Mary Simon Goveror-General appointment does nothing to tackle the real issues

The appointment of long-time Inuit leader Mary Simon as the new Governor-General of Canada marks the first time that a person of Indigenous origin has held this office, as the formal representative in Canada of the British monarch. The fact that PM Justin Trudeau chose to recommend Simon for this position reflects the intense political pressure on his Liberal government to take action on the urgent issues faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada, such as dire poverty levels, high rates of incarceration and homelessness, inadequate access to education, health care and social services, and much more.

The Communist Party of Canada considers this appointment as a political move by the PM to give the impression that his government takes these issues seriously, since a federal election call is expected soon. Despite their previous election promises to implement the 94 Calls to Action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, the federal Liberals have been dragging their feet for years, making little progress on many of these specific and concrete measures. 

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Communists Demand the Federal Government Act to Protect Mi’kmaq Fishers and Fishing Rights!

The Communist Party of Canada stands with Mi’kmaq fishers, the Sipekne’katik First Nation and Indigenous nations across Canada who are demanding protection for Indigenous fishers and the legal Indigenous fishery under attack by mobs of 200 or more people in New Edinburgh and Middle West Pubnico, Nova Scotia this week.    

The attacks have escalated over the past weeks from harassment and interference with Indigenous fishers on land and at sea, to the illegal theft and destruction of Indigenous lobster traps, equipment, ramming Indigenous boats, burning a fish boat, and firing live ammunition at Indigenous fishers, to the destruction of two Indigenous fish storage facilities with rocks and gasoline while fishers were trapped inside this week.   Throughout all of these events, the RCMP and police have stood idly by, watching the attacks unfold.

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Pipelines violate Indigenous rights and threaten the planet

As resistance grows against the Coastal GasLink pipeline and the massive RCMP invasion of Wet’suwet’en territories, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, meeting over the Feb. 8-9 weekend in Toronto, sends greetings of solidarity to all who are in struggle today for Indigenous rights and environmental justice.

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Flics et compagnies, hors du territoire traditionnel Wet’suwet’en!

Malgré les discours des politicien-ne-s et des chefs d’entreprise à propos de la «réconciliation» et du «respect des droits autochtones», l’invasion du territoire traditionnel  Wet’suwet’en dans le centre-nord de la Colombie-Britannique par la Coastal GasLink (CGL) et la GRC se poursuit. À la suite de la récente ordonnance de la Cour suprême de Colombie Britannique privilégiant les intérêts des pipelines et l’extraction des ressources, le Parti communiste du Canada exprime sa pleine solidarité avec les chefs héréditaires Wet’suwet’en et les autres défenseur-dresse-s des terres, et se prononce pour l’expulsion de CGL de ce territoire traditionnel.

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Cops and corporations out of Wet’suwet’en traditional territory

Despite the rhetoric by politicians and corporate bosses about “reconciliation” and “respect for Indigenous rights,” the invasion of Wet’suwet’en traditional territory in north-central British Columbia by Coastal GasLink (CGL) and the RCMP continues. In the wake of the latest B.C. Supreme Court injunction prioritizing the interests of resource extraction pipelines, the Communist Party of Canada expresses our full solidarity to the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs and other land defenders, and for the eviction of CGL from this traditional territory.

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Communist Party welcomes legal victory over Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

The Communist Party of Canada welcomes today’s Federal Court of Appeal ruling which overturns the federal government’s approvals to build the Trans Mountain expansion project. This decision builds upon decades of legal and political struggles by Indigenous peoples in British Columbia and across Canada; it is truly a historic victory over the resource extraction corporations and other capitalist interests which have dominated this country since Confederation, and going back to the time of European colonization.

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Justin Trudeau’s trail of broken promises

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won the 2015 election largely by pledging to take a different course than the Harper Conservatives on many key issues. This included his call for a new nation-to-nation relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples, full acceptance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and promises to act on all the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). If these promises had actually been carried out, this would have meant a sharp break with the historic policies of both the Liberal and Conservative parties, which have always imposed various forms of colonial, assimilationist and genocidal policies upon the Indigenous peoples within the borders of the Canadian state.

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Support Indigenous communities resisting the Trans Mountain pipeline extension

The Federal Liberals’ support for the Trans Mountain pipeline makes a mockery of any promise to give Indigenous peoples the veto on developments affecting them, and to recognize Indigenous sovereignty while also trashing commitments on climate change. The difference between Tory all-out support for all pipelines, up to and including climate change denial, and Liberal support for some pipelines, despite their intended reform of the environmental review process, is at best stylistic. There is no difference of substance.

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Solidarity with Indigenous peoples’ demands for justice!

The acquittal of Gerald Stanley, who fired the shot that killed Colten Boushie, is a stinging indictment of the systemic racism which permeates the entire policing and legal system. The Communist Party of Canada stands in full solidarity with the demands of the Boushie/Baptiste family for genuine reforms to the institutions which continue to systematically deny justice to Indigenous peoples and racialized communities.

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Reset the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

This February 14th, as in past years, marches will be held across Canada to commemorate the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. The February 14th marches demanding justice have been being held for almost three decades, but the current need for action is as great as ever before.

The Communist Party of Canada continues to stand in solidarity with the families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and all those fighting for an end to the ongoing violence.  We demand the government act now to deliver on long delayed promises to address the violence against Indigenous women and girls and to reset the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls.

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