More unmarked graves – new evidence of genocide

Ever since the May 2021 revelation of 215 potential unmarked graves at the former “residential school” in Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation (Kamloops), similar discoveries have been made across Canada. This is a searing indictment of the genocidal record of Canadian governments, which still fail to provide the resources and equipment necessary to answer many painful questions raised by survivors of these institutions and their families. Shamefully, while the federal Liberals commit tens of billions of dollars for fighter jets and other weapons systems, they have not made it a priority to help bring some degree of closure and certainty to Indigenous peoples who were the targets of cultural and physical genocide.

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On Sept. 30: honour the victims and survivors, demand real justice and equality of nations

Orange rectangle

The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (“Orange Shirt Day”) on September 30 is an important occasion for all who live in Canada to pay a solemn tribute to the victims and survivors of the so-called “residential school system,” which was an instrument to further the assimilationist and genocidal agenda imposed against Indigenous peoples.

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Mary Simon Goveror-General appointment does nothing to tackle the real issues

The appointment of long-time Inuit leader Mary Simon as the new Governor-General of Canada marks the first time that a person of Indigenous origin has held this office, as the formal representative in Canada of the British monarch. The fact that PM Justin Trudeau chose to recommend Simon for this position reflects the intense political pressure on his Liberal government to take action on the urgent issues faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada, such as dire poverty levels, high rates of incarceration and homelessness, inadequate access to education, health care and social services, and much more.

The Communist Party of Canada considers this appointment as a political move by the PM to give the impression that his government takes these issues seriously, since a federal election call is expected soon. Despite their previous election promises to implement the 94 Calls to Action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, the federal Liberals have been dragging their feet for years, making little progress on many of these specific and concrete measures. 

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Le 1er juillet n’est pas jour de célébrations !

La découverte tragique de 751 tombes anonymes sur le site de l’ancien pensionnat autochtone de Marieval en Saskatchewan est un exemple poignant de ce qui est loin d’être seulement une page sombre de l’histoire du Canada. Durant plus d’un siècle, ces institutions ont été la pierre angulaire de l’effort suprématiste blanc d’assimilation des peuples autochtones en détruisant leurs langues, leurs pratiques culturelles et leurs croyances spirituelles. L’État canadien impérialiste actuel tire ses origines de la saisie, par le régime colonial, des terres des Autochtones et de l’exploitation capitaliste de la classe ouvrière, ce qui permet à une minorité de millionnaires et de milliardaires d’accumuler une richesse colossale, mais qui n’offre aux Premières nations, aux Métis et aux Inuits que la destruction et la mort.

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Genocide Revealed

Free Palestine

The Communist Party of Canada expresses deep sorrow and sympathy to the Indigenous survivors of  500 years of colonial and capitalist genocide, including more than a century of the residential school system which forcibly removed 150,000 children from their families, and is responsible for the death of thousands.

We support the AFN’s demand that the federal government  immediately act to uncover other mass graves of children in residential schools across Canada and to identify and repatriate the remains to their families and communities.

We demand that the federal government and Parliament act now to implement all of the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, of which only 10 of 94 have been implemented to date, and another 24 are ‘in progress’, 40 are under discussion, and 20 haven’t been touched.  We further demand that the recommendations of the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls must also be enacted now.

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Communists Demand the Federal Government Act to Protect Mi’kmaq Fishers and Fishing Rights!

The Communist Party of Canada stands with Mi’kmaq fishers, the Sipekne’katik First Nation and Indigenous nations across Canada who are demanding protection for Indigenous fishers and the legal Indigenous fishery under attack by mobs of 200 or more people in New Edinburgh and Middle West Pubnico, Nova Scotia this week.    

The attacks have escalated over the past weeks from harassment and interference with Indigenous fishers on land and at sea, to the illegal theft and destruction of Indigenous lobster traps, equipment, ramming Indigenous boats, burning a fish boat, and firing live ammunition at Indigenous fishers, to the destruction of two Indigenous fish storage facilities with rocks and gasoline while fishers were trapped inside this week.   Throughout all of these events, the RCMP and police have stood idly by, watching the attacks unfold.

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50 years after the October Crisis


Labour, democratic, civil and equality rights in the crosshairs

October marks 50 years since the October crisis of 1970, during which PM Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act, suspended civil and democratic rights across Canada and sent thousands of troops to occupy Quebec. The government’s real purpose for this unprecedented act during peacetime was to suppress the struggle for national self-determination in Quebec, and to intimidate the working class and democratic forces in Quebec and across Canada.

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Les communistes appellent à l’unité et à la solidarité avec le soulèvement contre les meurtres racistes commis par la police


Comité exécutif central, Parti communiste du Canada

Le Parti communiste du Canada est pleinement solidaire avec la rébellion actuelle contre les meurtres racistes commis par la police. Nous saluons tous ceux et celles qui s’opposent au racisme et qui réclament justice pour les personnes assassinées par les forces de police qui sont autorisées et encouragées à agir en toute impunité.

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Pipelines violate Indigenous rights and threaten the planet

As resistance grows against the Coastal GasLink pipeline and the massive RCMP invasion of Wet’suwet’en territories, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, meeting over the Feb. 8-9 weekend in Toronto, sends greetings of solidarity to all who are in struggle today for Indigenous rights and environmental justice.

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