Comrades:

We send you warm fraternal greetings on the occasion of the 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, and the 60th anniversary of the declaration of the socialist character of the revolution.  

We also send warm greetings to Comrade Raul Castro on this auspicious occasion, recognizing his central role in the revolutionary process and the building of socialism in Cuba in the most difficult conditions.

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No to patents on vaccines!

No To Patents on Vaccines

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a great tragedy for more than a year now. In this period, in many countries, millions of workers have caught the disease, losing their health, their jobs or even their lives. On the other hand, in the same time frame, some companies that have sold the essential needs food, hygienic materials, masks and finally, vaccines, as commodities, have become among the wealthiest in the world. The capitalist class has turned the pandemic into an opportunity for greater exploitation of workers in order to make more profits.

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No Bail Outs! Nationalize Air Canada Now!

Nationalize Air Canada Now

Today’s announcement that the Canadian government intends to provide the owners of Air Canada with a $5.9 billion bail-out is the wrong decision for Canadians.  It’s wrong for laid-off airline workers, and it’s wrong for the public who will pay a steep price for earlier Liberal and Tory decisions to privatize Air Canada and deregulate the airline industry in Canada.

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