Communist Party launches outreach and recruitment campaign

Right across Canada, people are challenging the abuses of capitalism and asking serious questions about how to move forward to a better world.  Recent years have seen huge popular struggles:  protests against corporate trade sellouts, the Idle No More movement for indigenous sovereignty, the Quebec student strike, mobilizations against fracking and tar sands exports, labour … Read more

Hands Off Syria: Keep up anti-war actions!

Syria: The Ongoing Imperialist Drive to War and the Need for Anti-war Mobilizing The imperialist drive to launch a military attack on Syria, which was rapidly accelerating only weeks ago, has been temporarily forced back. This is a victory for the forces of peace and solidarity, but the danger of escalation and direct intervention remain very … Read more

Communist Party Condemns Attack on Canada Post

The Communist Party of Canada joins with the labour movement and its community allies in condemning the federal government’s unilateral decision to eliminate home delivery, raise postal rates, and cut thousands of jobs. While the “restructuring” announcement was made by Canada Post Corporation, these measures are orchestrated by the Harper Tories, as part of their overall agenda to privatize public services and to attack the rights and interests of organized workers.

If implemented, these changes would make Canada the first country in the world to completely replace door‑to‑door delivery of urban mail with the “community mail boxes” which were imposed despite major opposition in rural areas across the country. Those negatively affected will include huge numbers of pensioners and people with disabilities who will find it much more difficult to get their mail on a regular basis. The reduction of service levels and staggering price increases to begin next March will also devastate thousands of small businesses and charities which rely heavily on lettermail to maintain contact with customers and pay their bills. The bland reassurances of Canada Post and Harper government cabinet ministers that these are “minor problems” ring completely hollow.

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Are you a terrorist?

As the Globe has noted, “one of the sections of the bill touted most loudly by Prime Minister Stephen Harper would make it illegal to promote terrorism ‘in general.’ But even the experts don’t know what that means. It is already an offence to urge people to commit a terrorist act. What does this law … Read more

Other voices against Bill C-51

New laws “won’t keep Canadians safer” New laws and new powers don’t necessarily guarantee security. But new laws that violate constitutional rights are a prescription for mistakes, and mistakes won’t keep Canadians safer.  Sukanya Pillay, Executive Director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association “A secret police force” Prime Minister Stephen Harper never tires of telling Canadians that we are at war with the Islamic State. … Read more

Bill C-51 in 30 seconds

1. ACTING OUTSIDE THE LAW Under this legislation, CSIS agents will be allowed to act against any perceived “threat to the security of Canada,” without a judicial warrant if they claim that their activities do not contravene Charter rights or the law. 2. DISRUPT “RADICAL” WEBSITES CSIS would be permitted to disrupt vaguely defined “radical … Read more


Campaign pamphlet. Stop Bill C 51 – CPC If you would like to hand out copies of this leaflet in your community, we would be happy to mail you copies. Please contact a local CPC office to order. Email: text in French and English Email – Defeat Police State Laws Dîtes au parlement qu’il doit … Read more

Stop C-51! Write you MP!

Step one: Get your postal code Step two: follow this link to find your member of Parliament or view all the MPs here. Step two: draft a letter! Here is a sample letter against Bill C-51. Note that mail to parliament is free. Step three: forward to friends!  

Take action

Petitions, letters, statements and resolutions to MPs: – For a draft a resolution for your labour or community organizations, check out our downloads page. Please note the following are links to external websites. – Sign the Peoples Voice petition calling to scrap the Bill — and CSIS! – Sign the Green Party of Canada petition against the … Read more

Collective punishment: as Canadian as Maple Syrup?

By Kimball Cariou

As the global debate over the Charlie Hebdo killings descends into chest‑thumping and finger‑pointing, Canadians are being treated to the latest round of arguments over how to “defend our values.” For me personally, the term “Canadian values” brings to mind maple syrup, three‑down football, Hockey Night in Punjabi, the lyrics to “I’se the b’y that builds the boat”, sugar‑dipped fried bannock, and similar cultural constructs found only within the borders of Canada. But perhaps this simply reflects my own family and geographic background.

On the political level, the debate revolves around “protecting our cherished freedoms,” and other noble‑sounding phrases. Some argue that in these perilous times, we must keep a close eye on potential suicide bombers of a certain… well, let’s be polite and not mention the characteristics shared by these wannabe terrorists, but we all know what we’re talking about, nudge nudge, wink wink. Other more liberal‑minded folks are shocked by such talk. After all, Canada is the great land of multiculturalism, the destiny all people facing persecution; surely to engage in racial or religious profiling is to violate this sacred tradition. Well, they admit, perhaps its OK a little bit, if we establish proper “safeguards” and “sunset clauses” to avoid “going overboard”.

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