Canada Must Condemn the Criminal Israeli Bombing of Gaza

photo of two men running from bombing in Gaza

The Communist Party of Canada unequivocally condemns the Zionist aggression against the people of Gaza. A three day Israeli bombing campaign on Gaza has left at least 49 Palestinians dead, including 17 children. Israel alleges their criminal attack was ‘pre-emptive’, a claim that has nothing to do with reality. The Israeli war machine dropped bombs on residential dwellings and critical infrastructure that was still being rebuilt and repaired from last year’s bombing campaign.

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US Marks Hiroshima-Nagasaki Anniversary with Provocations and Threats of War with China

The world marks the 77th anniversary of the US nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with new US provocations in Asia, this time aimed at China and the people of Taiwan.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s expedition to Taiwan accompanied by US fighter jets, battle ships and an aircraft carrier circling China’s borders , “to protect /defend democracy” – led to the scrambling of Chinese fighter jets in response, in a confrontation that had the whole world on edge for several days.

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Condemn the Repression of Communists in Sudan

The Communist Party of Canada condemns the continued repression of communists in Sudan. In particular, we denounce the siege of the offices of the Sudanese Communist Party where demonstrators opposed to the military regime have taken refuge, as well as the intimidation and arrest of leaders of this sister party in the vanguard of the struggle against the military junta in power since 2019 and sponsored by imperialism.

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Solidarity with the Ukrainian Komsomol – Free the Kononovich brothers!

Ukrainian Komsomol leaders Alexander and Mikhail Kononovich have been detained by the Ukrainian state since March 3. Mikhail Kononovich is the leader of the Komsomol affiliated with the Communist Party of Ukraine, which was made illegal in 2015 following the Canadian-backed coup. Both brothers are leaders in the World Federation of Democratic Youth. The brothers were arrested on trumped up charges of espionage as part of a broad crackdown on the peace movement, the left, and Communists.

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1er mai 2022 – L’unité, la combattivité et la lutte des travailleur-euses pour renverser la vapeur

Photo of fist with text: 1er Mai 2022

Le premier mai 2022 marque une année de “reprise corporative“ de la crise économique concomitante à la COVID. Une crise qui a fait souffrir beaucoup de travailleur-euses, au Canada comme ailleurs. Une année également marquée par une escalade militaire qui mène directement à la guerre en Ukraine et menace de d’embraser toute l’Europe. 2022 est aussi une année où il y a eu un renouement au niveau de l’organisation et du militantisme au sein de la classe ouvrière et des personnes opprimées. Cette reprise de vigueur de la lutte des classes donne espoir pour renverser la vague d’austérité, de guerre, de néolibéralisme et, en définitive, le capitalisme.

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May Day 2022 – workers can turn the tide with unity, solidarity and struggle!

Picture of fist with text: May Day 2022 -workers can turn the tide with unity, solidarity & struggle!

May Day 2022 marks a year of “corporate recovery” from the COVID-related economic crisis which hammered workers in Canada and around the world. It marks a year in which escalating militarism and aggression erupted into a war in Ukraine which threatens to expand into a greater war in Europe. It also marks a year of renewed organizing and militancy by workers and oppressed people, signalling that an uptick in the class struggle through which working people can turn the tide against austerity, war, neoliberalism and ultimately capitalism.

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A Budget for War

Fighter jets and Chrystia Freeland with text: A budget for war

The 2022 federal budget is a product of the Liberal-NDP pact that promised to deliver pharmacare, denticare, affordable housing, and action on climate change, but in fact has delivered very little of these urgent policy commitments -urgent that is to working people across Canada.

But this budget certainly delivers for Big Business and the military, with new subsidies and tax breaks for the oil and gas sector, a $9 billion cut to spending including a $6 billion cut to program spending over 5 years, and deficit reduction plans that hinge on a “booming” economy to eliminate the $113.8 billion deficit by 2026.

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Liberal-NDP pact falls far short of what’s urgently needed

The Liberal-NDP Pact announced this week contains a lot of promises that working people have been waiting for, for a long time. The Romanow Commission proposed more than 20 years ago and to wide acclaim, to expand universal Medicare to include pharmacare, dental care, vision, and long-term care.

The Liberal’s own Dr. Eric Hoskins proposed a universal, single-payer pharmacare system in 2019.

These were good ideas then, and they’re good ideas now. But regrettably for working people and for public health, that’s not what’s on the table.

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