End CSIS’ “foreign interference” propaganda campaign

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the continuation of the Foreign Interference Inquiry this fall. The Inquiry, initiated by a CSIS propaganda campaign, constitutes neo-McCarthyism which threatens democracy and the rights of immigrants while preparing the public for war.

The government’s actions coming out of the first round of the inquiry in the spring were to establish a Foreign Agents Registry and expand CSIS’s powers. This represents an alarming erosion of civil liberties, disproportionately targeting immigrant communities and stoking fear and xenophobia without offering meaningful solutions. This inquiry, which is reconvening, lacks transparency, as senior security officials and the government have presented heavily redacted evidence, leaving the Canadian public in the dark.

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End the Inquiry into Foreign Interference’s McCarthyism!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada demands an immediate end to the so-called “Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference”. This inquiry is on track to become a political trial where the public will have no access to any of the evidence. The inquiry we really need is into CSIS (the Canadian Security Intelligence Service) and their collaboration with Global News and the Globe and Mail to smear political figures across the country, many of these Chinese Canadians, while creating a climate of McCarthyism that threatens democratic rights. This is the real political interference on full display in Canada today.

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No to Hassan Diab’s second extradition!

The Communist Party of Canada expresses its complete support for the call issued by the committee for Justice for Hassan Diab and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University to the Government of Canada to reject any request from the Government of France to extradite Hassan Diab.

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CPC calls for a public inquiry into CSIS wrong-doing and dirty tricks

CSIS interference in Canadian elections, politics and democracy smacks of McCarthyism

A campaign by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service claiming, without any evidence, that the 2019 federal election was interfered with by foreign governments including China, smacks of McCarthyism, and exposes CSIS as an illegal political actor in Canadian politics, actively supporting the Conservative Party.

We call for a public inquiry into the operations of CSIS which have crossed the line into political action and interference in the governance of Canada, in foreign policy, and in the political and democratic rights of all citizens including those of Chinese descent.

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Emergencies Act Inquiry: stand with anti-fascists against attacks on democratic rights

The Public Order Emergency Commission has begun public hearings into the declaration of emergency powers last winter. Subsequent events and revelations have strengthened the argument raised by the Communist Party of Canada at the time: that the dangerous growth of fascist forces called for immediate action to protect and strengthen democratic and civil rights, using existing laws, to protect the public and disperse illegal occupations, but not to eliminate these rights altogether.

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Un Statut D’immigration Complet Pour Tous! Droits Des Travailleurs-Euses Pour Tous!

Le Parti communiste du Canada se joint à l’appel lancé au gouvernement fédéral pour qu’il accorde immédiatement le statut de résident permanent à tous les travailleurs-euses sans statut et à ceux qui ont un statut temporaire au Canada. Le 18 septembre, des manifestations à travers le Canada demanderont au gouvernement Trudeau d’inclure tous les sans-papiers dans son programme de régularisation de l’immigration annoncé précédemment, bien que non défini. Ce n’est qu’en accordant un statut à tous que les droits fondamentaux des travailleurs-euses pourront réellement s’appliquer à tous les travailleurs-euses, en relevant le plancher des salaires et des conditions de vie et de travail pour tous.

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Full Immigration Status for All! Workers’ Rights for All!

The Communist Party of Canada joins the call on the federal government to immediately extend permanent resident status to all non-status and temporary status workers in Canada. On September 18th, demonstrations across Canada will call on the Trudeau government to include all undocumented migrants in their previously announced, although undefined, immigration regularization program. Only through providing status to all can basic workers’ rights truly apply to all workers, raising the floor on wages and living and working conditions for all.

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50 years after the October Crisis


Labour, democratic, civil and equality rights in the crosshairs

October marks 50 years since the October crisis of 1970, during which PM Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act, suspended civil and democratic rights across Canada and sent thousands of troops to occupy Quebec. The government’s real purpose for this unprecedented act during peacetime was to suppress the struggle for national self-determination in Quebec, and to intimidate the working class and democratic forces in Quebec and across Canada.

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Les communistes appellent à l’unité et à la solidarité avec le soulèvement contre les meurtres racistes commis par la police


Comité exécutif central, Parti communiste du Canada

Le Parti communiste du Canada est pleinement solidaire avec la rébellion actuelle contre les meurtres racistes commis par la police. Nous saluons tous ceux et celles qui s’opposent au racisme et qui réclament justice pour les personnes assassinées par les forces de police qui sont autorisées et encouragées à agir en toute impunité.

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Communist Party Condemns Conservatives’ Racist Attacks on Dr. Theresa Tam

Derek Sloan racist

The scurrilous and racist attack by Conservative MP Derek Sloan, who suggested in a video on Tuesday that Dr. Theresa Tam “work(s) for China” and should be fired from her job as Canada’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, is hate speech that should be followed up with charges under Canada’s hate speech laws.

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