Le 19 octobre, votez pour donner la priorité aux besoins des travailleuses et des travailleurs plutôt qu’aux profits des compagnies.

9e août 2015
La plateforme électorale du parti communiste du Canada propose: le plein emploi et des salaires plus élevés; l’imposition du « 1% » et non plus de celles et ceux qui sont dans le besoin; le développement des programmes sociaux; la protection des droits du travail; la nationalisation des ressources naturelles et énergétiques ainsi que des banques; le retrait de l’OTAN; la réduction des émissions de carbone; l’abrogation des lois sur la sécurité d’État; la justice pour les peuples autochtones; l’égalité des sexes.

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On October 19, vote to put the needs of working people and the environment first, before corporate profit!

August 9th, 2015
The Communist Party of Canada’s election platform includes: full employment and higher wages; tax the “one percent”, not the needy; expand social programs; a massive housing program; protect labour rights; nationalize energy, natural resources, and the banks; withdraw from NATO; cut carbon emissions; scrap “security state” laws; justice for Aboriginal peoples; full gender equality.

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The Federal Election: rejecting the Tories agenda, creating conditions for advance

The following commentary is from the Political Report of the June Central Committee meeting. You can read the full report here.

After nine years of Tory rule, the coming federal elections on October 19th will provide a crucial opportunity to finally remove the reactionary government of PM Stephen Harper and the Conservatives from office, to reject their political agenda, and to create better conditions for democratic and progressive advance in the post-election period.

After finally securing a parliamentary majority in 2011, the most recent term of the Harper government has been particularly disastrous for the working class, for Canada’s indigenous peoples, for the cause of peace, and for our environment. As we predicted at the time, “The Harper Conservatives’ full-blown program will quickly [now] come to the fore: their ‘law and order’ agenda, the further imperialist drive to militarization and war, and a sharpened assault on labour, democratic and social rights and services.”

The Conservatives won that election because of overwhelming support they received from Canadian and international finance capital. The Tories had long been the preferred political vehicle of some circles of monopoly, especially in the oil and financial sectors. But they are now the ‘party of choice’ for virtually all sections of big business in Canada – the party upon which finance capital can rely to carry through its class offensive ruthlessly and without hesitation. As such, the Harper Conservatives remain the main enemy of the working class and its allies, and their defeat on October 19th must be the most immediate and pressing priority for all of the labour and democratic forces across the country.

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Release all prisoners from the Freedom Flotilla

The Communist Party of Canada demands the immediate release of all participants arrested on the recent “Freedom Flotilla” to Gaza earlier this week by the Israeli Defense Forces, and calls for the Harper Conservative government to ensure the safety of the detained Canadian citizens and their speedy return home.

Early in the morning of Monday June 29, at about 100 natical miles from the Gaza coast , the Israeli Navy illegally hijacked one of the Freedom Flotilla boats. The Freedom Flotilla is on route to Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid relief, including solar panels and medical equipment. A Swedish aid worker was repeatedly tasered during by IDF commandos the boarding, their boat was seized, and the eighteen participants and crew were kidnapped. Included in the group were Canadians Robert Lovelace and Kevin Neish.

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CPC running over twenty candidates in federal election

From People’s Voice newspaper

Meeting over the June 13-14 weekend in Toronto, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada reviewed a recent upsurge of membership recruiting, and stepped up plans for the federal election expected on October 19. The CC meeting also set the ball rolling for the party’s 38th Central Convention, planned for May 2016.
CPC leader Miguel Figueroa opened the gathering with a wide-ranging report on the international situation, and on political developments in Canada.

Figueroa warned that “the main feature today is the dramatic escalation in militarism and the drive to war by U.S. imperialism and its allies… by growing interference in the domestic affairs of other countries, and by outright intervention to overturn states and governments perceived to be hostile to its regional or global interests…. (and by) an all-sided offensive to roll back the social and economic gains of the working class and working people generally, and sharpened attacks on labour, democratic and civil rights.”

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