Canada has welcomed fascists, collaborators and war criminals since 1946

While Parliament seeks to wash its hands of the spectacle of its two standing ovations for a Nazi collaborator whose Waffen SS Division murdered hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Poles from 1943 to 1945, the truth is that thousands of fascist troops were brought to live in Canada, the US, and the UK as part of the Cold War. In Canada, welcoming Nazis, war criminals, and collaborators was Canadian government policy.

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50 ans plus tard : honorons les disparus, soyons dignes de leur combat

Le 50e anniversaire du 11 septembre 1973 évoque des souvenirs sombres de l’un des actes les plus infâmes de terreur et de violence impérialistes. Trois ans après la victoire historique de septembre 1970, le président démocratiquement élu Salvador Allende et son gouvernement de l’Unité populaire sont renversés par une junte militaire soutenue par l’impérialisme états-unien.

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50th anniversary of the fascist coup in Chile

Honour the fallen, fight for their vision

The 50th anniversary of September 11, 1973 brings somber memories of one of the most infamous acts of imperialist terror and violence. Three years after the historic victory of September 1970, democratically elected president Salvador Allende and his Popular Unity government were overthrown by a traitorous military junta backed by US imperialism.

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Emergencies Act Inquiry: stand with anti-fascists against attacks on democratic rights

The Public Order Emergency Commission has begun public hearings into the declaration of emergency powers last winter. Subsequent events and revelations have strengthened the argument raised by the Communist Party of Canada at the time: that the dangerous growth of fascist forces called for immediate action to protect and strengthen democratic and civil rights, using existing laws, to protect the public and disperse illegal occupations, but not to eliminate these rights altogether.

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Solidarity and Action to Oppose the Anti-democratic Attacks of the Modi Government in India

Over the past six months, the right-wing, pro-U.S. imperialist BJP/RSS Government of India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has moved sharply to attack the constitutional underpinnings of India as a secular, democratic state which have been in place ever since its emancipation of British colonial rule in 1947. These dangerous moves are part of a broader agenda in practices the ideas of communalism and Hindu nationalism on both the state and society, at the expense of various minorities, especially the very large Muslim minority which constitutes almost 15% of the entire population of India.

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Stop Bannon: Hate speech is criminal activity

Defenders of Steve Bannon and his campaign of hate argue that he has the right to speak under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They say free speech means everything should be on the table and a good debate will determine which ideas are right and which are wrong.

That’s the argument in today’s Toronto Star, headlined “Don’t Fear This Debate”.

But it’s the Toronto Star that’s wrong. The ideas that Bannon promotes are racist, xenophobic and misogynist. They are intended to stoke feelings of hatred and fear against immigrants and especially Muslims and racialized peoples in Canada. This is hate speech and it’s illegal in Canada.

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Refugees Welcome: Scrap the ‘Safe Third Country Agreement’ and all xenophobic and racist immigration policies

The Communist Party of Canada calls on the Trudeau government and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Ahmed Hussen to end meetings with U.S. counterparts discussing expanding and continuing the xenophobic “Safe Third Country Agreement” and instead immediately withdraw from the agreement.

Minister Hussen, over the last two months, has been trying to reach a new deal with the U.S. which would restrict “irregular entry” of refugees into Canada. In fact, it is the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) itself that forces refugees to cross the U.S.-Canadian border at non-official points of entry. If Trudeau’s claims to welcome refugees were sincere, the agreement would have been torn up in 2015 when he and his government were elected.

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Honour the victory at Stalingrad – defeat 21st Century fascism!

This month marks the 75th anniversary of the turning point of the Second World War – the Battle of Stalingrad. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada salutes this historic victory over Hitler fascism by the Soviet Red Army, a victory which was won at such great cost to the people of the Soviet Union. Their heroic sacrifices blocked the threat of fascism in Europe and on a global scale.

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100th anniversary of Great October Revolution

Throughout November, celebrations around the world will mark the centenary of the outstanding political event of the 20th century: the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917. By overthrowing the Russian capitalists, landowners and aristocrats, the workers, peasants and soldiers of the Tsarist empire opened the door to a new society in which humanity’s dreams of peace, equality and democracy began to become reality. The storming of the Winter Palace, signaled by the guns of the Aurora cruiser, began the historical epoch of the transition towards a socialist society, based on cooperation and social justice, not the  exploitation and oppression inherent in the profit-driven capitalist system.

The October Revolution was far more than a change in government. It was a fundamental social upheaval, a sharp break with thousands of years of class-divided societies. For the first time, the working class took lasting political power, shattering the myth that only the owners of wealth can rule.

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Unite and fight: Jobs, democracy, sovereignty and peace

This Labour Day 2017, is the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia. Against all odds, the Russian workers defended their socialist revolution against invasion, fascism and wars, at an enormous cost of 22 million Soviet lives. Their goal was to create a new workers’ state in which the exploitation of one human being by another was abolished forever.

100 years later, the peoples of the world are once again facing war, racism, exploitation and fascism, while the USSR – a great counter-weight to US imperialism and global war – has been overthrown. The world has changed, but the struggle for peace, jobs, democracy, sovereignty and socialism remains the goal of millions of workers around the world.

Today working people in Canada and around the globe are faced not only with the ongoing corporate assault against jobs and living standards, but with a US president willing to launch a nuclear war which could devastate humanity. It’s time to unite and fight – for jobs, democracy, sovereignty and peace.

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