Communists Call on PM and Parliament: Demand Biden Reverse Trump’s Sanctions and Illegal Designation of Cuba as a Terrorist State, Lift the Blockade

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the Trump administration’s baseless designation of Cuba as a “state sponsor of terrorism” and calls on the Prime Minister and Parliament to reject  them and to demand the Biden administration repeal the designation along with Trump’s new sanctions against Cuba.

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Canadian Communists Support India’s Biggest Protests Since 1947 and Condemn BJP State Terror

Indian Farmers Attacked by Police

The Communist Party of Canada extends its full support to India’s farmers who are struggling against mass, brutal police and government repression to protect their farms and their livelihoods from the catastrophic consequences of new laws imposed by the fascist Modi government in September.

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Communists condemn Morocco’s breach of ceasefire in Western Sahara

Polisario Front

The Communist Party of Canada and the Young Communist League of Canada denounce Morocco’s recent violations of the 1988 ceasefire between the Moroccan army and the Polisario Front, the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people. On November 13, the Moroccan army breached a roadblock in Guerguerat, in southwestern Western Sahara, that Sahrawi civilians had erected on October 20. The roadblock was to prevent Morocco from transporting fishery and agricultural products from the occupied Western Saharan territories to the Mauritanian port of Nouadhibou.

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50 years after the October Crisis


Labour, democratic, civil and equality rights in the crosshairs

October marks 50 years since the October crisis of 1970, during which PM Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act, suspended civil and democratic rights across Canada and sent thousands of troops to occupy Quebec. The government’s real purpose for this unprecedented act during peacetime was to suppress the struggle for national self-determination in Quebec, and to intimidate the working class and democratic forces in Quebec and across Canada.

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Throne Speech Leaves Millions in the Lurch


Patchwork too thin, too temporary for 4 million victims of capitalist crisis

Recent changes to Employment Insurance, combined with the new Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) proposed by the government in the Throne Speech, will slash benefits to 2.7 million unemployed who just barely got by on Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). Another 482,000 will be left with no benefits at all after CERB wraps up this week.

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Hands off Belarus – no foreign interference, no imperialist coup


The Communist Party of Canada denounces the interference in the internal affairs of Belarus, by the United States, European Union and NATO countries. The Party calls on the Canadian government to immediately stop its involvement in the campaign to destabilize the country, and to normalize relations with the elected government of Alexander Lukashenko.

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Labour Day

Comité exécutif central,
Parti communiste du Canada  

En cette “Fête du travail”, les travailleur-euses et le mouvement syndical sont confrontés à des défis inédits depuis les années 1920 – 1930: une pandémie pour laquelle il n’existe toujours pas de vaccin, une crise économique qui laisse des millions d’individus sans travail et un danger croissant de guerre, cette fois-ci avec des armes nucléaires et conventionnelles capables de détruire le monde. À cette litanie s’ajoute une crise climatique qui pourrait rendre la planète inhabitable.

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Labour Day 2020: Unlock labour’s enormous potential to lead the struggle!

Labour Day

This Labour Day, working people and the labour movement are facing challenges not seen since the 1920s and ‘30s. A pandemic for which there is still no vaccine, an economic crisis that has left millions without work or wages, and a growing war danger – this time with nuclear and conventional weapons that could destroy the whole world. Add to this a climate change crisis that could make the planet uninhabitable, and it’s a bleak picture.

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On 75th anniversary of atomic bombing Communists call for renewed campaigns for disarmament and abolition

No To Annexation

As people around the world commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 6 and 9, 1945, the Communist Party of Canada calls for renewed campaigns for disarmament and abolition of nuclear arms.

The use of nuclear weapons by the United States – the first and, so far, only time these weapons of mass destruction have been used in combat – was a criminal act of imperialist aggression. It marked the beginning of humanity’s existential threat by its own actions.

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No To Annexation

This year, Pride events and mobilizations across the country take place in profoundly difficult conditions, marked by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and deep economic crisis. The twin threats of the economic crisis and the pandemic are seriously weakening and destroying the social relationships and institutions of communities: the social spaces that bring the community together are closing, sometimes permanently. A recent country-wide survey indicated that the pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on 2S/LGBTiQ+ people. We have also seen the evaporation of services and supports, painstakingly built up over decades by dedicated community activists.

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