Reaction, genocide, environmental catastrophe – and growing resistance 

Report of the Central Committee, Communist Party of Canada, February 10-11, 2024

The International Situation

Since we last met, the international situation has become more acute, with US imperialism’s dangerous drive from Cold Wars to hot wars around the world, including the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Africa, India, and Latin America.  

As the general crisis of capitalism deepens, specific problems also deepen.  Everything is magnified.   

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Central Committee Political Report, June 2023

Report of the Central Commitee, Communist Party of Canada, June 17-18, 2023

CPC logo on red flag

International Situation: War

The danger of global war continues to grow larger as imperialism escalates its provocations against China, DPRK, and Cuba, and fuels the expansion of the war in Ukraine with massive exports of munitions and military hardware including tanks from Germany , Canada, the US and 11 other NATO countries; drones, and F-16 fighter jets promised for short order delivery from the US. These weapons are being used in the current Ukrainian offensive against Russia which NATO proposes should be accelerated with foreign troops joining Ukrainians on the battlefield. This would expand the war to other European countries with all the consequences that would entail.

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On the Recent Social Media Attacks on the Communist Party

The Communist Party of Canada was subject to a vicious attack on social media, in the lead up to our 40th Convention in early July and afterwards. This attack has not stopped the Party’s recruiting and activities, including the publication of our press. But a false narrative widely amplified on twitter and other platforms continues. This message is to encourage interested people to examine this situation with a critical analysis.

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Block the Drive to the Far Right!

DEFEND Democracy – Reject the People’s Party of Canada

The far-right People’s Party of Canada has worked hard to portray itself as a friend of working people and an opponent of the wealthy and privileged.  The Conservative Party has attempted the same sleight of hand, with less success, because working people still remember the Harper government and the hardship it delivered during and after the 2008-09 economic crisis.

In fact both parties represent the interests of the wealthy and privileged, and are committed opponents of working class and democratic rights and interests.  Not a big surprise since the People’s Party is a far-right splinter formed when its leader, Maxime Bernier lost the Conservative Party leadership race in 2018.

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Afghanistan – Imperialist Brutality, People’s Misery

Two decades ago, the United States invaded Afghanistan, with the support and involvement of Canada and other NATO allies. It was the start of the “War on Terror,” waged in part under the pretext of humanitarian intervention to “liberate” the people of Afghanistan from the Taliban and bring peace, democracy and stability to the region.

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Communists Campaign for Peace, Climate Justice, and a People’s Recovery

The Communist Party of Canada will run 26 candidates in major cities across Canada on a platform of peace, climate justice, and a People’s Recovery.

“Canada urgently needs an independent Canadian foreign policy of peace and disarmament, withdrawal from NATO and NORAD, that upholds international law and rejects illegal US regime change and the overthrow of governments it doesn’t like”, said Communist Party leader Elizabeth Rowley today.

“We need to cut military spending by 75% and use that money to create jobs, build affordable social housing, build a universal public childcare system, fund post-secondary education and eliminate tuition for students,” she said. “That’s investing in our youth, in the future – not the horrors of war that could destroy the whole planet.”

Communists will also campaign for immediate reduction of carbon emissions, not by increasing the price of emissions as proposed by the Liberals, but by shuttering the fossil fuel industry and moving decisively to a publicly owned and democratically controlled renewable energy sector.   “Communists would guarantee the jobs and wages of workers displaced in the transition from fossil fuels to renewables.  Renewables will create far more jobs for workers than fossil fuels ever did,” said Rowley, adding “and it will not suffocate the planet – or trample the rights of Indigenous nations”.

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Yes to Queer Liberation! No to Commodification!

A Pride 2021 statement by the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, and the CPC Pride Commission

The Pride Commission, made up of queer comrades from across the country, is an advisory body in the CPC.

Pride is again happening during the Covid-19 global pandemic. Under the conditions of capitalism, the pandemic is imposing harsher conditions on queer people. The Communist Party of Canada stands with the Two-Spirit / Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Intersex / Queer + (2S/LGBTiQ+)  community as it resists attacks from rightwing forces. In Canada, many in the growing and diverse 2S/LGBTiQ+ community face impoverishment, homelessness, unemployment and poverty, in a harsh capitalist reality. A small privileged section of the queer community are being assimilated into the mainstream of capitalist society, at the price of less privileged 2S/LGBTiQ+ people and other exploited and oppressed people. 

‘Rainbow Capitalism’ is not the answer

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Germany: no to the censorship of Communists in the next federal elections!

The Communist Party of Canada expresses its full solidarity with the German Communist Party (DKP) and unreservedly condemns the decision of the Federal Chief Electoral Officer (Bundeswahlleiter) to prevent German Communists from standing in the federal election of September 26 and the possible revoking of political party status of the DKP.

Supposedly motivated by a bureaucratic decision that the DKP was unable to file its financial statements on time, in fact this decision is purely political. The DKP had, as early as May 2020, received an official letter from the authorities according to which the necessary conditions were met for their participation. Receiving a letter asserting the contrary and threatening the withdrawal of political party status at the 11th hour can only be seen as a political provocation.

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Solidarité avec Cuba contre les tentatives de déstabilisation soutenues par les États-Unis

Mettre fin au blocus illégal et inhumain

Le Parti communiste du Canada dénonce les efforts de déstabilisation contre Cuba qui ont eu lieu la semaine dernière, simultanément à Cuba et dans des villes hors du pays. Ces manifestations ont clairement bénéficié de l’appui et de la participation des États-Unis. 

Le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa solidarité complète avec le peuple, le gouvernement et le Parti communiste cubains dans la défense de leur indépendance, leur souveraineté et leur révolution socialiste. Nous saluons les milliers de Cubains et de Cubaines révolutionnaires, y compris le président Miguel Díaz-Canel, qui sont descendus dans la rue pour mettre fin à cette provocation. 

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Assassination of Jovenel Moïse: a maneuver that disserves the interests of Haitians

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the assassination of Jovenel Moïse, the de facto president of Haiti, which occurred the night of July 6 to 7. The assassination was carried out by a commando group of 28 mercenaries, 26 from Colombia and 2 from the United States. Beyond the political intrigue surrounding who organized this attack, we are concerned that this operation only reinforces the local reactionary oligarchy in addition to providing new pretext for another military occupation by the imperialist powers (notably the Core Group member countries of which Canada is a member).

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